AP 2DSummer Assignments Summer 2017
- Join Google Classroom: 6gznzu
- Create a google slide with 4 images of your 4 strongest artworks that you would be willing to hang in your senior show and use in your AP exam. Due the 1st day of school, 7:30am. 40 points. Deadline: 2nd day of school. After that it will become a ZERO. Images may be from:
a)From Studio Art 1, 2
b)From any other art classes
c)From any other artwork you have done on your own
Note: Why am I requiring this? If you don’t have four strong pieces you are willing to submit for your exam, you are BEHIND SCHEDULE. Therefore, you need to make new artwork! Options:
d)From art work you do THIS SUMMER on your own or in other art classes
- Your 2 Summer Assignments
- Take an art class offered locally, I’ll give you a list of places
- Make art on your own or with your friends
1)Take high quality photos of your artwork
- Fill the frame, with as little background in the camera frame as possible. Then CROP it.
- In focus
- Well lit, outside on a cloudy day works well
- Camera parallel to the artwork if 2D
2)Copy and Paste 4 photos onto one Google slide
- Citation:Title, Month Year.Candidate’s Artwork. Media.
- 2D Portfolio: Check off which TWO of the assignments on the back that you chose:
Due the first day of school, 7:30am. 40 points each. Deadline: second day of school. After that it will become a ZERO.
- Optional for art supply prizes: #FillYourSketchbookRockville. Sketchbook must be completely filled by the 1st day of school for me to award you with prizes. Due the 1st day of school, at lunch. See official rules.
Why? The way to get better at drawing is to draw. (-C.Zammett) Even doodling will help you develop ideas and increase your comfort with a drawing tool. Trust me, filling this summer sketchbook has been a game changer for many of my IB and AP students over the years.
2D Portfolio: Check off which TWO of the assignments on the back that you chose:Due the first day of school, 7:30am. 40 points each. Deadline: second day of school. After that it will become a ZERO.
Asymmetrical Balance: Draw a self-portrait in your room from an unusual perspective / 10 points: self‐portrait represents you (doesn’t have to be realistic, must have 6 pieces of evidence that it’s you and not a generic teenager)20 points: in your room from unusual perspective
30 points: Asymmetrical Balance: Equal distribution of visual weight, whether symmetrical or asymmetrical. If symmetrical, the same or nearly the same on both“sides” of the image. If Asymmetrical, differences successfully balance out. Could be a large dark shape balanced by a small light shape, etc.
Unity-Variety: Create a triptych of photos of your family’s kitchen. Stage objects and props that tell a dramatic story. Maybe a mystery? Combine the three photos together (digitally or manually) to create a complete composition. / 10 points: triptych
10 points: objects and props (subject matter evidence) help tell the story
10 points: family kitchen portrayed
30 points: Unity-Variety:Excellent agreement among parts (unity) using repetition, proximity, or continuation. Simultaneous differences (variety) that add visual interest and rescue from being boring. [27-30= Excellently, 24-26=Got it!, 21-23=Almost, 18-20=Not Yet, 15-17=limited]
Emphasis/Contrast: Photograph a series of 2-5 friends in unrelated costumes acting “normal” in public places. Turn in your best 3 photographs. / 20 points: 2-5 costumed friends
10 points: out in a public place with other people around
30 points:Emphasis/Contrast: Excellent use of a focal point that attracts attention to a specific aspect of the art or design. Could use high contrast, isolation, or leading the eye.
[27-30= Excellently, 24-26=Got it!, 21-23=Almost, 18-20=Not Yet, 15-17=limited]
Figure-Ground Relationship: Set up white objects with interesting contour edges (folding chairs, ropes, cords, etc.) in front of a dark background. Collage the negative space with dark materials or paper onto white paper. Be sure to make it an interesting composition, with interesting positive and negative space! / 20 points: white objects with interesting contours in front of dark background.
10 points: Collaged paper and materials for the negative space ONLY.
30 points: Figure-Ground Relationship: Both Positive and Negative space are equally and excellently designed, planned, and considered. [27-30= Excellently, 24-26=Got it!, 21-23=Almost, 18-20=Not Yet, 15-17=limited]
Rhythm/Repetition: Create (with media of your choice) repeating wallpaper that you’d like to hang in your home. Look up my Pinterest board for examples/ideas. Also Google: Make a Repeat Pattern in 60 Seconds with Julia Rothman / 30 points: successful repeat pattern
30 points: Rhythm [27-30= Excellently, 24-26=Got it!, 21-23=Almost, 18-20=Not Yet, 15-17=limited]
Proportion/Scale: Paint/draw a tiny insect huge on the page interacting with a huge object drawn tiny. You may use creative commons photos for reference. (Google: creative commons image search) / 20 points: tiny insect drawn huge
10 points: huge object drawn tiny
30 points: Proportion/Scale: Excellent use of the size of parts for emphasis or symbolic importance, with dramatic size contrast for juxtaposition, or to create a monumental feeling. [27-30= Excellently, 24-26=Got it!, 21-23=Almost, 18-20=Not Yet, 15-17=limited]