2015–16 Electronic Educator Profile (EEP)
All educators who hold a Saskatchewan Teacher's Certificate and are employed by a Saskatchewan board of education, the conseilscolairefransaskois, an independent school, or an employer delivering an education program approved by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education are required to complete an Electronic Educator Profile (EEP).
The information collected in the EEP is used for a number of very important purposes:
•Calculation of the government’s contribution to the teachers’ health care plan.
•Distribution of provincial assessment information and resources.
•Responses to high profile national and international surveys about education in Saskatchewan.
•Development of an Education Sector Staffing Profile for the province and for each individual school division.
•Deployment of Blackboard accounts.
The Educator Sector Staffing Profile informs high level decision making within the government and among our partner organizations.
Step 1 - Educators: Please complete your EEP by September 14, 2015. Click here to begin your EEP.
Step 2 - Principals: Please complete your own EEP and facilitate the completion of the EEP by each educator on your staff by September 14, 2015. Once every educator on your staff has completed their EEP, use the Principal’s Report, located here, to review the information they have entered. This is the most important step in the entire process: If you notice any errors or omissions please see that the necessary corrections are made. When you are certain the information for your school is complete and accurate log back into your own EEP and “sign” the declaration statement. This feature will only be available after September 14, 2015. School level verification should be completed by Monday, September 21, 2015.
Step 3 - Directors: Please complete your own EEP and facilitate the completion of the EEP by each educator in your school division by September 14, 2015. The most important step in the entire process is the verification of the data at the school level. Please ensure that each of your principals verify the accuracy of the EEP for each educator on their staff. Directors may also access the Principals’ Reports for the schools in their division. School level verification should be completed Monday, September 21, 2015 in order to permit time for division level verification. Once your principals have completed the school level verification please facilitate a division level verification process using the Directors’ Report, located here. This is the second most important step in the process: If errors or omissions are noticed, please inform the principal of the school at which the educator works and request that the necessary corrections to be made. When you are satisfied that the information for your school division is complete and accurate you will need to log back into your own EEP and “sign” the declaration statement. This feature will only be available after September 21 and will signal the completion of the data collection and verification process for your school division. The EEP data collection is to be complete by 12:00 pm (noon) on September 30, 2015.
Step 4 - Education Sector Staffing Profile: Upon completion of the EEP data collection, Ministry staff will generate an Education Sector Staffing Profile Report for each school division. School division officials can use the Discoverer Viewer reporting tool to generate the Education Sector Staffing Profile for their own school division; reports are located here. The staffing profile for each school division will be compared to those from previous years. If there are discrepancies between the 2015-2016 profile and those of the preceding years, Directors will be required to account for the discrepancy or take the necessary steps to correct the profile. Since the Educator Sector Staffing Profile report is “rolled up” from individual EEP submissions, making corrections will involve requiring numerous individuals to correct their EEP—a process that is very laborious. It is in everyone’s best interest to get this right the first time. A copy of the Education Sector Staffing Profile will be provided to each Director. Directors will be required to sign a declaration that attests that the Education Sector Staffing Profile is an accurate depiction of their school division.
Note: Directors and Principals require Student Data System (SDS) user id’s and passwords to access their reports. To obtain user id’s and passwords contact your school division’s SDS contact person.
Help with the EEP can be obtained by calling
Student Services at 306-787-1091.