Before you start your online application you need:
- Your organisation’s formal decision to apply
- Your Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Your latest annual financial statements (income statement and balance sheet)
- Quotes for all items.
Before you start your applicationyou will need to register. Registration is a 2-step process.
Step 1 Register:
- Click on ‘new user’
- Enter your email address
- Choose a password that has at least 8 characters (must be a mix of alpha and numeric).
Step 2 Activate & Login:
- An email will be sent to your email address with the account activation link
- Click on the ‘account activation’ which opens a browser
- Enter your email and password, click ‘login’.
Note: Fields with a I (red line) in the application formmeans the question is mandatory.
Field / Section / Guide to Applying On-lineSection 1 / About your organisation / Eligible organisations must be incorporated. Incorporation means a group of people that come together in an organised way for many purposes. Incorporating an organisation separates the individual person (member) from the entity. Incorporation makes the group (body) a single entity with certain rights and legal protections as well as some additional obligations.
Select your group’s incorporation status by checking your Certificate of Incorporation. If you are unsure, contact the Office for Consumer and Business Affairs on 131 882.
Section 2 / Australian Business Number (ABN) / Eligible organisations must have an ABN. An ABN is a unique identifying number issued to all entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR). Check ‘Yes’ if you have an ABN. Further details can be found at the Australian Taxation Office
Section 3 / Unacquitted grants / Outstanding Reports / If you have previously received funds from CBSA, you must meet reporting requirements for past completed projects in order to receive funding for new projects.
Contact CBSA on 1300 650 985 to check if you have any outstanding grants.
Section 4 / Documentation / Essential documentation is required at the time of applying for a grant. Please attach: Minutes of Meeting where Board endorsed the grant application or provide a letter or email from the Chair/CEO; also provide the latest audited annual financial statement of the sponsor organisation or income statement and balance sheet, and quotes for all items requested in the budget.
Documentation can be attached in section 8 of the application form.
Please respond to all questions in the body of the application. Ensure your answers are concise and if needed attached further information in an attachment.
Please do not use ‘see attached’ as your response to questions.
1.1 / What is the ABN of the Organisation? / The organisationmust have an ABN. Type in the ABN of the eligible organisation that is applying (no spaces). Press Tab.
- The ABN information will be retrieved from the server of the Australian Taxation Office and this may take up to 60 seconds.
1.2 / Organisation Name / This organisation must be eligible to apply for a CBSA grant. If this is not the name of the organisation that is applying, please change it here.
This organisation will receive the grant money and has the responsibility for making sure that reporting and acquittal requirements are met. If the organisation and the project organisation are the same, do not complete question 1.4.
1.3 / Organisation Contact Person - Chairperson/CEO/Director / This person must be authorised by the organisation to enter into a contract with the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion in the event that your application is successful.
All correspondence will be sent to this person.
1.4 / Project Organisation Name / Only complete if the group that will conduct the project is not incorporated and is different from the organisation listed in 1.2.
This is the organisation that will deliver the project.
1.5 / Who is the Project Contact Person? / This MUST be a different person to the one stated at 1.3.
Provide the contact details of the person who will be directly involved in conducting the project.
Please provide the organisation address, not the individual’s personal address.
1.6 / What Programs and/or Services does your organisation deliver on a regular basis? / If the organisation and project organisation are not the same, provide the information for the project organisation.
This table of information is used, in part, to assist CBSA in determining the extent of benefit of the proposed project and helps you to ensure your case for support is fully developed. It also provides an organised overview of the types of activities your organisation provides.
Please enter all details, use the example in the application form as a guide to the type of information required.
Enter the name of the program, a brief description of the activity, the number of people per program, and number of programs per year. The services delivered per year will be automatically calculated based on the previous information entered.
Only check the ‘will program benefit as a result of this project?’ box if this project will directly benefit the program.
In addition, attach a flier or newsletter (in section 2.3)to show programs your organisation offers regularly.
2 / What type of project are you applying for? / There are 4 categories of funding to choose from:
- Program & Services,
- Equipment (small grant up to $10,000),
- Facilities and
- Strategic Improvements.
They are:
- Purchase a Vehicle,
- Upgrade infrastructure (over $10,000),
- Recruit or train volunteers, and
Applying for the incorrect category of funding may mean you have not had access to all the required questions, therefore the project may not receive funding at this time.
Check with CBSA staff on 1300 650 985 if you are unsure which category you need to apply for.
Vehicle Applications
Due to increasing applications for vehicles and demands on the funding program, priority will be given to vehicle applications that demonstrate the vehicle is essential to a high need rural or remote area with a significant contribution by the agency or other sources and that the agency is coordinating its vehicle use with other transport services and non-government organisations.
Facility and Strategic Improvement Applications
Facility and Strategic Improvement projects require additional ESSENTIAL documentation such as Council approval, building plans, quotes and needs assessment (if applicable) as indicated within the application form.
2.1 / What is the name of the project? / Choose a title that describes your project in 10 words or less. This will be the name used to refer to the project in future correspondence.
2.2 / What are the Project start and end dates? / The start date may be the day you intend to purchase the equipment, commence delivering the project, or hold the festival/event. The end date will be after you have completed and evaluated the project.
Enter the date using the following format dd/mm/yyyy, for example: 01/01/2014
Note, due to regular funding opportunities if your application is successful, the date your project will commence must be within two months of the round closing date.
2.3 / Project Description / Use this box to introduce your project. Include information on the five areas below.
a) Describe what you will do,
b) why you have chosen this project,
c)who it will benefit and how they will be better off,
d) how this project complements your existing programs and services,
e) who was consulted.
2.3 / Attachment / You can upload multiple attachments throughout the application form. Include information such as background information about your organisation, a pamphlet, newsletter, strategic plan, annual report, income and expenditure statement.
To provide more detail in an attachment, click the link, choose the file from your computer and then click ‘upload’.
Each file you attach must not exceed 5MB.
When the attachment is uploaded successfully a message appears. Close the box when complete.
2.4 / How many paid staff and volunteers will be involved in conducting the project? / Sometimes there are many people involved in conducting the project from research, gathering information, purchasing the equipment, picking it up, writing procedures on how to use it or look after it, and evaluating the project. Estimate the number of different people involved.
2.5 / Facilities Project Only
Please specify who owns the building/land? / Specify who owns the building by selecting either the ‘organisation’ or ‘other’. Where the building is not owned by the 'organisation', provide details in 'if other' section and supply a letter from the owner of the building that details the length of the current lease.
Attach the letter and current lease in section 2.8
2.5 / Vehicle Projects Only
How many people will access the vehicle each week? / Provide an estimate number of people who will benefit from accessing the vehicle each week.
2.5 / Upgrade Infrastructure Projects Only
Strategic Plan / Provide a summary of how the project fits the organisations strategic plan.
Upload the strategic plan in Section 8
2.6 / Facilities Projects Only
Does the project require council approval? eg: new structures, significant upgrade. / This project may require council, building and planning approvals for new structures or significant building upgrades. You must contact your local council to seek or confirm if council approval is required.
You must not submit your application before you receive Council Approval; your application will be deemed INCOMPLETE.
If Council advised approval is not required, include in an attachment the name of the person you spoke to, the date and their advice.
Council Approval, select Yes or No. IfYes, you mustattach Building Approval and Planning Approvaldocumentation here.
2.6 / Vehicle Projects Only
Estimate the number of hours the vehicle will be used each day. / Estimate the number of hours the vehicle will be used on a daily basis.
2.6 / Upgrade Infrastructure Projects Only
Has your organisation undertaken a needs assessment for this project? / You mustundertake a needs assessment before applying for funding. Select Yes or No.
The needs assessment must show your current structure/program/database/system compared to the new structure/program/database/system.
Attach the assessment in Section 8.
2.7 / Facilities Projects Only
Building Plan & Quotes / Your application must include building plans and detailed quotes. Photographs of existing buildings can be included to show the need.
Attach your building plans, quotes and any other relevant information, click the link, choose the file from your computer and then click ‘upload’.
Note: The comment field has a maximum of 255 characters.
2.7 / Vehicle Projects Only
What is the intended use of vehicle over the course of a week? / Types of vehicle projects that have been previously supported include: buses (12 seater or greater), people movers; furniture/food movers, sedans, station wagons, 7-8 seater vans, refit vehicle for disabled access and custom built trailers.
Write a description of the vehicle you wish to purchase and the type of services it will provide over a week.
For example, 2 trips per week to collect food, groceries and donated items for emergency relief packages. Daily service to collect 5 participants to attend programs to develop life management, communication and social skills to reduce social isolation. Daily service for 3 people to attend medical appointments.
2.7 / Upgrade Infrastructure Projects Only
Briefly describe how the project meets your organisation’s needs. / Based on the organisations strategic plan and needs assessment, briefly state how the project will meet these needs (limited to 255 characters). Describe the need for the IT system in supporting programs and services. Outline the benefit the IT system will provide, and to whom.
For IT projects, demonstrate the appropriateness of the IT system chosen, ensure that the proposed system meets your organisational needs for at least 3-4 years (attach the organisation’s IT development plan or relevant excerpt from the business plan in section 8).
Note: The comment field has a maximum of 255 characters.
2.8 / Facilities Projects Only
Where is the facility located? / Provide the physical street address details of the facility requiring development.
If your application is successful the Minister or their delegate may wish to visit the facility at some stage.
2.8 / Vehicle Projects Only
Will the vehicle be available for use by other groups? / Will the vehicle be available for other non government organisations (NGO’s) to access? Select Yes or No.
2.8 / Upgrade Infrastructure Projects Only
Who has undertaken the needs assessment? / For IT projects over $10,000, CBSA strongly recommends you undertake an independent needs assessment.
Provide a description of the needs assessment, addressing the capacity and expertise of the organisation in maintaining and replacing the IT system.
CBSA does not provide funding for ongoing technical support of an IT system.
Attach your needs assessment in Section 8.
2.9 / Vehicle Projects Only
If you answered yes to 2.8, please list the organisations or groups. / If the vehicle will be used by other non government organisations and you selected Yes in 2.8, provide the name of the organisation or group. Write what the organisation will use the vehicle for and how often. Include a letter from the group.
2.10 / Vehicle Projects Only
How will you maintain the vehicle? / Provide a description of how your organisation will maintain and replace the vehicle.
For example, vehicle will be maintained by the organisation/local council/volunteer mechanic/local mechanic with log-book servicing. The organisation will address thereplacement by raising funds through gold coin donation/ fundraising activities/ investment returns/ allocate a portion of each years budget for 5 years to replace the vehicle with a trade in.
3.1 / Project budget items / Only list the items you seek funding from CBSA.
Type the name of the item then type in the amount you seek for that item in ‘grant sought’. Click ‘add new item’ to add a new line.
Items can be deleted by clicking the redx.
Try to fit your budget into 5 lines. If you have many items group the items into generic types (eg office equipment, play equipment etc.). Attach a document that lists all individual items and the cost.
Please use whole dollars and round to nearest $10.
Ensure that the total of the CBSA amount is the grant you are requesting.
Please do not use ‘see attached’.
Provide quotes for all items you seek funding for (you only require one quote for each item).
3.2 / Other contributions / Are other funds being used to support this project(this does not include funds from your organisation)?
Click ‘add new item’ to start.
Type the name of the organisation/source or contributor in ‘source of funding’, type the budget item it will go towards (be for/contribute to), indicate if you have received (secured) or not yet received (requested) the contribution and the amount that is being provided.
Attach a letter of support as confirmation of the provision of payment from the contributing organisation.
3.2 / Facilities Projects Only
Other contributions / Building projects should seek a contribution from the parent body or the local council before applying for funding.
State the name of the contributor, select ‘secured’ if funding has been provided or ‘requested’ if an application has been made. Write the amount of funds from the contributor.
For example, If an application to another grant body for a contribution has been submitted but you have not been notified of the outcome, enter the details in this section:
eg: Office for Recreation & Sport, sought, $10,000.
3.3 / Your Organisation’s Contributions / Provide details of your organisation's contribution towards the project. This may be for items you seek CBSA funding for, or other items that will complement the project. All building projects should seek a contribution from the owner or your organisation. Solar power projects must have a 50% contribution from the owner.
Click ‘add new item’ to start.
Type the ‘item’ the funds will contribute to and the ‘amount’.
3.4 / Total Project Cost / This section is an automatic update of the information you have provided in sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. This reflects the total cost of the project.
3.5 / In-kind support / Please describe the non-financial contributions (eg use of facilities, donated goods or materials, volunteer hours) that will support this project. In-kind support for a project is a demonstrated link to community.
3.6 / Total Income of organisation / Provide details of your organisations total income (and Project organisation, if applicable) as shown in the income statement for the current year.