1Gorsedh KernowKesstrifow / Competitions

1.1 Yeth Kernewek – Cornish Language

1.1.1 Gwersyow yn Kernewek. Bys kans linen (100 lines).

1.1.2 Yeth plen yn Kernewek. Bys diwvil er (2000 words).

1.1.3 Hwedhel berr –A short story for beginners in Cornish (just a year or two’s experience) to take any form including dialogue, a play etc. Up to 150 words on any subject with a Cornish background.

1.1.4 Hwedhel berr –A short story for intermediate level in Cornish to take any form including dialogue, a play etc. Up to 150 words on any subject with a Cornish background.

Where possible a digital recording should be included with the entry. This is not for the purpose of adjudication but to help capture the sound and expressiveness of Kernewek for posterity and for others to hear.

1.2 Rannyeth – Dialect

1.2.1 Plain text in Cornish Dialect up to a maximum of 500 wordson a topic of choice.

1.2.1 Cornish Dialect verse up to a maximum of 100 lines on a topic of choice.

Where possible a digital recording should be included with the entry. This is not for the purpose of adjudication but to help capture the sound and expressiveness of Dialect for posterity and for others to hear.

1.3 Studhyansow Kernewek – Cornish Studies

An in-depth study up to a maximum of 10,000 words relating to an aspect of Cornish culture that celebrates the distinctive identity of Cornwall.Entries must be in digital format for this category.

1.4 Skeusenieth – Photography

A photographic image or collection of images up to SIX in total which capture Cornish identity either within the landscape or Cornish culture. These can be print or digital images. Please see rules below on how to submit entries.

Gorsedh Kernow Kesstrifow / Competitions


  1. Entries for 1.1 Yeth Kernewek/Cornish Language and 1.2 Rannyeth/Dialect should be submitted in digital format (pdf or rtf) where possible.

Hard copy entries will need to be scanned by Gorsedh Kernow for circulation to judges and for inclusion on the website.

  1. Hardcopies will not be accepted for 1.3 Studhyansow Kernewek/Cornish Studies.
  1. Entries for 1.4 Skeusenieth/Photography can be in digital or print images with up to SIX images:
  • Digital images should be sized at 1024 x 768 at 300 dpi. The maximum width of the image is 1024 pixels and the maximum height is 768 pixels. Entries should be identified with GKD, image number (01, 02, 03 etc. ), title and name of person entering eg GKD_03_The Winner_name of person entering refers to the third digital entry with a title of ‘The Winner’.

Digital images may be submitted by email but must be accompanied by a completed entry form.

  • Prints should be on a mount size of 40 x 50 cm (20 x 16 inches) and on the reverse should be identified with GKP, image number (01, 02, 03 etc.), the title of the photograph and name of person entering eg GKP_01_The Winner_name of person entering refers to the first print entry with a title of "The Winner". No other information should be shown.

Prints must be accompanied by a completed entry form.

  1. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  1. Gorsedh Kernow reserves the right to exhibit entries from all categories, with acknowledgments, on the Gorsedh Kernow website and at the exhibition held during the Esedhvos Festival of Cornish Culture.

Gorsedh Kernow: Kesstrifow / Competitions

Entry form

A separate form must be completed for each entry

Date of submission



Email:Tel No:

Please attach your entry with your competed entry form and indicate which class you are entering.

1.1.1Gwersyow yn Kernewek
1.1.2Yeth plen yn Kernewek
1.1.3A short story for beginners in Cornish
1.2.1Prose or plain text in Cornish Dialect
1.2.2Cornish Dialect verse
1.3 Studhyansow Kernewek – Cornish Studies
1.4 Skeusenieth – Photography

Please send your completed competition entry form with your entry:

  • as an email attachment to
  • or by post to: Gorsedh Kernow Adults Awards and Competitions, c/o Kowsva, 6 Artists’ Muse, Heartlands, Pool, Redruth, Kernow, TR15 3QY
  • or by delivering in person when the Kowsva is open: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat 10 – 1pm. Please address your envelope/package as above.

Confirmation of receipt and notification of winners will normally be via email. If you do not have an email address or would prefer to be contacted by post please enclose 2 stamped self addressed envelopes.

Award and competition winners will be notified in early July and invited to an awards ceremony which will be held in early September. There will also be press and social media releases listing award and competition winners.

Please note that by submitting an entry you are consenting that Gorsedh Kernow may exhibit a copy of the entry, with acknowledgments, on the Gorsedh Kernow website and at the exhibition during the Esedhvos Festival.
