Unit Title
/Notify victims and witnesses of the outcome of cases and address their reactions
This unit is about notifying victims and witnesses of the final outcome of a case, and assessing and addressing their reaction to the outcome.There are two elements:
DE10.1 / Notify witnesses of the outcomes and assess any needs arisingDE10.2 / Recognise the witness’ contribution and complete your involvement
Target Group
This unit is for Witness Care Officers and others responsible for notifying victims and witnesses of the final outcome of cases.
Skills for Justice / Page 1National Occupational Standards for Witness Care / Final version approved April 2007
/Notify witnesses of the outcomes and assess any needs arising
Performance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / identify the outcome of cases promptly and assess the likely reaction to the verdicts by witnesses, planning your approach in notifying witnesses accordingly2 / inform witnesses promptly and accurately of the outcomes of the relevant case
3 / communicate in a helpful and professional manner, demonstrating sensitivity for the witness’ reaction, and at a level and pace which promotes understanding
4 / explain relevant procedures and protocols, including the nature of any agencies, involved in dealing with the offender
5 / identify any concerns for the witness arising as a consequence of the outcome
6 / determine needs for support by the witness arising from the outcome, and identify and explain the types and sources of support available, within your area of responsibility
7 / notify the relevant authority, if you identify needs that are outside your area of responsibility, in line with your organisation’s requirements
8 / listen actively, encourage questions and check for understanding
9 / record agreed solutions towards meeting witness needs, and make the relevant arrangements to realise the solution
10 / explain the various sentences that are available (e.g. Community service orders, probation orders, etc)
/Recognise the witness’ contribution and complete your involvement
Performance Criteria
To meet the standard, you
1 / thank the witness for their assistance, acknowledging any key concerns addressed and/or contributions made2 / provide the witness with future contact details for relevant support agencies, where relevantand answer any queries regarding their sentencing where appropriate
3 / confirm that your role with them is complete
4 / where relevant, ensure that the witness understands those parties that may be in contact with them in the future, and the reasons for this
5 / address the witness’ questions and concerns fully, and seek to ensure that the witness has a positive image of the process and the services provided
6 / ensure that all relevant files and reports are accurate and up to date
Reports can be either:
paper-based, or
/Notify victims and witnesses of the outcome of cases and address their reactions
Knowledge and Understanding
To meet the standard, you need to know and understand
Legal and organisational requirements
1 / Current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines for assessing victim and witness needs2 / Current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights relevant to assessing victim and witness needs
3 / Current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety relevant to your role
4 / How to deal with victims and witnesses and relevant others in an ethical manner
5 / The rights and roles of victims and witnesses and the procedures with which they will be involved
Notifying victims and witnesses of outcomes
1 / The principal types of outcome of different cases2 / Likely reactions to the principal types of outcome and cases by victims or witnesses according to their circumstances, and methods for dealing constructively with these
3 / The types of requirements for support that may arise and how these should be dealt with
4 / How to assess the physical and emotional condition of victims and witnesses to establish their needs in relation to their reaction to the outcomes of cases
5 / How to maintain the security and welfare of victims and witnesses
6 / How to be flexible in your approach, using various techniques appropriate to the behaviour and attitude of the victim or witness
7 / The agencies/third parties available towards providing support and how their involvement should be initiated
8 / How to update relevant others and the information that they will require
9 / Current documentation requirements and how to complete documents correctly
10 / What information is confidential, and how to ensure that it is only available to those with authorised access
11 / Methods for ensuring effective ‘closure’ of your involvement with victims and witnesses, including the difficulties that might be experienced and techniques for dealing with these
Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Witness Care / Final version approved April 2007
Evidence Requirements
1Simulation is not allowed for all performance evidence within this unit.
2You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for Notify victims and witnesses of the outcome of cases and address their reactions on at least five separate occasions.
3To meet the standard for this unit, you must demonstrate that you:
- Fulfil consistently the requirements set out under the performance criteria,
- Possess and are capable of applying the required aspects of knowledge and understanding.
Skills for Justice / Page 1
National Occupational Standards for Witness Care / Final version approved April 2007