Revised March 20, 15
Lewis Lab Authorship Guidelines
These guidelines were put together as a guide for authorship for the Lewis lab. Asinterdisciplinary research scientists, we collaborate withalarge number oflocal,nationalandinternational groups working in subjects ranging frommathematics to field biology.As such, weneed to be clear what our lab philosophy andguidelinesareregardingtherightsandresponsibilities of authorship.Theguidelines,givenbelow,arebasedonaconsensusfromtwo lab-meeting discussionsfromfall2005 and revised at the lab retreat in March 2015.Lewis lab members areaskedtoadheretotheseguidelines wherever possible,recognizing that the guidelines cannot cover every possiblecase,andthatwe must also respect theguidelinesfromotherlab groups that we collaborate with.
Who is an author?
We follow the advice ofSahu and Abraham(2000), and recommendthat authorship be awarded tothose who
(1)make a substantial contribution to(a)conceptionanddesign, and/or(b) acquisition of data, and/or (c) analysis and/or (d) interpretation ofdata,
(2)are involved indrafting the articleorrevisingit criticallyforimportantintellectual content,and
Allthreeofthese conditionsmust be met to satisfy the authorshipcriteria.
Rights and responsibilities of authors
Herewealsofollowtheparagraphsin“Rightsofanauthor”and “Responsibilities ofan author”fromSahu and Abraham (2000).Coauthorsmust have participated sufficientlyin the work to take full responsibility for the content. All coauthors are accountable for the published work, in that they must acknowledge and rectify any errors that are brought to light and be able to defend thework,theresults,and everythingelsethathasbeen included in the manuscript, regardless of whether they were directly involved in all parts of the paper.
Order of authorship
The primary author, who typically writesthe manuscript, isto be listedasthe firstauthor. The senior author (usually the supervisor or lab head) is typically last. Remaining coauthors are to be listed either (i) in order of level of contribution to themanuscript or (ii) alphabetically,if the level of contribution fromthe remaining coauthors issimilar.Anotecanbeaddeddescribingthe method oforderingtheauthors.Intheunusualcaseofnoclear primary authorship,thenthelistingofallauthorsistobealphabetical. If there are authorship issues, they are typically resolved by the first author in discussion with the senior author.
Lab guidelines
- Checkwithyoursupervisorforfeedbackand advice before making firmcoauthorshiparrangements.
- When it first appears that a publication will arise from a collaboration, reviewthelab authorship guidelines anddetermine appropriate ordering of authors. Remain open to further discussion about authorship as the work progresses and as contributions evolve.
- Get permission of coauthors beforedistributinganunpublished paper.
- Acknowledge financial support. Check withyoursupervisorregardingthewording.
- Acknowledge intellectual support from coworkers. Informthemof the acknowledgementbefore thepaper is finalized.
- It is appreciated if you let your supervisor know before the paper is sent out for review.
- It is a good idea to have the manuscript read by your supervisor and interestedmembers ofthe lab group before sending it out for review.
Reference: SahuDR,AbrahamP.Authorship: rules,rights,responsibilitiesandrecommendations. JPostgradMed(2000)46:205-10.