Position Definition
Position: / ServicesManager
Award: / MA000100 - Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010
Classification: / Social and community services employee level 8 Pay point 3
Positionreportsto: / ChiefExecutiveOfficer
Effectivedate: / February 2015
Approvedby: / ChiefExecutiveOfficer
Organisational Context
The Cerebral Palsy Support Network (CPSN) is a not-for-profit organisation providing information and support services to people living with cerebral palsy and their families. We help empower individualsto lead more independent lives and provide support in a variety of ways to theirfamilies.
The CPSN office is based in Melbourne, Australia and offers people a number of programs and services throughout Victoria.
At the Cerebral Palsy Support Network, the focus is on our members and in providing the best possible service for every person. Each person is unique and our members are no different. We assess and address the needs of all of our members individually.
Our vision is that we are known leaders empowering people with cerebral palsy and their networks to flourish through the provision of support, resources and services. We are highly adaptable and responsive to changing needs.
Our mission is to empower and enable people with cerebral palsy and their networks to maximise their choices and opportunities.
Purpose and Scope
The Cerebral Palsy Support Network provides a vital link to information and support for people living with cerebral palsy and their families across Melbourne and Victoria.
Our membership servicesextend across 17 local government areas throughout Victoria, rural and metropolitan regions.
At the Cerebral Palsy Support Network, we don’t just provide essential support services. We help to empower people with cerebral palsy to make their own choices and live the life they want to.
Our ongoing objective is to promote acceptance and equality for all people living with cerebral palsy, leading to enriched lives for all. The CPSN is continually striving to change attitudes towards cerebral palsy through awareness campaigns within the wider community. We do this by promoting events such as CP Awareness Week and World CP Day.
Position Objective and Relationships
To provide effective management and further development of the Cerebral Palsy Support Network’s (CPSN) services that empowers and makes a positive difference to people with Cerebral Palsy and their networks.
The Services Manager is responsible for leading and overseeing the Cerebral Palsy Support Network’s programs and services and coordinating the various key areas within the organisation as directed by the CEO and as outlined in the strategic plan. Included in areas of significance within this role are team leadership and management.Additionally, the Services Manager will strengthen our internal/ external communication and build strong relationships within the disability sector and CPSN members.
The Services Manager works closely with the CEO at acts as second in charge in their absence to ensure the organisation meets it obligations to its members and other key stakeholders.
Key Responsibilities and Duties
Servicedelivery: /
  • Toimplementsystems and processesenablingeffectivereview,monitoringandevaluation ofservices and programs.
  • Toprovidesupport, information and referral to membersthrough an empowerment model.
  • To manage the organization’s quality and compliance audits by implementing high level quality controls and developservicestandardsinlinewithbestpracticeforallareasof serviceandinaccordancewithQualityFrameworkfor DisabilityServicesin Victoria.
  • To ensure all government and non-government reporting is completed accurately and in a timely manner.
  • To develop and implement a case coordination service that caters for complex needs and crisis management.
  • To develop and implement a formal individual advocacy service for members based on an empowerment model.
  • Tomeet,andstrivetoexceed,personalandworkgrouptargetsforKey PerformanceIndicatorsassetfromtimetotimeby the CEO.
  • To assess and conduct induction and training with new CPIC participants through home visits.
  • Towork in partnership with key community stake holders to enhance service provision to people with Cerebral Palsy and their networks.
  • Toensurethatthefinancial resources and budgets oftheservices and programs are managedina mannerwhichwill enableefficient useoftheseresource

Staff development andsupervision: /
  • To provide leadership and day to day supervision and direction to staff ensuring quality outcomes for members.
  • To ensure comprehensive performance management systems for staff appraisal are in place and are completed in a timely manner.
  • To ensure staff receive training to develop competencies required for staff development and job satisfaction.
  • Monitor the team’s performance contribution and outcomes in line with organisational objectives.
  • Plan and conduct internal staff meetings, professional development and training.

QualitySafety: /
  • To promote a culture of quality improvement
  • To ensure staff operate in an environment and practice that promote a quality service
  • To ensure that robust systems are in place which provide a safe environment for staff, members and visitors
  • To monitor the health and safety of the workplace, including hazard identification and Incident management
  • To ensure that timing and appropriate response mechanisms are put in place to minimize harm
  • To ensure all staff receive mandatory OHS training requirement
  • To ensure statutory obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act are met
  • To ensure the systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of establishing the context, identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating riskand ensure they remain current, relevant and comply with legislative requirements.

Organizational: /
  • To ensure that the confidentiality of CPSN members is respected and upheld at all times
  • To actively support the vision and mission of the CPSN.
  • To undertake continuing professional development
  • To abide by the Policies & Procedures of CPSN (which may be amended from time to time)
  • To actively promote CPSN and its services and programs within the community
  • To abide by and actively support CPSN’s OH&S policies to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the employee, clients, colleagues, contractors and visitors
  • To support the CEO with implementation of the strategic plan, contingency plan and future growth and development.
  • To act as a 2nd in charge in the absence of the CEO.
  • To alignwith the CPSN strategic plan and to work collaboratively and alongside the CEO.
  • To prepare, submit and evaluate proposals for programs and services, projects and plans to meet service objectives and strategic plan
  • Other duties as directed

Leadership: /
  • To provide effective leadership
  • To manage time, take initiative and work independently
  • Professionally represent the organisation.
  • To support the development and review of the organisational contingency plan.

Management: /
  • To develop teams and individuals to enhance performance
  • To develop and review policies
  • To ensure accurate and timely resources and support be given to CEO to effectively complete their duties.
  • To meet all reporting requirements both government and non government bodies and to provide timely and accurate reports to the CEO.
  • Coordinate the delegation of tasks and responsibilities to members of the team.

Cerebral Palsy Support Network

Private and Confidential

Core Competencies, Attributes and Capabilities

Professional: /
  • Demonstrated commitment to the principles of diversity, EEO and participatory work practices.
  • Demonstrated commitment to and use of appropriate ethical standards and behaviors
  • Demonstrated understanding and commitment to a model that empowers individuals

Client Orientation: /
  • Demonstrated commitment to social justice and advocacy on behalf of clients
  • Demonstrated sensitivity to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) individuals and communities
  • Demonstrated commitment to access and equity for individuals from disadvantaged communities

Interpersonal: /
  • Well-developed written and oral communication skills including public presentation skills.
  • Ability to liaise effectively with clients, community groups, other employees and external agencies
  • Ability to negotiate and gain co-operation and support from others in a team environment
  • Willingness to support team members and work as part of a cohesive team across CPSN

Leadership: /
  • The capacity to inspire trust and confidence by others.
  • The capacity to establish and articulate visions and plans at multiple levels.
  • Demonstrated ability to think and act strategically in relation to resource management and allocation.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the principles of Quality Systems, Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Clinical Governance.
  • Ability to manage competing priorities to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Capacity to contribute to and influence plans and decisions at appropriate levels.

Management: /
  • Demonstrated effectiveness at a senior level in planning, leading, organising and directing staff, teams and projects with multiple stakeholders, simultaneously.
  • Demonstrated management style which promotes open communication, inclusive decision making and respect.
  • Demonstrated capacity to make decisions that reflect appropriate consultation and are appropriate to the Key Responsibilities and Duties of this position.

Computer: /
  • Sound demonstrable knowledge of MS Outlook, MS Office (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Internet Explorer
  • The capacity to learn to effectively use CPSN’s electronic records systems.

Financial: /
  • Competence in understanding relevant financial reports (such as a Statement of Financial Performance).

Key Selection Criteria
Mandatory: /
  • Tertiary qualification and/or Post Graduate Qualification in Disability, Social Work, Management or Business or significant advancement towards equivalent studies
  • An extensive knowledge of the principles, practices and goals of the delivery of Community Services programs
  • The ability to work with clients, carers and families in all aspects of service delivery and planning
  • Comprehensive knowledge and experience in management within the Disability or Community Sector
  • The ability to achieve results within the disability or community sector, including funding bodies as well as the ability to integrate disability services with other health professionals
  • Knowledge of change management, business planning and strategic planning principals
  • Strong team management, leadership and workforce development skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and demonstrated ability to apply these skills with a wide range of staff, representatives of the three levels of Governments, community organisations, clients and members of the public
  • Relevant experience that demonstrates Core Competencies, Attributes and Capabilities as listed above

Desirable: /
  • Significant management experience in community service organization
  • Current Driver’s License
  • Proficiency in a community language would be an advantage
  • First Aid Certificate would be an advantage

Conditions of Employment
Remuneration: / Theservices managerremuneration amount will be between $70,000-$80,000 per year.
Anyovertimenecessary toundertakespecific obligationsmaybecompensatedbyTime-in-Lieu.
SalaryPackagingisavailableforpermanentandfixedterm employees,in accordancewithprevailinglegislationandCPSN policy.
Location: / The employee will be expected to work at the CPSN office which is located at 525 High St Preston 3072,but may be required to work at such other locations within Victoria as reasonably determined by the need of the business.
Hours of duty: / The CPSN business hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. The employee will be required to work the hours necessary to meet the Key Responsibilities and Duties of this position. Self-managed Time-in-Lieu is available to compensate for the obligation to attend after-hours meetings and functions.
Probationary period: / Confirmationofnew employeestoCPSNissubjecttoa6monthprobationary period,duringwhichtimetheemployeemustdemonstratesatisfactory capabilitytoperformtheKeyResponsibilitiesandDuties.Thisprobationary periodisregardedasanextensionoftheinterview process.
Position Descriptions may be modified from time to time in accordance with CPSN Policy, relevant Awards, Agreements or Legislative amendments. Awards and Agreements may be modified or replaced in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
Employee Name:
Employee Signature: Date:

Cerebral Palsy Support Network

Private and Confidential

Cerebral Palsy Support Network

Private and Confidential