Revised 16 February 2016Air Outlets and Inlets
Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section.
ARI Compliance: Test and rate air outlets and inlets in accordance with ARI 650, Standard for Air Outlets and Inlets.
ASHRAE Compliance: Test and rate air outlets and inlets in accordance with ASHRAE 70, Method of Testing for Rating the Air Flow Performance of Outlets and Inlets.
NFPA Compliance: Install air outlets and inlets in accordance with NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
ASTM Compliance: Paint hardness shall pass 125 hour ASTM B 117 salt spray test, 500 hour ASTM D-870 water impression test, and ASTM D-2794 reverse impact cracking test with a 50 in/lb force applied.
Acoustic Criteria: HVAC equipment shall be selected and installed to comply with the acoustic criteria defined in Section 230510.
General: Submittals shall demonstrate compliance with technical requirements by reference to each subsection of this specification. Where a submitted item does not comply fully with each and every requirement of the Specifications, the submittal shall clearly indicate such deviations. Identification requirements for non-complying features of items are very specific. See Section 230210 for exact requirements.
Manufacturer's Data: Submit manufacturer's technical product data for air outlets and inlets including the following:
Schedule of air outlets and inlets indicating drawing designation, room location, number furnished, model number, size, and accessories furnished.
Data sheet for each type of air outlet and inlet, and accessory furnished; indicating construction, finish, and mounting details.
Performance data for each type of air outlet and inlet furnished, including aspiration ability, temperature and velocity traverses, throw and drop, and noise criteria ratings. Indicate selections on data.
Samples: Samples of each unit proposed shall be submitted for review upon request by AE.
General: Diffusers, registers, and grilles for supply, return, and exhaust air shall be provided as indicated on the Drawings. Units shall be selected for noise levels required by Section 230510, with "draftless" distribution (terminal air velocity 50 fpm or less). Units that are noisy, in the opinion of the AE, shall be removed and replaced with acceptable ones.
Units shall be furnished with gaskets at edges to prevent leakage.
The interior portions of wall grilles and registers, including connecting duct, that is exposed to view, shall be painted flat black. Interior portion of ceiling diffusers shall be of the same color as the diffusers and accessories shall be flat black.
Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings, registers, grilles, and diffusers shall be provided with balancing dampers located at the branch duct connection, upstream of the air distribution device. Where a balancing damper must be provided, as approved by the A-E, at the register, grille, or diffuser, it shall be a rectangular opposed blade damper for installation in rectangular necks or a radial opposed blade damper for installation in round necks. The use of butterfly dampers or horizontal radial dampers is prohibited.
Manufacturer's model numbers specified herein are intended to serve as the basis of design, as specified in Section 230210.
Unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings or listed below, all air outlets and inlets shall be steel construction. Exposed fasteners shall be same material as the air inlet or outlet,except that fasteners for aluminum inlets or outlets may be stainless steel.
Air outlets and inlets located in wet or high humidity areas, including but not limited to bathrooms and toilets, kitchens, dishwashing rooms, toilets, locker rooms, showers, hospital sitz bath and whirlpool rooms, etc. shall be aluminum construction.
Egg-crate return or exhaust registers or grilles shall be aluminum construction.
Air outlets and inlets located in coastal counties shall be aluminum construction.
Air outlets and inlets installed in hospital operating rooms and Cystoscopy rooms shall be Type 304 stainless steel.
Rectangular Louvered Face Ceiling Diffuser: High performance, louvered full face diffuser with round neck that is adjustable horizontal to vertical constructed of 22 gauge steel or aluminum, as indicated on the Drawings, and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Frame style shall match ceiling type(s). Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / TDCA / TDCA-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / MA / AMA
Price / SMDA / AMDA
Nailor / 6550 / 6250
Rectangular Louvered Face Ceiling Diffuser: Louvered full face diffuser with round neck that is adjustable horizontal to vertical, constructed of 24 gauge steel or aluminum, as indicated on the Drawings, and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Frame style shall match ceiling types(s). Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / TMSA / TMSA-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / 1300A / A1300A
Price / SCDA / ASCDA
Nailor / RNSA / ARNSA
Rectangular Plaque Face Ceiling Diffuser: Plaque face diffuser with round neck with removable face panel constructed of 22 gauge steel or aluminum, as indicated on the Drawings, and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Spot welds shall not be visible on the plaque face. Frame style shall match ceiling type(s). Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / OMNI / OMNI-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / T1100 / A1100
Price / SPD / ASPD
Nailor / UNI / AUNI
Perforated Face Ceiling Diffuser: Perforated panel face diffuser with round neck, neck mounted adjustable curved blade deflectors, hinged flush face, back pan constructed of 24 gauge steel, face constructed of 26 gauge steel or aluminum, as indicated on the Drawings, and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Frame style shall match ceiling type(s). Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / PAS / PAS-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / PV / APV
Price / PDC / APDC
Nailor / 4320CB / 4320CBAA
Perforated Face Register or Grille: Perforated panel face diffuser with adjustable louver vanes, hinged flush face, backpan and interior painted flat black. Register/grille shall be constructed of 26 gauge steel or aluminum as indicated on the Drawings and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Frame style shall match ceiling type(s). Register or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / PAR / PAR-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / PG / APG
Price / PDDR / APDDR
Nailor / 4360 / 4360AA
Perforated Face Filter Register or Grille: Thirty-three percent (33%) perforated panel face, all-welded aluminum construction air outlet designed for vertical, laminar airflow. Provide hinged face with retainer cables. Outlet shall bed designed for snap-in, tool-less HEPA/ULPA filter removal/installation and be equipped with a room-side accessible PAO challenge port. Provide 4” thick filter pack, HEPA Type C rated at 99.99% efficiency at 0.3 micron particles. Filter shall be Titus TLFR-AA or equivalent.
Round Louvered Face Ceiling Diffuser: Louvered full face diffuser that is adjustable horizontal to vertical, constructed of 18 gauge steel or 0.05" thick aluminum as indicated on the Drawings and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / TMRA / TMRA-AA
Tuttle & Bailey / VJR / AVJR
Price / RCD / ARCD
Nailor / RNR / ARNR
Airfoil Blade Sidewall Supply Register and/or Grille: Supply register and/or grille that is adjustable double deflection type with horizontal front airfoil blades, frame constructed of 20 gauge steel or 0.05” thick aluminum as indicated on the Drawings and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Blades shall be spaced 5/8” – 3/4" apart. Frame style shall match surface type(s). Register or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / 272RL / 272FL
Price / 22 (SF Border) / 22
Nailor / 71DH / 71DH
Airfoil Blade Sidewall Return or Exhaust Register and/or Grille: Return and exhaust register and/or grille that is single deflection type with fixed horizontal airfoil blades at 40-45 degrees, constructed of 20 gauge steel or 0.05” thick aluminum as indicated on the Drawings and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Blades shall be spaced 5/8” – 3/4" apart. Frame style shall match surface type(s). Register or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / 23RL / 3RL
Price / 60 / 60
Nailor / - / 714SH
Standard Blade Sidewall Supply Register and/or Grille: Supply register and/or grille that is adjustable double deflection type with horizontal front blades, constructed of 20 gauge steel, 0.05”thick aluminum, or 20 gauge Type 316 stainless steel as indicated on the drawings and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Blades shall be spaced 5/8” – 3/4" apart. Frame style shall match surface type(s). Register or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction
Model No. / Stainless Steel Construction
Model No.
Titus / 300 RL / 300FL / 300RL-SS
Tuttle & Bailey / T54 / A54 / T54SS
Price / 520 / 620 / 720
Nailor / 61DH / 51DH / 67DH
Standard Blade Sidewall Return or Exhaust Register and/or Grille: Return and exhaust register and/or grille that is single deflection type with fixed horizontal blades at 35-40 degree, constructed of 20 gauge steel, 0.05” thick aluminum, or 20 gauge Type 316 stainless steel as indicated on the Drawings and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Blades shall be spaced 5/8” – 3/4" apart. Frame style shall match surface type(s).
Register and/or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction
Model No. / Stainless Steel Construction
Model No.
Titus / 350RL / 350FL / 350RL-SS
Tuttle & Bailey / T70D / A70D / T70DSS
Price / 530 / 630 / 730
Nailor / 6145H / 5145H / 6745H
Heavy-Duty Return & Exhaust Register and/or Grille: Return and exhaust register and/or grille that is bar type with fixed horizontal blades set at either 35-40 degrees or at 0 - degrees as indicated on the Drawings. Register/grille shall be constructed of 14 gauge steel or aluminum as indicated on the Drawings and finished with baked white enamel unless otherwise noted. Blades shall be spaced 1/2” apart. Frame style shall match surface type(s). Register and/or grille shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / Steel ConstructionModel No. / Aluminum Construction Model No.
Titus / 33RL / 30R
Tuttle & Bailey / T115 / A110
Price / 90/91 / 97/98
Nailor / 6100-HD / 5100-HD
Egg-Crate Return or Exhaust Register and/or Grille: Egg-crate return or exhaust register and/or grille shall have 1/2" x 1/2” x 1” aluminum core, frame constructed of 0.05” aluminum, and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise indicated. Frame style shall match surface type(s). Register and/or grille shall be Titus model 50F, Tuttle & Bailey model CRE500, Price model 80, Nailor model 51EC, or equivalent.
Drum Louver Register and/or Grille: Drum louver register and/or grille shall have discharge that can rotate up to 25-degrees above and below its center line, with adjustable vertical blades, constructed of aluminum and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise indicated. Register and/or grille shall be Titus model DL, Tuttle & Bailey model STRJ, Price model HCD1, Nailor model 45DL1, or equivalent.
Linear Bar Diffuser: Linear bar diffuser with 1/8” aluminum bars at 1/2” spacing, 7/16” spacing, or be "pencil proof" as indicated on the Drawings with frame constructed of aluminum, and finished bake white enamel for ceiling and wall diffusers and an anodized finish for floor and sill diffusers unless otherwise indicated. Bars shall have a 0-degree or 15-degree deflection, as indicated. Wall and ceiling diffusers shall have a one piece removable core and frame style to match surface type. Floor and sill diffusers shall be foot traffic rated and have concealed screw fastening frame. Diffuser shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / 1/2" Bar SpacingModel No. / 7/16" Bar Spacing
Model No. / Pencil Proof Bar Spacing Model No.
Titus / CT580 / CT581 / CTPP0
Tuttle & Bailey / T-Series / 4000Series / -
Price / LBP158/LBMH15B/16B / LBPH/LBMH25C/26C / LBPH/LBMH25C/26C
Nailor / 49-Series / 49-Series / 49-Series
Linear Bar Register and/or Grille: Linear bar register and/or grille with 1/8” aluminum bars at 1/2” spacing, 7/16” spacing, or "pencil proof" spacing as indicated on the Drawings with frame constructed of aluminum, and finished bake white enamel for ceilings and walls and anodized for floors and sills unless otherwise indicated. Bars shall have a 0-degree or 15-degree deflection as indicated. Wall and ceiling registers and/or grilles shall have a one piece removable core and frame style to match surface type. Floor and sill registers and/or grilles shall be foot traffic rated and have concealed screw fastening frame. Register shall be as follows:
Manufacturer / 1/2" Bar SpacingModel No. / 7/16" Bar Spacing
Model No. / Pencil Proof Bar Spacing Model No.
Titus / CT580 / CT581 / CTPP0
Tuttle & Bailey / T-Series / 4000 Series / -
Price / LBP158 / LBP16B / LBP25C
Nailor / 49-Series / 49-Series / 49-Series
Plenum Slot Diffusers: Plenum slot diffusers with insulated sheet metal plenum, number and width of slots as scheduled or required to meet performance criteria (minimum of 2 slots), lengths as scheduled or indicated in plan, adjustable pattern controllers, constructed of heavy gauge aluminum and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise indicated. Frame style shall match ceiling type(s). Diffuser shall be Titus model ML-Series, Tuttle & Bailey model APPS or ITPS, Price SDS series, Nailor 5000 series, or equivalent.
High Capacity Spot Diffuser: High capacity spot diffuser, adjustable in vertical and horizontal planes up to 30-degrees from center, constructed of aluminum and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise indicated. Diffuser shall be Tuttle & Bailey model AGL or equivalent.
Eye-Ball Spot Diffuser: Eye ball spot diffuser adjustable in all directions up to 33 degrees from center, constructed of heavy gauge aluminum and finished baked white enamel unless otherwise indicated. Diffuser shall be Seiho model PK or equivalent.
Filter return/exhaust inlet: Provide grille with instream filter and removable face, as follows:
Finish: Offwhite baked enamel for ceiling-mounted units. Wall-mounted units shall have prime coat ready for field painting.
Face: Fixed horizontal face bars set at 30 to 45 degrees within an approximately 11/4 inch frame attached to grille with continuous piano hinge. Face shall be retained by rotating cam locks that require no tools to lock/unlock.
Filter: Panel filter, 1” thick, MERV 8, complying with Section 234113. Provide retaining clips to hold filter in place.
Devices shall consist of a non-aspirating perforated panel center air supply providing downward airflow over the operating table and fixed nonadjustable multiple slot perimeter panels surrounding the operating table area to provide an air curtain which shall be projected outward from the operating table area at not less than a five degree angle nor more than a 15 degree angle. Velocity of air distribution at operating table height shall not exceed 40 feet per minute for the center supply or 50 feet per minute for the air curtain. Perforated pressure plates shall be provided over the perimeter and center air distribution faces to equalize pressure and airflow throughout the system.
All components of the system inside the operating room shall be fabricated of minimum 20 Gauge Type 304 stainless steel, No. 4 finish. Outside the operating room, components shall be minimum 20 Gauge Type 304 stainless steel or the manufacturer’s standard aluminum finish. All distribution components and pressure plates shall be attached to the face panels at both the perimeter and center. The face panels shall be retained with 1/4 turn fasteners.
Plenums shall be supplied by the manufacturer and shall be sized to permit them to be easily wiped out by hand with germicidal solution for sterilization purposes and all horizontal corners of the plenums shall have a minimum radius of 3/4 inch. Connecting elbows shall be full radius configuration and sized to permit manual sterilization of the plenums.
Device shall be fabricated from flexible, permeable, polyethylene fabric and classified as an air distribution device by UL. The diffuser fabric shall be Class 0 or Class 1, with a flame-spread index of 25 or less and a smoke-developed index of 50 or less, in accordance with UL 181. Fabric weight shall, in accordance with ASTM D 3776, be at least 8.0 oz/sq. yd.
Provide fabric air dispersion devices that have air flow and throw ratings as indicated on the Drawings.
Devices shall be furnished with suspension mounting hardware systems consisting of a one or more horizontal nylon coated stainless steel cables or anodized aluminum slide tracks with vertical supports to maintain level installation. Suspension system shall be anchored and supported in accordance with Section 230529. Fabric shall be freely suspended from the mounting hardware and shall fully inflate with at no more than 0.25" wg air pressure. Provide stainless steel diffuser inlet clamp for connection to supply ductwork.
Swirl Floor Diffuser: Diffuser shall be nominal 8" diameter round, constructed of high impact polymeric plastic complying with UL 94 flammability requirements. Diffuser shall have a removable helical throw diffuser core that shall produce a vertical, low velocity, high induction helical swirl air pattern discharge. Trim ring shall have a 1" flange for use with carpeting. The diffuser shall have a positive compression quick mount ring with universal mounting clamps for installation into access floor panel. The diffuser shall be assembled such that the access floor panel does not have to be removed from the floor system for installation of the diffuser.
Diffuser shall incorporate a removable dust/dirt collection basket that is accessible from the diffuser face.
The diffuser have an integral flow regulator with external open/close indicator and internal open/close stop to allow visual determination of damper position. The flow regulator shall be manually operated without removing the diffuser core.