Draft 23 March 2017

ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) 2017

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

05-07 April 2017

Venue: Best Western Tuushin Hotel, Ulaanbaatar


The 2017 ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) meeting will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 05-07 April 2017. As host of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) 2018, the Government of Mongolia will co-organize this IAP with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

IAP 2017 will be the first regional DRR meeting since the successful outcome of the AMCDRR 2016 in New Delhi, India. The conference ended with the adoption of the New Delhi Declaration; the Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework; and ten Voluntary Commitment Action Statements.


The 2017 IAP will:

Ø  Reflect on the AMCDRR 2016 and the way forward;

Ø  Share updates on the Asia Regional Plan and stakeholder commitments;

Ø  Receive a final update on government and stakeholder plans for the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, in May, in Mexico;

Ø  Begin consultations to ensure the successful delivery of the AMCDRR 2018 in Mongolia;

Ø  Take account of progress in country disaster risk management (DRM) status reviews;

Ø  Strengthen understanding of the Sendai Monitor system and its associated indicators for the seven targets.

Ø  Share updates and experiences on key DRR efforts and issues in the region


The IAP acts as the main multi-stakeholder forum to facilitate the implementation and monitoring of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in between the biennial AMCDRR. Collectively, the IAP and AMCDRR form the regional platform for DRR in Asia. The IAP comprises representatives of national governments (mainly Sendai Framework focal points), various stakeholders groups, sub-regional inter-governmental organizations, international financial institutions, development partners, UN & various international organizations, civil society organizations, media, academia and so on.

The IAP began in 2004 as an informal multi-stakeholder forum to facilitate the implementation of DRR action and subsequently the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in Asia. It was expanded in 2007 to include regional inter-governmental organizations, governments, civil society organizations, UN and international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors.

From 2007, the IAP evolved into the support mechanism for the biennial AMCDRR. Over recent years, the IAP has increased in importance as the key forum for agreement and decision-making to ensure the successful preparation and outcome of the AMCDRR. For instance, for the AMCDRR 2016, the IAP and its associated Advisory Working Groups (AWG) provided substantial input to the drafts of the New Delhi Declaration and the Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework. It also provided a forum for ten stakeholders to hone their voluntary action statements. These three elements were adopted as the collective outcome of the AMCDRR 2016 and provide a powerful compass for implementing the Sendai Framework in Asia and for reviewing its progress.

The fundamental role of the IAP is to support: a) the AMCDRR host government and regional political leadership to prepare for and deliver a successful AMCDRR; b) the biennial Sendai Monitor mechanism to gauge progress and gaps; c) stronger regional coordination and coherence through relationship building and experience sharing.

IAP 2017 Draft Agenda

Day 1: Wednesday 05 April 2017

13:30 -14:00 / Registration
14:00 – 14:10 / Welcome Remarks – H.E. U. Khurelsukh, Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia
14:10 – 14:20 / Opening Remarks – Mr. Robert Glasser, SRSG for DRR
14:20 – 14:25 / Introduction of the Agenda – Ms. Madhavi Ariyabandu, Interim Head UNISDR Regional Office Asia Pacific
14:25 – 14:30 / IAP Photo
Session 1 / Building on the success of AMCDRR 2016
Chair: Government of Mongolia
14:35 – 15:15
15.15 – 16.00 / Overview of the AMCDRR 2016 and its outcomes
Government of India
(Followed by Q&A)
Progress since New Delhi
Tour de table: Updates from governments: Briefly report on your three main developments against the Asia Regional Plan since its adoption in November 2016
(3-4 min each)
16:00 – 16:15 / Coffee Break
16:15 – 18:00 / Progress since New Delhi
Tour de table: Updates from governments (continued), followed by updates from intergovernmental organizations & stakeholders: Briefly report on your three main developments against the Asia Regional Plan since its adoption in November 2016
(3-4 min each)
18.00 / Reception – Government of Mongolia

Day 2: Thursday 06 April 2017

09.00-09.10 / Recap of Day 1
Session 2 / Moving towards a successful AMCDRR 2018
Chair: Government of India (TBC)
09.10 – 09.50 / Building on the AMCDRR: The way forward in 2017
(Followed by Q&A)
09:50 – 10:30 / Initial thinking for the AMCDRR 2018
Government of Mongolia
(Followed by Q&A)
10.30 – 10.45 / Coffee
10.45 – 12.30 / Breakout groups: Defining the DRR path to take the region forward
12.30 – 14.00 / Lunch
Session 2
Continued / Moving towards a successful AMCDRR 2018
Chair: Government of Maldives (TBC)
14:00 – 15:00 / Breakout groups: What are the specific priorities for the AMCDRR 2018 (continued)
15.00 – 15.15 / Coffee
15.15 – 16:00
16.00 – 17.00
17.00 – 17.30 / Report back from breakout groups
Plenary discussion to consolidate overall priorities for DRR in the region and the specific priorities for AMCDRR 2018
Partner updates – a brief presentation on a key regional issue/development from two partners (15 mins each slot)
Session closes

Day 3: Friday 07 April 2017

09.00-09.10 / Recap of Day 2
Session 3 / The Sendai Monitor
Chair: Government of Pakistan (TBC)
09.10 – 10.30 / Updates from the open-ended inter-governmental expert working group on indicators and terminology
Implications for governments and partners in Asia – opportunities and challenges
(Followed by Q&A)
10:30 – 10:45 / Coffee Break
10:45 – 12:00 / Sendai Monitor roll-out plan for Asia
Outline of regional context and priorities for support
(Followed by Q&A)
12:00- 12:30 / Partner updates – a brief presentation on a key regional issue/ development from two partners (15 mins each slot)
12.30 – 14:00 / Lunch
Session 4 / Influencing the global DRR agenda
Chair: TBC
14:00 – 15:30 / Update on Global Platform for DRR
Followed by tour de table of governments & partners on their plans and priorities at the Global Platform
15.30 – 15.45 / Coffee Break
15.45 – 16.15 / Conclusions & closing
Government of Mongolia & UNISDR