SCE AMI Program
Quarterly Stakeholder Briefing
May 17, 2006
Meeting Minutes
SCE's second quarterly Phase 1 AMI briefing was held on May 17, 2006 in San Francisco. In attendance were representatives of SCE, Division of Ratepayer Advocates, Energy Division, The Utility Reform Network (TURN), Hunt Technologies, Spacenet, and Global Energy Markets. Additional attendees participated via conference call option (Itron, Eschalon, E-meter, SDG&E, and others). SCE’s AMI Project Manager, Paul De Martini, provided a presentation on the Phase 1 AMI Program activities: Overview, Market Assessment, System Requirements, and a Use Case example (a copy of the presentation and example Use Case is available at).
Throughout the presentation, SCE responded to questions from attendees, and clarified that:
- SCE’s systems development approach resulted in 18 Use Cases with 80 scenarios. Use Cases, scenarios, and TCM information will provide the basis to perform the cost benefit analysis. Only Use Cases or scenarios that pass the cost/benefit evaluation will be pursued. A 15 year time horizon is being used in the cost/benefit analysis.
- SCE expects to release an RFP for meters and communication network in January 2007. The RFP will select vendors for the field pilot. SCE is currently performing due diligence to determine product functionality, technology, and timeline. Lab testing of components and products will begin this summer.
- SCE is in the process of assessing communication options, engineering, coverage, performance, and cost. We expect to test four or more communication options and plan to engage at least two vendors who will meet our needs. SCE is not looking at a cellular technology solution for backhauling data because of the relatively high cost.
- One of SCE’s objectives of working with the vendor community is to define goals or outcomes, a common understanding, and the utility’s AMI system needs. SCE wants a choice of vendors to work with as we are not going to develop a proprietary (closed) system.
- The Technology Capability Maturity (TCM) assessment of meter and communication features provides a framework and take-off point for business process analysis which in turn drives the business case analysis.Generally, SCE is looking at vendor products with TCM ranking of 2 to 4. Vendors will tell us what product technology is available. The TCM rankings of product features (0-5) needed for the AIM system will not be evenly distributed.
- A vendor survey of advanced meter and communications product roadmaps over the 2006 thru 2007 period will be performed and will include questions about product features and system interoperability.
- Demand Response benefits are a significant piece of AMI benefits. For example, the Air Conditioning program would be expanded under AMI and will possibly include new construction code requirements similar Programmable Thermostat program.
- Customers will have access to meter data via their bill and the Internet. Other display options are being reviewed. The CEC has some ideas related to the Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) as part of Title 24. We are also looking at in-home display options including personal computers and system openness to ensure third party market development potential.
- SCE is looking to leverage the CEC’s PCT as well as exploring the use of a utility provided PCT for various load control uses such as the A/C cycling program which currently uses a switch on the A/C compresses.
- SCE is looking at customer outreach to help understand what information residential customers want and need.
- SCE’s AMI Phase 2 Application will include funding for field testing and piloting AMI system – meters, communications network and meter data management system. SCE anticipates filing the AIM Phase 2 application by the end of November.
The third quarterly Phase 1 AMI briefing is planned for August, 2006. A specific date and time will be communicated when arrangements are finalized. The August briefing will cover the Conceptual Feasibility Report which includes an updated cost/benefit analysis, market assessment, and system architecture. SCE has no intention of building an AMI meter as the vendor marketplace is responding increased utility interest.