A program of Volunteers for Hancock Jail Residents (VHJR)272 Turkey Farm Road, Blue Hill ME 04604 -207-374-2437
The Landing
- Non-residential drop-in post release center that will provide support for post-release Hancock County Jail inmates.
Support will also be given to anyone returning from other correctional facilities living in HancockCounty.
- Assist men and women in reintegration with their families and communities, in functioning as whole, healthy individuals.
- The goal is to have a center within a one-mile radius of the jail where assistance and referrals to all existing services can be made, programs attended, and visits with volunteer post-release mentors and licensed counselors take place.
- It is estimated that such support will result in greatly lowered recidivism. Rates currently near 67% for re-arrests within three years of release (US Dept of Justice), in reduction of taxpayers dollars by one half, and treatment for mental illness, often undiagnosed, suffered by up to 60% of Maine's inmates (National Alliance for Mental Illness/NAMI estimate), and often co-occurring with substance abuse.
The Staff
Jane Freeman, Landing Coordinator, MSW, M.ED
Betsy Duncombe, LMSW-CC, Mental Health Counselor
Volunteer Staff led by Judy Garvey, Jim Bergin, MA, Carolyn Mor, and Jean Hendrick, M.ED
Brief List: The Landing’s Assets and Needs
Assets Currently in Place:
- Support groups
- Teaching/education
- “Virtual” post-release center already happening through volunteer mentors
- Mentor/advocates help post-release individuals get off to a good start upon release
- Mentor/advocates are coordinating with all existing services – health, employment, substance abuse services, social services, and more, without duplicating services.
- Office or building (with kitchenette and bath) for meeting space where mentors and post-release individuals can utilize these assets to connect services.
- Volunteers who will assist with post-release individuals and their reintegration into society.
Broad Health and Social Outcomes for Ellsworth and HancockCounty
- Growth and development of Ellsworth and HancockCounty will be enhanced.
- According to the World Health Organization, when people have their basic needs met (food, shelter, housing, education, income, etc.) they are more likely to be healthy productive citizens.
- Those recently released from jail/prison are traditionally some of our most disenfranchised citizens as they have often not had some basic needs met due to a variety of life situations
- Creating a supportive environment for this population will empower them to be better able to make HancockCounty a healthier place for all to live, work, and participate in family life and community building.
- When there is a lower recidivism rate, there is lower cost to the city, county, and state in taxes and services.
- Physical, social, and emotional connections will be formed.
- Support systems will be in place for post-release individuals so they will have an opportunity to coordinate, with a mentor, and learn what is needed to be successful on the outside.
- Assistance in defining options for health care and getting basic needs met (food, security, housing, etc.).
- A Post-ReleaseCenter will not duplicate existing services.
VHJR is a nonprofit, through Downeast Health Services, Ellsworth, ME, a 501c3 charitable organization.