Lesson PlanTeaching Group Year 9 Autumn Term
Equations, formulae & identities Lesson 1


VTB worksheets, excel resources

Aspects of National Curriculum Frame Work to be covered.

Distinguish the different roles played by letter symbols in equations, identities, formulae and functions.

Lesson context/focus:

Focus is on understanding the meanings of these words and examples of them.

Key words : equation, identity, formula, function


Children must be aware of the meaning of each of these words which can cause cinfusion.

Learning Objectives:

To be able to distinguish between the different roles played by identities, equations, formulae, and functions. This includes being able to differentiate between them and realise what the question is asking.

Structure of lesson

Starter : Start with a group discussion about what each of the words functions, equations, formula, identity mean. List some of the suggestions on the board to see if the class themselves can pick out the characteristics of each. (5 – 10mins).

Using these suggestions ask if they can identify which word equates with which letter symbol.

4x + 3 = 47  equation

V = IR  formula

Y = 3x – 4 Function

4(a + 1) = 4a + 4 Identity

Why? What characteristics make each of these ?

Equation will have an ‘=’ sign since x is a particular value which can satisfy this sum. There is only 1 answer.

Formulae have variable factors that can alter but they are related. E.g when you know 2 of the variables in the above example you can always work out the third. All of the variables can change which in turn affects the other values.

Function : In the above example there are 2 unknowns and for any chosen value of x we can work out the related value of y.

Identity is when the expression on each side of the equation can take the same value. In our example whatever the value of ‘ a ‘ it will produce the same answer on both sides of the equation. (10 mins)

Main : Worksheet Ma34C004 allows the students to create a variety of these expressions. (30 mins)

Plenary : Ask the children to take it in turns to give an example of an identity, formula, equation and function. Could go around the class asking the pupils to come to the board and write one and then the other pupils can explain what it is and why. (10mins)

Homework : Worksheet Ma35D003. Qu 1 and 2 which allows the pupils to think about what the questions are asking and also to interpret the symbols and algebra.