Ocean Resources WebQuest

Problem 1: How are humans dependent on ocean systems?

Do a search of internet resources to find 5 ways humans are dependent on ocean systems. Include your reference for each one.

1.  ______


2.  ______


3.  ______


4.  ______


5.  ______


Problem 2: How does runoff modify ocean systems?

Visit the following website(s) and answer the questions that follow.


6.  What is runoff?

7.  What does runoff consist of?


8.  What percent of marine pollution comes from the land?

9.  What is one of the biggest sources? This occurs as a result of what?

10. What are sources of nonpoint source pollution?

11. What effect can nonpoint source pollution have on rivers and oceans?


12. What is a dead zone?

13. How many dead zones are there worldwide? How many were there in the 1960s?

14. What do fertilizer runoff and the death of algae contribute to dead zones?

15. What is another cause of dead zones?

16. Can a dead zone recover? How?

Problem 3: How do artificial reefs modify ocean systems?

Visit the following websites and answer the questions that follow.


17. What are major threats to natural reefs?

18. What is an artificial reef?

19. What are advantages of an artificial reef?

20. What are disadvantages of an artificial reef?

21. What are some materials used to construct artificial reefs?

Problem 4: How does human use of resources modify ocean systems?

Visit the following website(s) and answer the questions that follow.


22. What is overfishing?

23. What will happen if fishing rates continue? When will this happen?

24. What would restore most fish populations?

Do a search of internet resources to find information about the floating garbage dumps in the oceans. Include your reference(s).

25. Where are these dumps located?

26. What impact do these areas have on the ocean?

Do a search of internet resources to find information about the impact of climate change on oceans. Include your reference(s).

27. What is the cause of climate change?

28. How does climate change impact the oceans and the organisms living there?