PRESENT:Cllr Mrs A.M. Jones (Mayor)

“ E.J. Breeze

“ Mrs R. Brunt

“ Mrs C. Edwardes

“ Mrs E.L. Evans

“ R. N. Hamer

“ Lady Hooson

“ D.C. Jones

“ G. Morgan

“ G. Powell

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ N. Venti

“ J. Whittal Williams

Town Clerk

The meeting opened with Prayers

336/01APOLOGIES There were no apologies

336/02DECLARATION OF INTEREST Forms to record declarations of interest were circulated and filed with these minutes

336/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Council Meeting held on 23.11.09 – True Record. Cllr Whittal Williams queried 335/04, Mayor explained that the subject is of a sensitive nature and will be discussed at the end of the meeting in Committee. Cllr Smith requested that advertisement of the Vacant post be displayed in more areas than just the Council notice board.

Finance Panel Meeting 01.12.09 – True Record

336/04PLANNING APPLICATIONS Cllr Whittal Williams explained the decisions received from PCC, as well as an appeal made to the Secretary of State. This will be discussed at the next Planning meeting.

336/05SETTING OF THE PRECEPT FOR 2010/2011 Cllr Margot Jones thanked Cllr Venti and Clerk for completing the Budgetary Control information. Cllr Breeze explained that the Precept could not be set as information was still required from PCC. It was agreed that a full Council meeting will be held on Monday 11th January to finalise. Clerk will distribute a copy of the Interim internal audit report for discussion at the meeting. Planning and Environment meeting will be held on Monday 18th January.

336/06LETTING DETAILS IN RELATION TO THE FORMER FORESTRY OFFICE A letter from Morris Marshall and Poole was read out explaining that commission of 12 ½ % would be taken out of the first years rent. Clerk also explained that a condition survey would have to be carried out at £250 + VAT. Clerk was asked to enquire why both costs are necessary. Cllr Brunt asked if it was worth enquiring with another Valuer?

336/07LETTER FROM ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER Clerk distributed the letters received from the Dog Warden. It was agreed that they would be discussed at the next Environment Panel meeting. A letter from PCC stated that further areas of concern would be patrolled by the dog warden.

336/08POWYS EISTEDDFOD COMMITTEE Letter received. Donation will be discussed at the Finance Panel meeting.

336/09HIRDDYWYL WIND FARM - Cllrs Mrs Christina Edwards and J Whittal Williams informed Council that they both attended the open day at Llidiartywaen and found it to be very informative.

336/10WORKBOOST WALES A report from Mr Ralph Harris was read out. It was agreed to discuss further at the next Heads of Panels meeting.

336/11INFORMATION FROM OMBUDSMAN REGARDING THE CODE OF CONDUCT Clerk agreed to send out a copy to all Councillors.

336/12POWYS LOCAL HOUSING MARKET ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Clerk was asked to reply stating that we cannot respond in the time scale given. It was agreed to discuss further at the next Planning meeting.

336/13SPORTLOT COMMUNITY CHEST GRANT Clerk was asked to find out from Tricia Turner whether all sports clubs have received the information.


336/15INFORMATION FROM SMITH OF DERBY RE TOWN CLOCK Clerk explained that a quotation has been received to convert the Town Hall Clock to new autowind method. This will be discussed at the next Finance Panel meeting.

336/16The following Accounts for NOVEMBER were confirmed

Chq No

103349Wages (05.11.09)785.88

103350Wages & P. Cash (12.11.09)902.16

103351Inland Revenue847.18

103352EDF Energy 1,193.69

103353PC Q 50.00

103354Simon Owen300.00

103355Agri Power 69.71


103357Willpower Electrical662.40

103358Wages (19.11.09)891.92

103359Kevin Jones (Cars) Ltd204.50

103360Sonia Pritchard (travelling exp) 59.15

103361Mid Wales Embroidery154.96

103362British Legion 15.00

103363Smith of Derby209.30

103364Wages (26.11.09)891.68

103365National Milk Bar 55.00

Total £ 7,409.73

336/17LETTER FROM YOUTH FORUM A thank you letter was received along with an offer for members of the Youth Forum to attend the next Council meeting to give a brief presentation on their visit to Parliament.

336/18AMBULANCE VACANCIES IN MONTGOMERYSHIRE A letter from CHC was read out informing Councillors that interviews are now being held and vacancies will be filled in the near future.

336/19COUNCIL MEETING DATES FOR 2010 The list of dates for the coming year (as attached) were confirmed

Pursuant to Section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:-

Clerk declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Margot Jones read out a Statement prepared by the Clerk regarding the disqualification of Peter Rees and his conduct subsequently. Councillors were astounded by the behaviour of Mr Peter Rees towards Council employees and it was unanimously resolved that a letter of support and confidence should be sent to the Town Clerk and Mr Bob Smith from the Mayor on behalf of the Town Council. Correspondence from NAC to the Council was read out and a proposed reply prepared by the Town Clerk was discussed and Council unanimously agreed to send it. Contents of the letter were as follows:-

Dear Cllr Mole,

Thank you for your letter dated 23rd November, 2009 regarding the disqualification of Peter Rees as Councillor on Llanidloes Town Council.

I have passed on all correspondence and taken advice from the Monitoring Officer at Powys County Council who has advised that the disqualification has resulted due to the failure of Peter Rees attending any meetings for 6 consecutive months, and not administration error by the Clerk.

I believe Mr Rees has also spoken to the Monitoring Officer and has received the same explanation,

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