Form for use in relation to section 79C of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
Application for registration of Aboriginal intangible heritagefor the purposes of the Aboriginal Heritage Act2006
This form, approved by the Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet, specifies the format in which an application for registration of Aboriginal intangible heritage should be submitted under the Aboriginal Heritage Act2006(‘Act’).Attach additional sheets where further space is required.
Section 1 – Applicant Information
Name of applicant:Name of Registered Aboriginal Party, Registered Native Title Holder or Traditional Owner Group Entity:
Postal Address:
Telephone number: /
Email address:
Section 2 – Brief description of the Aboriginal intangible heritage
Provide a title and brief description of the Aboriginal intangible heritage:Note: The information included in this section may be distributed to other persons, including to Traditional Owner groups for the purpose of consultation and to any person seeking information as to whether an Aboriginal intangible heritage agreement is required or exists
Title: /
Brief Description:Section 3 – [OFFICE USE ONLY] Relevant Aboriginal intangible heritage agreement
Register name and number of any associated Aboriginal intangible heritage agreement (if applicable):Section 4 – Sensitive information
Are there any sensitivities related to any information included in this application which should be considered during the registration process (e.g. information known only to a certain gender)? / YES / NO1
Describe any requirements for handling the information (e.g. to be viewed only by a certain gender:Section 5 – Aboriginal intangible heritage category
(Complete corresponding component form/s and attach) / Number of component forms attacheda. Oral traditions and expressions (including language, songs, and stories)
b. Performing arts (vocal and instrumental music, dance, and performance)
c. Social practices, ceremony, and festive events
d. Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe (including environmental and ecological knowledge)
e.Visual arts and crafts (skills and traditional knowledge involved in their production)
f.Intellectual creation or innovation based on above (new practices based on interpretations of traditional knowledge)
Section 6 – Traditional Owners of the Aboriginal intangible heritage
List the Traditional Owner groups of the Aboriginal intangible heritage:
Note: The Traditional Owner groups listed here must be consulted during the preparation of any Aboriginal intangible heritage agreement.
Section 7 – Associated Aboriginal cultural heritage places or Aboriginal intangible heritage
Provide the registration details of any Aboriginal cultural heritage places, cultural landscapes or other Aboriginal intangible heritage associated with this registration, and briefly explain how the Aboriginal cultural heritage place, cultural landscape or Aboriginal intangible heritage relates to this registration:
Section 8 – Consultation with relevant Traditional Owners
Provide details of consultation undertaken with Traditional Owners (represented by the Applicant or other Traditional Owner groups):
Section 9 – Protection and management
Describe what is required to ensure the Aboriginal intangible heritage is appropriately maintained and transmitted within the community:
Section 10 – Knowledge known only to Traditional Owners
Is there any information regarding the Aboriginal intangible heritage which is known exclusively to the Traditional Owners, and which has been omitted from this registration? / YES / NODescribe how this information is protected by the applicant (e.g. known to, maintained and transmitted within the community):
Section 11 – Certification
I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information supplied is correct and complete.
Signed: / Date: / / /[Applicant]
Section 12 – Checklist
Relevant component forms attachedSupporting information attached
Please ensure this application and all other relevant items are sent to:
Director Heritage Services
Aboriginal Victoria
Department of Premier and Cabinet
PO Box 2392