AIDN Lunch Briefing with

Warren Nelson

Director Surveillance & Response

Capability Development Group

Air 7000

Christopher Peters AM, Managing Director – AIDN, ACT invites you

to attend a lunch briefing with Director Surveillance & Response, Warren Nelson.

Group Captain (GPCAPT) Nelson joined the RAAF in January 1976 and graduated from the RAAF Academy in 1979. Upon completion of navigator training, he commenced flying duties on C130H aircraft at No 36 Squadron, RAAF Base Richmond, 1981-82. A subsequent posting to No 10 Squadron, RAAF Base Edinburgh, saw him performing operational duties on P3C aircraft, 198386. Since that time, he has had numerous appointments associated with P-3 Orions including:

·  P-3C/Nimrod acoustic software liaison activities at RAF Kinloss, Scotland, 1987-89;

·  P3C operational software support at No 292 Squadron, RAAF Base Edinburgh, 1990-92;

·  project management duties with the P3C Project Office in Air Force Materiel, 1995-97;

·  Wing Commander Operations, No92 Wing, RAAF Base Edinburgh, 1997-98; and

·  Staff Officer Plans and Policy at Headquarters Maritime Patrol Group, RAAF Base Edinburgh, 1999-2000.

In January 2004, GPCAPT Nelson took up his current duties within the Aerospace Development Branch of Capability Development Group in Canberra, where he is responsible for the capability requirements for a variety of maritime patrol and response related projects, including long endurance unmanned aerial systems.

AIDN Lunch Briefing with Director of Air 7000, Proudly Sponsored by Ernst & Young

Tuesday, 30 May 2006

The Commonwealth Club

25 Forster Crescent, Yarralumla

12:15 pm for 12.30pm start


AIDN/ACT Chamber of Commerce Members: $80.00

Non-Members: $100.00

(includes GST)


Business Attire

AIDN/Chamber Members $80.00 Non-Members $100.00

all prices include GST

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Please indicate if you are unable to attend – a substitute can attend in your place.

No refunds will be issued for cancellations after Thursday, 18 May 2006.