Iredell/Statesville School District

Social/Developmental History/Needs Assessment

To be completed at the beginning of Tier 3: Part 1


Today’s date: ______School: ______Student Name: ______

Sex: ______Grade: ______Date of Birth: ______Person completing form: ______

Relationship to child: ______Home number: ______Cell: ______Work ______


Please list all people living in the household:

Name / Relationship to child / Age

Who has custody of the child? ______

Relationship to child:______Address:______

Telephone Numbers: ______

Parent’s separated/divorced Y/N______When: ______

Either parent remarried? Who? ______When: ______

Language spoken in home: ______


Please circle any medical or mental health issue/diagnosis of child below:

Allergies / Coordination Problems / High Fevers / Self Harm
Anorexia / Depression / Hyperactive / Sexual Abuse
Anxiety / Diabetes / Liver problems / Skin Rashes
Asthma / Drug/Alcohol Use / Memory loss / Sleeps too much
ADD / Ear Infections / Motor tics / Sleeps too little
ADHD / Frequent headaches / Muscle weakness / Speech issues
Autism/Asperger’s / Frequent stomach aches / Over/underweight / Suicidal
Broken Bones / Growth problems / Paralysis / Thyroid problems
Bulimia / High blood pressure / Physical Abuse / Tourette’s Syndrome
Cancer / Heart problems / Seizures / Toileting issues
Concussions / Traumatic Brain Injury

Has the child ever been hospitalized? If so, when and why? ______

Current Medications? ______How long on:______

How many hours per night does your child sleep? ______Does your child sleep in their own bed?______

Name, Address, & number of Medical Doctor: ______Date of last appt.______

Name,Address, & number of Mental Health Therapist/Psychiatrist: ______Date of last appt. ______


Did the mother have any complications or health issues during pregnancy? If so, explain. ______


Did the mother use alcohol or drugs during pregnancy? ______

Was the baby full – term or premature? How many weeks early? ______

Did the baby have any problems after birth? ______

At what age did the child reach the following developmental milestones?______

______Crawl ______Walk ______Spoke 1st words ______Spoke in complete sentences ______Sat alone ______Toilet trained


Does the child get along with other children? Y/N______Who are your child’s close friends? ______

Are you comfortable with your child’s choice of friends? ______If not, explain: ______

Does the child participate in any group activities such as scouts, sports team, and clubs? List: ______

What does your child do for fun? ______

What do you see as your child’s strengths? What are they good at? ______


What does your child do when angry? ______Pout _____Cry _____ Stomp _____Slam doors _____Curse _____Hit self _____Hit others _____Hit walls _____Destroy things _____Threaten to harm self _____Threaten to harm others _____Mumble _____Say they hate you

Does the child display any aggression towards parents, pets or siblings?Explain:______

Please circle any behavioral issues your child has ever displayed:

StealsLiesHarms othersHarms selfCries easilySeems anxious

Has mood swings Avoids schoolRuns awayFearfulDepressed

Fire setting Plays sick to avoidCursesParanoidBullies others

Anger outbursts Sexual behavior Animal crueltyDrug/alcohol use

Doesn’t sleep Won’t try new things Imaginary friendsSees things that aren’t there

Doesn’t like to be alone Doesn’t follow rules Doesn’t pay attention Difficulty concentrating

Doesn’t make eye contact Dislikes loud noisesAvoids physical touchAnnoyed by clothing tags

Hears things that aren’t there

What are your primary concerns for your child at home? ______


What adult does your child have a positive relationship with? ______



Are you happy with your child’s academic performance at school? ______

What are your primary concerns for your child at school? ______


Has the child repeated a grade? ______Has the child ever received speech, academic, or behavioral services while in school? ______

Has your child ever been recommended for testing at school?______When?______

How many hours per night does your child spend completing homework ______Will they start it without a prompt from you? ______Do you have to help them complete it? ______

Parents/guardians last school year completed? Mother______Father______

Parents/guardians employment: Mother______Father ______

Does your child have chores at home? ______List them below. Do they have to be prompted? ______Do they complete them?______

Does your child use a chore chart or family schedule at home? ______

Family communication style:

_____Each person talks over the other ____one person controls the conversation _____each person is heard and feels respected _____ we don’t talk ______what my spouse says goes _____ my spouse talks so much I tune them out _____Mother screams _____Father screams _____my child doesn’t listen to me _____ we don’t say speak kindly to each other _____ I try to say something nice to my child every day _____ my spouse and I argue a lot ____ my spouse and I argue in front of the kids

Family discipline style: Circle all that apply

“Child is in control in my house””I try to set limits but my spouse let’s the kids do whatever they want” “I don’t get any support from my spouse” “I am always the bad guy” “my child knows that they are to be seen and not heard” “my parent’s were strict and I turned out ok” “spanking is fine” “I never spank my child” “my child is my best friend” ”my child breaks off their own switch from the tree” ”I follow thru on my threats” “I am a pushover” Other ______

Does your child know what consequence they will receive at home for breaking rules, being disrespectful, etc.? ______

Family time is spent:

**Help parent/guardian understand that we would like to collect data on helpfulness of MTSS Tiered Interventions by assessing pre and post intervention effectiveness**

**Ask parent/guardian to record the NUMBER OF TIMES PER MONTH they do the following activities**

**4 MTSS Grant schools will ask the same questions again upon student moving back down to a lower tier **

# of times per month Family time is spent on the following activities:

eating dinner together ______playing games together ______watching TV together ______playing video games together ______going to my child’s sporting events ______home chores ______going to church ______volunteering ______reading ______exercising ______taking care of pets ______visiting with friends/neighbors ______visiting family members ______resting ______participating in a hobby ______playing a sport ______having a family meeting ______Other ______


Has either parent experienced….

____Recent loss of job____Unplanned pregnancy____Deployment____Divorce____Financial

____Long term unemployment ____Job change____Recent move____Jail ____Loss of license ____Recent health diagnosis ____Student moved to new school

____Death of family member Who & Date ______Remarriage – Who & Date______Other ______


Please list the child’s relationship to family member who has a history of the following:

Alcohol/drug abuse / Huntington’s Chorea
Anxiety / Learning problems
Autism / Mental Retardation
Cancer / PTSD
Depression / Seizure Disorder
Diabetes / Sickle Cell Anemia
Heart Disease / Suicide
High Blood Pressure


_____Access to health care_____Paying Electric/Power Bills_____Dental care

_____Access to transportation_____Job_____Alcohol/drug treatment _____Food _____Academic tutoring _____Community church

_____Clothing_____Insurance_____Translation services


_____Medication Management_____Family/Individual/Marriage Counseling_____Other______


The following set of questions are for students grades K – 4.

What are 3 things you think you are good at or that you like about yourself?



What do you like to do for fun after school? ______

What is your bedtime ? ______Do you fall right to sleep?______Do you wake up in the night? ______If so, can you fall right back to sleep? _____ What wakes you up? ______

Do you have a computer, video game console, or TV in your bedroom? ______Do you take medication for sleep? ______

What scares/worries you the most?______

How do you feel about riding the bus? ______

What do you like about school? ______

What’s your favorite subject / class? ______Why? ______

What is your least favorite subject / class? ______Why?______

What do you do after school? ______


Do you usually have homework? ______Does it take a long time to finish? ______

Do you ever forget to do it? ______Do you do it and forget to turn it in?______

What do you usually get in trouble for at school? ______


How do you feel when you get in trouble? ______

What do your classmate’s say when you get in trouble? ______

What do your teacher’s say when you get in trouble? ______

What do you do when angry? ______Pout _____Cry _____ Stomp _____Slam doors _____Curse _____Hit self _____Hit others _____Hit walls _____Destroy things _____Threaten to harm self _____Threaten to harm others _____Mumble _____Say I hate you ______Listen to music ______Read _____ Write

_____Talk on phone ______Get on the computer _____ Play a video game _____ Exercise _____ Play a sport _____ Go to sleep ______Cry

Do you one really good friend or lots of good friends? ______Who is your best friend? ______

How would you describe yourself? ______Happy _____Sad _____Annoying _____Funny _____ Shy _____ Nice _____ Angry ______Cool _____ Dumb_____ Cute ____ Pretty _____ Ugly _____Smart ____Popular _____Good dresser _____Poor _____Lucky _____Teachers pet _____Athletic _____Silly _____Bully ____Mean _____Troublemaker ____I don’t have friends _____Rich _____Friendly _____Helper _____ Talkative

Who are you closest to in your family? ______

Who gives consequences at home? ______What is it? ______

Do you get along with your siblings? ______

If you could change one thing at home, what would it be? ______


Ask students how many TIMES PER MONTH they do the following activities**

4 MTSS Grant schools will ask the same questions again upon student moving back down to a lower tier **

How many times per month is Family time spent participating in the following activities?:

eating meals together ____playing games together ____watching TV together ____ playing video games together _____ going to my child’s sporting events _____ home chores _____ going to church _____ volunteering _____ reading _____ exercising _____ taking care of the pets _____ resting _____ playing a sport _____ visiting with friends/neighbors _____ participating in a hobby ______having a family meeting _____ Other ______

Have you thought about what kind of job you would like to have when you graduate high school? ______


What kind of help do you think you might need to be successful in school? ______


The following set of questions are for students grades 5 – 12.

What are 3 things you think you are good at or that you like about yourself?



What do you like to do for fun after school? ______

Is there something you want to do that you aren’t doing? ______

Tell me about your sleeping habits. What time do you go to bed? ______

Do you fall right to sleep?______Do you toss and turn? ______Do you lay in the bed for a while & think about your day? ______Do you wake in the night? ______If so, can you fall right back to sleep? _____ Do you have electronics in your bedroom? ______Do your parents know? _____ How long do use your electronics before going to sleep? ______Do you take medication for sleep? ______

What scares/worries you the most?______

How do you feel about riding the bus? ______

What do you like about school? ______

What’s your favorite subject / class? ______Why? ______

What is your least favorite subject / class______Why?______

What would you change about school if you could? ______


Tell me about your routine after school? ______


How long do you spend on homework a night? ______Do you ever forget to do it or blow it off? Why______


What do you usually get in trouble for at school? ______


How do you feel when you get in trouble? ______

Have you tried to stop getting into trouble? ______What did you do? ______Did it work? ______

What do your classmate’s say when you get in trouble? ______

What do your teacher’s say when you get in trouble? ______

What do you do when angry? Pout _____Cry _____ Stomp _____Slam doors _____Curse _____ Hit self _____ Hit others _____ Hit walls _____ Mumble _____ Read _____ Destroy things _____ Write______Threaten to harm self _____ Exercise _____ Play a sport _____ Cry_____ Threaten to harm others _____ Say I hate you ______Listen to music ______Talk on phone ______Get on the computer _____ Play a video game _____ Go to sleep ______Other ______

Are you the kind of kid who has one really good friend or lots of good friends? ______Who is your best friend? ______

How do you think your friend’s would describe you? Happy _____Sad _____Annoying _____Funny _____ Shy _____ Nice _____ Angry ______Chill _____ Cool _____ Dumb_____ Cute Alright _____Poor _____Lucky _____Teachers pet _____Athletic ____ Pretty _____ Ugly _____Smart ____Popular _____ Flirt_____Good dresser _____Silly _____Hot _____Bully ____Mean _____Troublemaker ____I have no friends _____Wealthy _____Friendly _____Partier _____Moody _____

Would you agree with them? ______Why? ______


**Please state to the adolescent you are asking these questions to help you, help them. The following substance use questions will not be shared with school personnel or the parent unless their substance use behavior makes them a danger to self or others or it their substance use ever becomes a school policy violation**

Have you been approached by peers to use drugs or alcohol? ______Did you? If not, do you have a plan for when that happens? ______What? ______

If you have or currently using drugs/alcohol, what and how often? ______


When did you first start ______

Do your parents know? ______If yes, how did they find out? ______


Have you been in trouble with the law? ______

Who are you closest to in your family? ______

Who gives consequences at home? ______What? ______

How do you feel about your siblings? ______

If you could change one thing at home, what would it be? ______


**Ask students how many TIMES PER MONTH they do the following activities**

**4 MTSS Grant schools will ask the same questions again upon student moving back down to a lower tier **

Number of times per month Family time is spent participating in the following activities:

_____ eating meals together ____playing games together ____watching TV together ____ playing video games together _____ going to my child’s sporting events _____ home chores _____ going to church _____volunteering _____ reading _____ exercising _____ taking care of the pets _____ visiting with friends/neighbors _____ visiting with family_____ resting _____ participating in a hobby _____ playing a sport _____ having a family meeting _____Other ______

What would you like to do when you graduate high school? ______


What’s your plan to make that happen? ______


What kind of help do you think you might need to be successful in school? ______