
It is only a matter of weeks until we break up for the Easter holiday but there are lots of special events coming up that I would like to bring your attention to.

Sponsored Spring Duck Hunt

Children from Nursery up to Year 2 will be taking part in a Duck Hunt as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Please note, this year we are not asking the children to come in fancy dress. Plastic ducks, hidden around the school grounds will mark the spot of 20 storybook characters. Their challenge will be to find all 20 ducks, or as many as possible. We are asking if any of your family and friends are able to sponsor your child for every duck they find. The Spring Duck Hunt will take place on 2nd March, weather permitting.

Selfie Reading Challenge

We are challenging the children in KS2 to take selfies of themselves reading in 20 unusual places. They can compile the photos in a scrapbook, or exercise book and submit to school on 2nd March. If your child does not have access to an electronic device, they can draw and colour themselves reading in unusual places. There will a prize for the most unusual photograph in each class.

Non Uniform Day

Our next Bags 2 School collection is on the 24th March. Please remember this when you are having your Spring Clean! You can send in any unwanted clothes and shoes. As an incentive to the children, we are allowing them to wear something red for Comic Relief, on this day, if they donate items.

Family Worship

Some classes are leading worship this term, and parents/carers are warmly invited to attend, when it is your child’s assembly. The classes and dates for this half term are as follows:

17th March: Year 5

24th March: Y4


Parental Partnership

Grace Thomas, our Family Support Worker, is available for parents and carers to speak to and can be contacted via the school office.

Parent/Pupil Consultations

The spring term consultations will be held on 21st March. All families will be allocated a five minute appointment. If circumstances make it impossible for you to attend, please speak to your child’s class teacher. I will be available during the evening, if you wish to contact me in advance to book an appointment, please feel free to do so. Children from Y2 upwards are asked to attend with their parents/carers.

Family Learning Workshop

There will be a Science themed Family Learning Workshop on 14th March for Y5 and Y6 children and their families. This will be from 9-10.30am in the school hall.

SATS meetings

Children, who are in Y2 or Y6, will be formally assessed this year under a new system (without levels). Y6 pupils will take their Key Stage 2 SATs in May, while Y2 pupils will be assessed over the spring and summer terms, using an ongoing process. We are holding an information meeting for Y6 parents/carers on 15th March at 3.30pm, which we strongly urge you to attend, or send a representative to.

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day is being held on 24th March this year. The children are allowed to come to school dressed in something red The School Council will be selling Red Noses on the 21st and 22nd March, but we only have a limited number of these.

Easter Evening of Dance

Children in Key Stage 2 will be performing an Evening of Dance on 28th March at 6.30pm. There will also be an afternoon performance on Monday 27th March. Due to space needed for the children to perform, tickets are strictly limited to two per child. The tickets are priced at £1 each and the money raised will be used to fund the costumes and props needed to put the show on. Mrs Shepley will be sending out an order form later this week.

Experience Easter

The Key Stage 2 children will be participating in the Experience Easter project at Walkden Methodist Church on 30th March. Y5 will lead the workshops and Years 3, 4 and 6 will visit the church during the day.

Rev Garfield will be leading a special Easter Worship on 29th March, in Walkden Methodist Church, at 9.15am. You are all most welcome to join us.

Easter Egg Raffle

The School Council are again running an Easter raffle. Members of staff have kindly donated chocolate eggs to be raffled off for the children. Tickets will be 20p each and will be on sale from 20th March. The raffle will be drawn in school on Friday 31st March.

Easter Holiday

We break up on 31st March for the Easter holiday and return on Tuesday 18th April.

Thank you for your continued support with everything we do in school.

Mrs. A. Barker
