May 17, 2016
A regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Central was called to order by Mayor Engels at 7:10p.m., in City Hall on May 17, 2016.
Present:Mayor Engels
Mayor pro tem Heider
Alderman Voorhies
Alderman Laratta
Alderman Aiken
Absent: None
Staff Present: City Manager Miera
City Clerk Bechtel
Attorney McAskin
Finance Director Adame
Community Development Director Rears
Public Works Director Hoover
Public Utilities Director Nelson
Fire Chief Allen
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.
The agenda was approved as presented.
No Council Member disclosed a conflict regarding any item on the agenda.
Alderman Vorrhies moved to approve the consent agenda containing the regular bill lists through March 9; and the City Council minutes for the meeting on February 16 and 26, 2016. Alderman Laratta seconded,and without discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Barry Phillips, GM for Reserve Casino Hotel, asked Council to pause on approval of the Leavitt Street resolution since this impacts the bus companies who are partners to the businesses here bringing up employees and charter groups.
Steve Cordero, Manager for Ace Express, requested more time to consider options for other locations to park the buses. This could increase costs that are not budgeted this year. They are open to hearing from residents that may have complaints regarding idling as this is not acceptable practice in the company.
Alison Hickok, 340 Lawrence, stated that this has been a 2 year battle to get some cooperation from the buses that park in the Leavitt lot which not only idle for hours but also have left the backup beeper on for no reason. They also pull out on Lawrence going up grade which is very loud with the shifting and the dust. She added that she has called Ace dispatch multiple times and has not gotten any resolve.
John Friery, 224 E 4th High, suggested that buses use an area off Highway 119 or a location in Black Hawk.
Joe Behm, CCBID Director, stated that the City has a long history with buses and that is a vibrant part of visitors coming to Central City and asked for more time to find a solution.
Resolution No. 16-14: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Central, Colorado authorizing the City Manager to post traffic control signs and take all necessary and proper steps to restrict vehicular traffic on Leavitt Street.
City Manager Miera reviewed the background as follows: the City desires to address hazardous environmental issues, excessive auto emissions, noise and potential damage to historic buildings and structures, and protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and visitors by authorizing the City Manager to take all necessary and proper steps to restrict vehicular traffic on Leavitt Street.
Aside from ongoing reports of excessive air and noise pollution affecting the residential neighborhood on Lawrence Street, adjacent to Leavitt Street, there have been two (2) recent substantial incidents on the unimproved roadway of Leavitt Street which have caused hazardous environmental conditions that the City should address: 1) February 19, 2016 Fuel Spill near the creek, and 2) April 13, 2016 Antifreeze Spill near the creek.
Section 8-4-30 allows the City Council to authorize the City Manager to take steps to restrict vehicular traffic (up to and including closure) on certain roadways if the City Council determines that vehicular access to certain roadways (Leavitt Street) is hazardous, in accordance with Section 8-4-20 of the Municipal Code.
Based on the information presented, as well as the fact that any such restriction of traffic on Leavitt Street will not adversely affect the City’s general transportation system, nor will it leave any property in the area without established access to another established public road, the restriction of traffic on Leavitt Street would be proper.
Mayor pro tem Heiderasked how Black Hawk handles bus parking. Manager Miera explained that buses are not allowed on city streets in Black Hawk and most buses end up here on Leavitt or on Miners Mesa. Leavitt is not an approved parking lot.
Mayor Engels added that in response to the business concerns, Council can pass this resolution and give Manager Miera the latitude to enforce as needed. Manager Miera added that if passed tonight, staff will work with these groups. The City does not have an obligation to find the alternative parking and there needs to be an interim solution as well as a long term solution and he is willing to work with all the interested parties.
Alderman Laratta stated that she would not want to do anything that discourages business this time of year and living in Central City is unique and we all have problems.
Alderman Voorhies moved to table Resolution No. 16-14: Aresolution of the City Council of the City of Central, Colorado authorizing the City Manager to post traffic control signs and take all other necessary and proper steps to restrict vehicular traffic on Leavitt Street to the next regular Council meeting on June 7, 2016. Mayor pro tem Heider seconded. In discussion, Mayor Engels stated that the Ordinance to close Leavitt has already been adopted. When Mayor Engels called the question, the motion carried 4 votes to 1 with Mayor Engels voting no.
AR 16-01: Administrative Re-plat Central City Lot, Block 1, Lot 11, 12 & 13 Goltra Property
CDD Rears explained that the applicant, Carolyn Goltra, Manager for Central City LLC, A Delaware limited Liability Corporation is requesting Central City, Block 1, Lots 11-13 be consolidated into one parcel referred to as Central City, Block 1, Lot 11A totally 0.2951 acres.
The subject parcels are located at the former Doc Holiday’s Casino along Main Street in which the applicant owns. The applicant feels that a consolidation of lots will have a benefit to marketing the property for future development. Given the request is minor in nature, the full subdivision and platting process is not required and therefore this request was reviewed as an Administrative Re-plat as authorized by Sec. 17-2-20 (c) Administrative Re-plat. A subdivision that proposed to adjust lot lines or consolidate lots into fewer lots without a companion PUD application shall be reviewed through an abbreviated review process by the Zoning Administrator and City Council.
Staff is recommending review and approval of the request. A full plat has been prepared along with a deed referencing the new consolidated legal description. There will be no impact to property tax and they will now have one address.
Mayor pro tem Heider moved to approve AR 16-01: Administrative Re-plat Central City Lot, Block 1, Lot 11, 12 & 13 Goltra Property. Alderman Voorhies seconded, and without discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Central City Volunteer Firefighters Foundation request for $22,000
Fire Chief Allen presented the proposal for funds to be used to grow the Foundation and jump start the fundraising which includes: $5,200 for Start-Up Costs; $5,300 for Outreach and Education; and $11,500 for Fundraising/Grant Writing. The requested funds will come out of the Fire Department budget.
Alderman Aiken asked if the $10,000 for grant writing could cost more depending on the size of the grant. Fire Chief Allen stated that it depends though he expects this to be a one time expense.
Mayor Engels stated that when the Foundation was formed, they were going to raise the funds on their own so he was not expecting this request.
Alderman Voorhies moved to grant theCentral City Volunteer Firefighters Foundation request for $22,000. Alderman Laratta seconded, and without discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Miera gave updates on the following:
Knights of Pythias has received a final building inspection for the stabilization work so the fencing can now come down
New bus stop benches installed
Clean-up event had a good turnout from businesses and volunteers with 16 staff from the Reserve
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Parkway Access Project will be 5/19 at 2:00pm
Public Works Director Hoover updated Council about the road projects underway.
Finance Director Adame noted that staff plans to have online payments available for water bills in July.
No Council member offered comment.
Jack Hidahl, 206 E 3rd High, stated his support for a building authority and though this does not need voter approval, it is important to fully inform the voters.
Lynne Poe, CCVFF Treasurer, expressed her concern for the lack of funding for the Fire Department with the equipment and Fire Station in serious need of upgrades.
At 8:06 p.m., Mayor pro tem Heidermoved to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)for the purposes of developing strategies relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations; developing strategies for negotiations; and instructing negotiators regarding property located on Nevada Street in Central City and to invite City Manager Miera and CDD Rears to join the meeting. Alderman Laratta seconded, and without discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
The nextCouncil meeting is scheduled for June 7, 2016at 7:00 p.m.
Ronald E. Engels, MayorReba Bechtel, City Clerk
CC Minutes 5/17/2016