Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum
University of Wolverhampton Conference 29th April 2008
Main Speakers Biographical Notes
Dr Katherine Pinnock
Dr Katherine Pinnock is currently Senior Consultant with GHK Consultancywith responsibility forthe area of children, families and education. Previously she was Senior Researcher with the Policy Research Institute based at the University of Wolverhampton. Here she was responsible for leading a number of research projects includingthe University of Wolverhampton project"Embedding Equality and Diversity in the curriculum: Developing and Disseminating Effective Practice." Other projects with the PRIincluded: Civic Participation: potential differences between ethnic groups in the UK (Commission for Racial Equality) Evaluation of Sandwell Organisation Against Domestic Abuse (Sandwell Borough Council)and Evaluation of Staffordshire Children's Fund (Staffordshire County Council). In previous positions with the University of Birmingham and Save the Children, she also led on projects in the areas ofchildren and parents experiences ofChildren’s Fund servicesas part of the National Evaluation of the Children’s Fund, refugee and asylum seeking children,child well being and child poverty.
Dr Glynis Cousin
Glynis Cousin has recently left the Higher Education Academy where she led on internationalisation of the curriculum and collaborated with the Equality Challenge Unit on a project concerning degree attainmentwith reference toBritish Ethnic Minority students and males. She is nowDirector ofthe Institute for Enhanced Learning at the University of Wolverhampton. Her PhD and publications are in the fields of diversity, equality, researchmethods and curriculuminquiry. She is currently interested in bringing cosmopolitan perspectives intoour formulations ofinternationalisation of the curriculum,global citizenship and cross-cultural capabilities.
Dr Margaret Sills
Margaret is the Academic Director of the Higher Education Academy Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre. Her responsibilities include strategic and operational planning, reporting, managing the day to day operations of the Subject Centre, staff recruitment and training, academic leadership in terms of publications, events etc as well as ensuring that there is a balance between the needs of those supporting student learning in both academic and practice environments with those identified by UK and regional policies on Health and Higher Education. She is project director for EIPEN , the European Interprofessional Education Network involving 16 partners in 6 countries.
She is also currently a visiting teacher in the Department of Education and Professional Studies at King's College London where she teaches on the post-graduate programme in Health Promotion and Health and Society.
Margaret is a founder member of Mental Health in Higher Education. http://www.mhhe.ltsn.soton.ac.uk/. She is at present on the steering group.
Dr Richard Brown
Richard has been actively involved in equality issues in both the private and public sectors for over 10 years. For the past four years Richard has been working on diversity and inclusion projects in Further and Higher education. His studies have included mainly law and social inclusion, in particular researching the policy/ practice dichotomy in relation to sexual orientation in secondary schools.
Richard’s particular interests are in translating policy into practice, his particular expertise being in disability and LGBT rights. He worked with LGBT issues for over 11 years and was the Vice Chair of Staffordshire LGBT Community forum. As part of a MIND funded project he has conducted research into Homophobic bullying in secondary schools. Currently he is the lead person for Equality and Diversity at Keele University.
Richard is a member of the Higher Education Equal Opportunities Network steering group, and is a member of the Discrimination Law Association and of the Research Institute for Public Policy and Management.
David Marshall
David Marshall is Chief Executive of Marshall ACM Ltd. Prior to setting up Marshall ACM in 2002, David was Head of Research at Penna Consulting PLC. Marshall ACM run online equality and diversity training for 35 higher education institutions in the UK. They have developed their Diversity in Learning and Teaching module with the equality unit at the University of Hertfordshire. It is specifically aimed at staff working in universities.
Professor Sally Glen
Professor Sally Glen has responsibility for the academic portfolio, curriculum development, quality systems and academic standards, learning and teaching, the student learning experience, and e-learning in the University.
Her research interests include philosophical approaches to professional education in health and social care. She has published widely in the field of health and social care education.
Professor Glen is currently on the Editorial Board of “Learning in Health and Social Care”, a Non-Executive Director of City and East London Mental Health Trust and chairs the Trust’s Ethics Committee. She is also a member of the Board of the Institute of Medical Ethics and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine and has been a Governor at the Homerton University Hospital Trust.