Los Angeles Unified School District
Elementary School Edition
Single Plan for Student Achievement
2005 – 2006
Resource Guide
Foreword ii
SECTION 1: Procedural Guidelines 1
SECTION 2: School, Family and Community Partnerships Resources 8
The Keys to Successful School, Family and Community Partnerships 8
Measure of School, Family and Community Partnerships 10
School, Family and Community Partnerships Feedback Tool Template 20
School, Family and Community Partnerships Feedback Tool Sample 22
Resources to Increase Parental Involvement 26
SECTION 3: Resources to Complete Action Plans 27
Sample Mathematics Action Plan 27
Sample English/Language Arts Action Plan 29
Sample English Language Development Action Plan 31
Sample Least Restrictive Environment Action Plan 33
Sample Partnerships, Support Services, and Organization Action Plan 35
Sample Science Action Plan 37
Science Action Plan 39
SECTION 4: Content Area Toolkits 41
Mathematics 41
English/Language Arts 62
English Language Development 85
Least Restrictive Environment 98
Science 105
SECTION 5: Sample Responses for Compliance Items 115
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) 115
English Language Development (ELD) 116
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 119
Title I: Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) 120
Title I: Schoolwide Program Schools (SWP) 121
School and Library Improvement Schools (SLI) 122
Title IV, SDFSC and TUPE 123
SECTION 6: Additional Resources 125
Acronyms and Specialized Terms 125
Identification of the Source for Data Sets 127
Resource Links 128
This Resource Guide provides the process and supporting materials to assist with the development of each school site’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). This document was created because schools expressed a need for two things: (1) to have examples of WHAT were the effective research-based and practice-validated efforts and (2) to learn HOW successful procedures can be used for engaging the entire school community in developing, implementing, and evaluating plans that result in student gains. We are grateful that students, educators, and the school community shared their expertise to make this reference guide possible.
Included in this Guide you will find the following collection of resources and strategies to assist schools as they prepare their SPSA:
· Procedural Guidelines which provide a systematic process for
guiding schools through the process of preparing the SPSA.
· Resources to support the completion of the School, Family and Community Partnerships section.
· Sample Action Plans which provide examples of what schools are to develop.
· Content Area Toolkits which will support professional development efforts and can be used to identify specific educational practices for inclusion in the Action Plans for the SPSA.
· Selected hardcopies of important reference documents
· Links to support materials and bulletins
Additionally, you have been provided with a compact disc that contains all of these documents so that you can enter information directly from your computer.
We are hopeful that you take advantage of the practical suggestions contained in this Guide. In so doing, you will hopefully feel comfortable in using your school’s SPSA as a “living document” to drive decision-making about the expenditure of human and fiscal resources which are aligned with collectively determined priorities. As a result, you will have an explicit course of action to guide your school community with the enhancement of educational services to continuously improve student achievement of standards.
ROWENA LAGROSA, Deputy Superintendent, Educational Services
RONNI M. EPHRAIM, Chief Instructional Officer, Elementary
ROBERT COLLINS, Chief Instructional Officer, Secondary
Step 1Section I: School Information
a. / q / Read the Introduction which contains a synopsis of each Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Section.
b. / q / Establish “Required Councils and Advisory Committees”
(Bulletin No. BP-1231).
q Conduct orientation and election of School Site Council (SSC), Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC), English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) and other required advisory committee members.
q Conduct training on role and responsibilities of SSC and other required advisory committees.
q Provide oral and written translation to parents at all meetings.
q Review working rules/bylaws for committees.
q Notify school community regarding participation in SPSA plan writing process.
c. / q / Identify programs that will be consolidated into the SPSA on the Program Identification page.
d. / q / Complete School Site Council Composition page.
q Review Committee Recommendations and Assurances but do not sign until the SPSA is adopted by SSC.
e. / q / Attend Local District training on the SPSA.
f. / q / Establish timelines for completion of SPSA.
g. / q / Develop or revise the School Vision and Mission.
h. / q / Develop School Profile Description
* Schools identified for Program Improvement must include required elements of NCLB, including why the school is in Program Improvement status in the School Profile Description.
i. / q / School Accountability Report Card (SARC): Attach the most recent version to the SPSA in Section IX.
Step 2
Section II: School Data
a. / q / Review and analyze student academic achievement data.
q / Describe key findings on the Conclusions from School Data Analysis page. These key findings will provide information needed to develop Action Plans in Section V of the SPSA.
b. / q / Review and analyze the student and staff data.
c. / q / Describe areas for improvement and identify needed resources that the school will utilize to support needed improvements on the Conclusions from Student and Staff Data Analysis page. (Areas for improvement described in this section may be used to provide information for the “Partnerships, Support Structures and Organization Action Plan” in Section V of the SPSA.)
Step 3
Section III: Governance, Leadership and School Organization
q / Provide descriptions in the guiding questions about the school’s governance, leadership, and school organization. (Findings described in this section may be used to provide information for the “Partnerships, Support Services and Organization Action Plan” in Section V of the SPSA.)
* Schools identified as Program Improvement Year 4 and 5 must insert the school’s approved restructuring plan.
Step 4
Section IV: School, Family and Community Partnerships
a. / q / Parents assist in the completion of the “School, Family, and Partnership” component.
b. / q / Refer to Section 2 in the Resource Guide, “School, Family and Community Partnerships Resources.”
q The “School, Family and Community Partnerships Resources” are essential for the completion of this section. This resource contains the Measures of School, Family, and Community Partnerships which serves as the tool for designing a parent involvement plan.
c. / q / Review the following from the “Parent Involvement Toolkit”:
q Epstein’s six Types of Parent Involvement, the Measure of School, Family, and Community Partnerships tool, and the Sample Feedback Summary Tool.
d. / q / Use the Measure of School, Family, and Community Partnerships tool to design a survey to provide data for the identification of priority focus areas from each of the six types of parent involvement.
q List the six priorities on the “Feedback Summary” in Section IV of the SPSA.
e. / q / Use the “Feedback Summary” to provide responses on the Family, School and Community Partnership Analysis page in Section IV. Responses from this page will provide the goal for the Partnerships, Support Services and Organization Action Plan in Section V.
f. / q / Review and revise the school’s parent involvement policy.
q Insert revised parent involvement policy into the SPSA.
g. / q / Review and revise the school’s School-Parent Compact.
q Insert the revised School-Parent Compact into the SPSA.
A suggested process for accomplishing this Step is to utilize the Toolkits included in the Resource Guide. The Toolkits provide responses schools can select to assist in the development of the Action Plans to design “Objectives” based on the “Analysis of Current Education Practice Key Findings”. The Toolkits provide support in the development of the strategies and activities needed to achieve the objectives.
Step 5
Section V: Action Plans
a. / q / Use the process identified below to develop Action Plans for Mathematics, English/Language Arts, English Language Development, Least Restrictive Environment:
q Review content “Goals” identified in Action Plans.
q Review Sample Action Plans from the Resource Guide as examples.
q Assess current educational practice using data and discussion questions. Determine “Key Findings” for each section.
q Review Conclusions from School Data Analysis and the Analysis of Current Educational Practice Key Findings from the content area “Toolkits” to develop two to three Objectives for the Action Plans. These will be the focus for instructional improvement.
q With the content area “Toolkits” as a guide, develop “Strategies/Activities”, including professional development, the school will use to accomplish the “Objectives” developed on the previous Action Plan page.
b. / q / Use the Conclusions from Student and Staff Data Analysis and responses/findings from the Governance, Leadership and School Organization page to develop any necessary objectives and strategies for areas of improvement for the Partnerships, Support Services and Organization Action Plan.
c. / q / Refer to Step 4e. to develop a Family, School and Community Partnership “Objective(s)” for inclusion in the Partnerships, Support Services and Organization Action Plan.
d. / q / Science
q If the school chooses to identify “Objectives”, “Strategies/Activities”, and “Resources” in the area of Science, refer to the Optional Science Action Plan, Sample Science Action Plan, and Science Toolkit provided in the Resource Guide.
** Because of the limited availability of test data, these resources are only available for Grade 5 and High School.
q Follow the same procedure outlined in Section a. above to develop “Objectives” to include on the Science Action Plan.
q If the school chooses to use the optional Science Action Plan, please insert it in Section V of the SPSA.
Step 6
Section VI: Compliance Items
a. / q / Review and complete Compliance Item pages for the following programs:
q / Gifted and Talented Education
q / English Language Development and K-12 Access to Grade Level Content
q / Least Restrictive Environment
q / Title I, EIA-SCE, and SLI and Components for Implementation
q / Title IV, SDFSC and TUPE
b. / q / Determine whether or not the school is in compliance. In areas of non-compliance, determine the actions, needed to achieve compliance. Refer to Sample Responses for Compliance Items in the Resource Guide.
Step 7
Section VII: Monitoring
a. / q / Develop “School Monitoring Plan”:
The SSC has the responsibility to establish a monitoring committee to validate the implementation of the Action Plans and share the findings with the SSC. Suggested committee activities include reviewing Action Plans, identifying individuals responsible for site monitoring of each Action Plan, reviewing evidence for completion of Action Plans, and recording outcomes of the Action Plans in the monitoring comments section. Schools should be prepared to share results with Local District staff.
b. / q / The Monitoring form gives directions and guidelines for schools and Local District administrators to use in order to validate the implementation of the Action Plan and share findings.
Step 8
Section VIII: Budget
a. / q / Directions: Check SFP website for correct budget pages and download and insert them into Section Eight (http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/office/instruct/sfp/)
b. / q / Implement budget planning process.
q / Review and discuss the Action Plans in Section V in order to identify needed contracted instructional services, budget resources (e.g. position or account title, professional development, substitute release time, contracted instructional services, advisory committee expenses, etc.)
q / Prepare a list of identified budget resources that are aligned to student academic needs reflected in the Action Plan pages. On your list include the page number in the SPSA where the need for the item to be budgeted was established.
q / Information is shared by the school administrator and School Site Council (SSC) with parent committees and school staff to receive input.
q / Ensure all Action Plan “Objectives” identified in the SPSA are incorporated in accordance with recommendations from parent committees and school staff.
q / Identify possible funding source(s) needed to implement the Action Plan items and prioritize. Note that English learners who are not mastering grade level content standards are also Title I participants
q / Notify parent committees and school staff of program allocations.
q / Complete budget pages using the Actions Plans with possible funding sources.
Should funds be insufficient to budget all identified Actions Plan items, use the prioritized list to establish precedent should additional revenue become available.
q / Complete the Budget Justification pages. Every budgeted resource will need to be addressed on the justification pages. Describe the services, including those provided by funded individuals and for whom the services are intended (subgroup). Refer to the Program and Budget Handbook for further information.
q / Complete the Categorical Funding Allocated to the School page.
q / Insert Categorical Programs Funding Source Budget page.
c. / q / Finalize budget and record votes in the SSC minutes.
q / Complete the Assurances, Budgets, and Justifications cover page.
q / Review the Committee Recommendations and Assurances page and obtain appropriate signatures.
Step 9
Section IX: Attachments
a. / q / Attach a copy of the Parents Rights to Know Letter.
Section 1111 of NCLB requires that parents of students attending Title 1 schools be notified of their right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their children’s classroom teachers. Please refer to Referendum E-1408 for detailed information and sample response letters. The LAUSD Parent/Student Handbook also contains information on parental rights.
b. / q / Attach a copy of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC).
Section 1111 of NCLB requires that parents receive district and school-level report cards that include information regarding school identified for program improvement and a comparison of the achievement of district students on statewide assessments with other students in the state. This document can be downloaded from the LAUSD or California Department of Education websites. Please refer to http://www.lausd.net. The SARC will be made available in January 2006 which will include data from the 2004 – 2005 school year.
c. / q / Attach SBM/LEARN Governance Plan and/or Waivers.
Schools not in the plan writing cycle must write a Governance Plan to be attached to the SPSA and submit for approval by May 15th. Waiver requests will be reviewed and approved by the Local District.
d. / q / Attach grants.
Grants that receive funding need to be attached.
e. / q / Attach GATE plan.
f. / q / Academic Performance Survey (APS)
(If the school had a SAIT audit, attach the APS including corrective actions.)
Please include the Plan Writing Checklist (located in the compact disc) when the school plan is submitted to the local district.