Our aim is to help empower people to live well. Your feedback can help us to see if we are on track, or if we need to change our services to better fit people’s needs.

As a client of our services, we would value a few minutes of your time to complete the survey and make comments you would like us note.

Please could you tell us which MHAPS service you used: …………………………………………………………………

(if you have engaged with more than one service, please choose just one for this feedback sheet.

Who was your peer worker? (optional) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

MY EXPERIENCE AT MHAPS(please tick the box on each line which applies to you)

I was provided with as much information as I needed:

Too little Too much Just right

Meetings and appointments happened as had been arranged:

Never Not very often Sometimes Most of the time Always

I found the environment at MHAPS(Tick more than one box here if you’d like to)

 Welcoming Had good temperature Private enough Informative Comfortable

Reception and peer workers were sensitive towards me when I was suffering mentally or emotionally:

None of themA few of themSome of them Most of them All of them Not applicable

The overall quality of care I received suited my recovery needs:

Not at all Poorly  Neither well nor poorly Very well Exactly

Meeting with a peer worker who has experienced similar mental distress as me has been

Difficult Not relevant Neither relevant nor helpful  Helpful Very helpful  Brilliant

Would you like to make any comments?


______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised



Are there any things that you’d like to have been different in our service to you?

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised



re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised


Since I have been using MHAPS services:-

My sense of general wellbeing has

Got worse Stayed the same Improved a bit Improved more than I’d hoped

I have been to mental health services (crisis service, sector base or Hillmorton Hospital)

More often About the same Less than before Not at all Not applicable

We would be glad to hear of any aspects of your life you believe have improved, improved a lot, or stayed the same since using our services, if you are happy to share this. (tick below whichever boxes apply to you)

Feel free to add other aspects if you’d like to in the blank spaces

Got worse /
Stayed the same /
improvement /
Improved more than I’d hoped / Not relevant to me
Quality of life
Day to day coping
Mental illness symptoms
Physical illness management
Sense of hope
Sense of choice and empowerment
Self belief and worth
Sense of creativity and/or spirituality
Ability to connect with my community (groups, clubs, marae, etc.)
Ability to work (paid or voluntary)
Desire to “give back” /help others

We would value any other comments you would like to make




______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised
______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

______re there any things that you would preferred to be different in our service to you?
ther than marginalised

Thank you very much for helping us to improve our services.

Please tick if we can use your comments anonymously when we are reporting our services to our funders, writing our annual report, or describing our services to other potential service users

Please return this form in the envelope provided, or send to MHAPS, P.O. Box 33-332, Barrington, Christchurch 8244 or email to

If you have any specific complaint about our services, we would like to hear from you. You are welcome to phone or email and ask for a complaints form, pick one up from reception at 826 Colombo Street, or write a letter to Sue Ricketts, General Manager, MHAPS, P.O. Box 33-332, Barrington, Christchurch 8244 or email

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