DIY Energy Renovation Model Rubric
Name: ______Date: ______
Performance Indicators
Element / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Planning
Uses a Inspiration or planning sheet to organize project. / Discusses or considers plan, but does not put it in writing. / Starts Inspiration or planning sheet, but does not complete it. / Completes Inspiration or planning sheet. / Uses Inspiration or other graphic organizer backed up by planning sheet.
Provides a clear main theme. / Fails to provide a theme. / Uses a theme that is not related to topic. / Uses clear and appropriate main theme. / Provides new way of looking at main theme.
Subject Knowledge
Interprets and explains subject matter in full and provides supporting details. / Provides cursory interpretation of subject matter, with no supporting details. / Provides cursory interpretation of subject matter, with some supporting details. / Provides interpretation of subject matter, with supporting details. / Provides complete interpretation of subject matter, with full supporting details.
Relates the subject matter to everyday life or familiar situations. / Does not relate the subject matter to daily life or familiar situations. / Incorrectly relates the subject matter to daily life or familiar situations. / Appropriately relates the subject matter to daily life or familiar situations. / Clearly and insightfully relates the subject matter to daily life or familiar situations.
Produces visually appealing and legible work. / Produces work that is difficult to read. / Produces work that is readable, but has little visual appeal. / Produces work that is legible and visually appealing. / Produces work with high visual appeal and legibility.
Includes all the required elements. / Includes only 1 of the required elements. / Includes 2–3 of the required elements. / Includes all the required elements. / Includes all the required elements, and uses each one well.
Uses a variety of media (e.g., written content, graphs, charts, diagrams, photographs, sketches). / Uses only 1 form of media. / Uses 2 forms of media. / Uses 3 or more forms of media. / Uses more than 3 forms of media, and uses each one well.
Uses appropriate terminology and vocabulary. / Uses inappropriate terminology and vocabulary. / Uses inappropriate terminology or vocabulary. / Uses appropriate terminology and vocabulary. / Uses appropriate, clear, and correctly spelled terminology and vocabulary.
Uses correct spelling and grammar. / Develops only 1 draft, which has many spelling and grammatical errors. / Has a peer or teacher mark spelling and grammatical errors in the first draft, but does not fix them. / Fixes the spelling and grammatical errors marked in the first draft. / Fixes the spelling and grammatical errors marked in the first draft, and then has a peer or teacher mark errors in the second draft and fixes them too.