Welding Technician - Entry Level
Levels:Grades 9-12
Units of Credit:1.00
CIP Code:48.0508
Core Code:40-10-00-00-110
Skill Test:595
I can learn basic welding skills that will prepare them to apply technical knowledge and skill in the workplace and in project construction. I can learn and practice knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits required for performing tasks autonomously, including the selection and demonstrate of appropriate techniques and equipment with minimum supervision.
I can understand welding orientation.
Objective 1: I canidentify welding processes.
Objective 2: I canprepare time or job cards, reports, or records.
Objective 3: I canfollow verbal instructions to complete work assignments.
Objective 4: I canfollow written details to complete work assignments.
I can understand and demonstratewelding safety and first aid.
Objective 1: I cancomplete a student safety pledge (disclosure statement).
Objective 2: I canrespond to first aid requirements.
Objective 3: I canfollow safe practices.
Objective 4: I canperform housekeeping duties.
Objective 5: I cansuccessfully complete safety tests on equipment use.
I can identify welding tools and equipment.
Objective 1: I canidentify basic welding hand tools (e.g., safety glasses, welding helmet, chipping hammer, etc.).
Objective 2: I canidentify basic power tools and equipment (e.g., shielded metal arc welder, gas metal arc welder, bench grinder, etc.).
I candemonstrate basic math and measuring skills.
Objective 1: I canperform basic math conversions from fractions to decimals.
Objective 2: I canread and correctly demonstrate a tape measure, rule, and square.
Objective 3: I canperform basic layout techniques.
I can read and interpret welding blueprints.
Objective1: I canapply information found in the information block of the drawing
Objective 2: I canidentify basic views demonstrated in blueprints, including assembly, detail, and fit-up drawings.
Objective 3: I canidentify common types of linesdemonstrated in blueprints, including object, hidden, center, and construction lines.
I can identify and apply basic welding symbols.
Objective 1: I canidentify and interpret basic welding symbols (e.g., square groove weld, fillet weld, field weld, reference line, etc.).
Objective 2: I candraw welding symbols for given specifications.
Objective 3: I caninterpret a welding print and welding procedure specifications.
I candemonstratethe shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) processes.
Objective 1: I canset up for SMAW operations on carbon steel.
Objective 2: I canstart and restart an arc and run a bead on carbon steel.
Objective 3: I canbuild a weld pad on carbon steel in the flat position.
Objective 4: I canmake 1F (flat position-fillet weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 5: I canmake 2F (horizontal position-fillet weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 6: I canmake 1G (flat position-groove weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 7: I canMake 2G (horizontal position-groove weld) welds on carbon steel.
I candemonstratethe manual oxyfuel gas cutting processes.
Objective 1: I canperform safety inspections of equipment and accessories.
Objective 2: I canset up for manual oxyfuel gas cutting operations on carbon steel.
Objective 3: I canperform straight cutting operations on carbon steel.
Objective 4: I canperform shape-cutting operations on carbon steel.
Objective 5: I canperform bevel-cutting operations on carbon steel.
Objective 6: I canpierce a hole through a carbon steel plate.
I candemonstratethe gas metal arc welding (GMAW) processes.
Objective 1: I canset up for GMAW operations on carbon steel.
Objective 2: I canstart and restart an arc and backfill at the edge while running a bead on carbon steel.
Objective 3: I candemonstrate Short Circuit Transfer welding process to make 1F (flat position-fillet weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 4: I candemonstrate Short Circuit Transfer welding process to make 2F (horizontal position-fillet weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 5: I candemonstrate Short Circuit Transfer welding process to make 1F (flat position-fillet weld) multi-pass weld on carbon steel.
Objective 6: I candemonstrate Short Circuit Transfer welding process to make 1G (flat position-groove weld) welds on carbon steel.
Objective 7: I candemonstrate Short Circuit Transfer welding process to make 2G (horizontal position-groove weld) welds on carbon steel.
Welding Technician – Entry LevelPage 1 of 3
Revised: I can August 2011