Network Database Access and Storage Volumes


The SimulTOF workstation is installed with a local PostgreSQL Master and Repository database. There is also a local storage volume for raw spectra files and other data. The Master and Repository databases as well as storage volumes may also be located on a network server

To access SimulTOF data from another workstation, you must set up access to the instrument or network databasesand storage volume through the local area network. Network database installations must add network access with the procedures outlined in this document. Local instrument workstation databases and storage volume are set up for network access for most circumstances, but may need additional access outlined here.

For information on installing PostgreSQL on a Windows server and creating SimulTOF databases, seeNetwork_Database_Access_and_Storage_Volumes.docx.

Setting up Stand-Alone Application Access

When running astand-alone SimulTOF application (Plate Editor, Processor, Viewer or Wizard) for the first time, the Options dialog will appear. If the Options dialog doesn’t appear, close the application and hold the Shift key down while launching the application. This setup only needs to occur once across all SimulTOF applications on a single client workstation.

In the Options dialog, click the Database tab.

Update the database settings by entering the Host name in both the Master and Repository Database sections (highlighted fields). The Host is the computer name of the instrument workstation or database server. The default Master database name is “stmasterdb” and the default Repository database name is “strepositorydb”.

If the client application does not connect to the database, you may need to use a fully qualified host name, e.g. <server>.<domain>.<subdomain>. Determine the path to the instrument workstation or database server through Windows Explorer. You may also have to increase the Postgres network access on the instrument workstation or database server, seeUpdating the Storage Volume Access Route.

If the database can be accessed, but the data cannot be retrieved, you may need to update the storage volume access route. If you have changed the computer name of the instrument workstation (including adding it to a domain), you will have to migrate the system first,see Network_Database_Access_and_Storage_Volumes.docx.

Updating PostgreSQL Network Access

In order to connect a PostgreSQL database from a remote workstation, you will need to update the PostgreSQL network access.

Perform this procedure from the workstation or server where the PostgreSQL database is located. It can also be performed remotely by editing the pg_hba.conf file manually.

  1. Browse to C:\PostgreSQLData\<major.minor>\main, or the data directory used during PostgreSQL installation.
  2. Edit the “pg_hba.conf” file.
  3. At the bottom of the file, copy and paste the following line:

host all all samenet md5

  1. If you have a large network with routed subnets, you may need to add the following lines:

host all all all md5

host all all md5

Replace the text “” with your local network information.

  1. Save the file and close the editor.

Opening PostgreSQL access through Windows firewall

In order to connect a PostgreSQL database from a remote workstation, you will also need to allow PostgreSQL through the Windows firewall. Perform this procedure from the workstation or server where the PostgreSQL database is located. You may either open access to the PostgreSQL application or open the port which PostgreSQL uses. Both procedures are outlined below.

To allow the PostgreSQL application through the Windows firewall:

  1. From the Control Panel, select System and Security. Under Windows Firewall, select “Allow a Program through Windows Firewall”
  1. If you are in the Windows Firewall general setting, click “Allow an app or features through Windows Firewall” on the left side.
  2. Click “Change Settings” if required.
  3. Click “Allow another program…”
  4. Click Browse…
  5. Browse to “C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\Postgres.exe” and click Open.

  1. Click Add.
  2. Under “PostgreSQL Server”, check the “Home/Work (Private)” checkbox as well as the Domain checkbox.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Close the Window Firewall control panel.

To open the PostgreSQL port in the Windows Firewall:

This procedure should be used if the PostgreSQL application was not added to Allowed Programs list in the previous instructions. It is OK to perform both procedures.

  1. In the Windows Firewall control panel, click “Advanced Settings”.
  2. Select “Inbound Rules” on the left panel.
  3. Click “New Rule…” on the right panel.
  4. Select Port and click Next.
  5. Keep TCP and enter “5432” in the “Specific local ports” field.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Keep the default “Allow the connection” and click Next.
  3. Unselect the Public checkbox and click Next.

  1. Unselect the Public checkbox and click Next.
  2. Name the rule “PostgreSQL Port” or similar.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Close the Window Firewall control panel.

Storage Volumes

Raw spectra and other data are saved outside the Master and Repository databases in storage volumes. SimulTOF data located in the Master or Repository database contain a pointer to the name of the storage volume. The file access route for the storage volume name is stored in the Master database. This access route must be a network address regardless of operation from a local machine to allow access for remote clients.

Creating a Local Storage Volume

Instruments are configured with a local storage volume. If you are replacing the computer, you may want to create a new local storage volume on the instrument. If you rename the computer, you will have to re-establish the share volume, see Updating the Storage Volume Access Route.

To create a new Local Storage Volume:

  1. In Windows Explorer, create a folder in the root directory of the data drive: D:\LocalDataVolume
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
  3. Under the Security tab, click Edit… to change permissions.
  4. Click Add…, type Everyone, click OK.
  5. Click Everyone, select Full Control checkbox, click OK.
  6. Under the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing…
  7. Click Share this folder and keep the default Share name “LocalDataVolume”.
  8. Click OK. Note the Network Path that is now listed in the Sharing tab.
  9. If you are moving the data from an existing storage volume to the new volume, copy the spectra and data files from the original storage volume, maintaining the folder structure.
  10. Proceed to Updating the Storage Volume Access Route.

Creating a Network Storage Volume

To set up a network storage volume, you may either migrate the storage volume from a local instrument (most common) or create a new network storage volume. When migrating the storage volume from a local instrument workstation, the path or access route of the storage volume name is updated and the files are then manually copied to the new network share. When creating a new network storage volume, any existing data would continue to reside on the original storage volume.

To create a network storage volume on a Windows computer:

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to or create a folder on the data drive, e.g.D:\NetworkDataVolume
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
  3. Under the Security tab, click Edit… to change permissions.
  4. Click Add…, type Everyone, click OK.
  5. Click Everyone, select Full Control checkbox, click OK.
  6. Under the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing…
  7. Click Share this folder.
  8. Click OK. Note the Network Path that is now listed in the Sharing tab. This network path is needed to update the Storage Volume access route in the database.
  9. If you are moving the data from an existing storage volume to the new volume, copy the spectra and data files from the original storage volume, maintaining the folder structure.

Network storage volumes can also be created on a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. A fully qualified path to the storage volume is required.

Updating the Storage Volume Access Route

To change the Access Route of an existing instrument or network storage volume or to setup a new storage volume:

  1. Note the fully qualified path to network share location of the new storage volume from the local instrument. Even if the storage volume is located on the instrument workstation, you will need a fully qualified network path, for example:
  • \\<server>.<domain>.<subdomain>\<share>\<folder
  • \\<server>\<share>\<folder
  • \\<server>\<share
  1. From the instrument workstation, run the SimulTOF Manager application from the Start menu.

  1. Verify that the Database Server field (in blue) contains the correct database server name, either the local instrument database or network database. If the incorrect database server name is listed:
  2. Click “Manage Master Database”
  3. Click “Configure Database Connection"
  4. Select the database server URI from the pull down menu.
  5. Click Database Administration.

  1. Click Manage Storage Volumes.If no storage volume is listed, then the database is either newly created or it was not migrated properly. You may either cancel and migrate the database (see Network_Database_Access_and_Storage_Volumes.docx), or choose to create a new storage volume for an empty database.
  1. If a local instrument storage volume exists and you are adding a new storage volume and you are NOT migrating the data to a new storage volume, double-click the local storage volume (or select it and click Edit).
  2. Check the Automatic checkbox. This will hide the local storage volume as an option when selecting job storage locations for future jobs. It will preserve existing data.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Continue to Step 8.
  1. If you are migrating data to a new storage volume and wish to update the access route of the existing storage volume, double-click to edit this entry (or select and click Edit).
  1. Do not change the Name of the storage volume. This will preserve existing data.
  2. Change the Access Route to the new network share and folder. If a fully qualified name is required from step 1, it also needs to appear in this field (e.g. “file://<server>.<domain>.<subdomain>/<share>/<folder>/”).This access route must be a network address regardless of operation from a local machine to allow access for remote clients (i.e. do not use “localhost”).
  3. The Automatic checkbox should remain unchecked. This allows the storage volume to appear as a default when selecting job storage locations.
  1. If you are adding a new storage volume, Click Add.
  2. Enter the name for the new storage volume. For a local instrument storage volume use “LocalDataVolume”.
  3. Enter Access Route to the storage volume with the format “file://<server>/LocalDataVolume/”. If a fully qualified name is required from step 1, it also needs to appear in this field (e.g. “file://<server>.<domain>.<subdomain>/<share>/<folder>/”).This access route must be a network address regardless of operation from a local machine to allow access for remote clients (i.e. do not use “localhost”).
  1. The Automatic checkbox should remain unchecked. This allows the storage volume to appear as a default when selecting job storage locations.
  1. Click OK.
  2. Click Commit.
  3. Close the Storage Volume Editor and the SimulTOF Manager application.

More Information

For technical assistance or support, please contact SimulTOF Systems.

Phone:(508) 460-1600

Fax:(508) 460-1607


Address:261 Cedar Hill Street, Suite 100, Marlborough, MA 01752

SimulTOF Systems – Network Database Access.docxPage 1