Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes May 21, 2015
Present : Chris Barrett, Gary Buddie, Jim Colby, JoAnn Ernandes, Ken Gerber, Barbara Lenco, Loretta Lavanco, Carol Traen
Absent : John Allen, Lillie Head, Phil Servidea
Also Present: Frank Amoroso
Opening Prayer: Carol Traen offered an opening and closing prayer..
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the April meeting were approved.
Old Business:
1. Capital Campaign Update - Forty-four families have indicated their interest in participating in the Capital Campaign and have pledged $120,000. On May 23 and 24 at the weekend Masses, a short film promoting the campaign will be shown during Homily time and parishioners will be provided with time and the forms to indicate their participation in the campaign. Although the campaign will extend for several more weeks the "big push" will be this weekend.
2. Web Site Status -- Tweaking of the Web site is still occurring, specifically to make the banner less prominent and to emphasize things that a visitor to the parish might be looking for. It will be presented to the parish on the weekend of May 30, 31.
3. Parish Directory Report -- LifeTouch has delivered the updated rosters, however the format is not correct. They were required to be printed for insertion in the existing directories with the portraits and roster in separate sections and they do not meet this requirement. Carol and Loretta are working with Life Touch to have this corrected.
4. Clergy Staffing -- Although there was some discussion about attempting to get a retired priest the discussion shifted to possibly negotiating Mass times with Holy Name Of Mary so that RCC could have a Sunday morning Mass. One suggestion was to have a meeting with HNM Pastoral Council or perhaps a joint retreat with them to discuss the issue. However before doing that the parish should be surveyed to see how many parishioners would come to a later Saturday night Mass or an early Sunday Morning Mass. Obviously, before anything is done Father Sal should be consulted as to his willingness to "double-up" on Saturday night and Sunday morning and how this would fit with his schedule.
New Business:
1. Pastoral Council Selection Process - Nominations for Pastoral Council are coming in. Chris distributed a copy of the process that was used last year and it will be followed again this year. The discernment meeting will be on June 17 at 6:30 PM.
Senior Pastoral Associate Comments: Deacon Chris distributed copies of the budget that was submitted to the Diocese before May 15. The gross income was increased from last year but is still well below the amount generated last year. $10,000 was added for a part time bookkeeper. In addition some capital expense items had been included with Qperation Expenses and were relocated with Capital Expenses.
Announcements -- The June meeting will be the discernment process and will occur on June 17 at 6:30 PM. The opening prayer, closing prayer and faith sharing will be provided by Phil Servidea.
Respectfully submitted, Frank Amoroso