Textbooks for P1 and P4
Sep-Oct 2017
P1 Core Courses
Business Foundations/ Peter Joos,Nils Rudi and Lucie Tepla
Corporate financial reporting and analysis: a global perspectiveby Young, S. David ; Cohen, Jacob
HG20 .Y68 2013
Corporate financeby Berk, Jonathan B. ; DeMarzo, Peter
HG4026 .B47 2017
Financial Accounting/ Peter Joos
Corporate financial reporting and analysis: a global perspectiveby Young, S. David ; Cohen, Jacob
HG20 .Y68 2013
Financial accountingby Dyckman, Thomas R. ; Magee, Robert P. ; Pfeiffer, Glenn M.
HG20 .D93 2014
Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and usesby Weil, Roman L. ; Schipper, Katherine ; Francis, Jennifer
HG20 .D228 2014
Financial Markets & Valuation/ Bart Yueshen
A Random walk down Wall Street: a time-tested strategy for successful investingbyMalkiel, Burton G.
HG4521 .M35 2007
Corporate financeby Berk, Jonathan B.; DeMarzo, Peter
HG4026 .B47 2017
Dark pools: the rise of A.I. trading machines and the looming threat to Wall Streetby Patterson, Scott
HG4515.95 .P37 2012
Finance for executives: managing for value creationby Hawawini, Gabriel ; Viallet, Claude
HG4011 .H39 2015
Investmentsby Bodie, Zvi ; Kane, Alex ; Marcus, Alan J.
HG4521 .B63 2011
Principles of corporate financeby Brealey, Richard A. ; Myers, Stewart C. ; Allen, Franklin
HG4026 .B665 2011
The Big short: inside the doomsday machinebyLewis, Michael
HG1616 .C7 L49 2010
Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companiesby Koller, Tim ; Goedhart, Marc ; Wessels, David
HG4028 .V3 C67 2010
When genius failed: the rise and fall of long-term capital managementby Lowenstein, Roger
HG4930 .L69 2000
Introduction to Strategy/ Matthew Lee
Contemporary strategy analysis
by Grant, Robert M.
HD30.28 .G73 2010
Modern competitive strategyby Walker, Gordon
HD30.28 .W35 2009
Strategy and the business landscapeby Ghemawat, Pankaj
HD30.28 .G44 2010
Organizational Behavior 1/ Roderick Swaab
Making the team: a guide for managers
by Thompson, Leigh L.
HD6958 .T4 T46 2014
Organizational behaviorby Robbins, Stephen P. ; Judge, Timothy A.
HD6950.5 .R63 2015
Prices and Markets/ Pushan Dutt
Microeconomicsby Pindyck, Robert S. ; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.
HB172 .P56 2013
Principles of Economicsby Mankiw, N. Gregory
HB171.5 .M36 2007
Uncertainty, Data & Judgment/ Miguel Sousa S. Lobo
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of business statistics
by Kazmier, Leonard J.
HA29 .K39 2004
P4 Elective Courses
Asset Management/ Pierre Hillion
Active portfolio management: a quantitative approach for providing superior returns and controlling riskby Grinold, Richard C.; Kahn, Ronald N.
HG4529.5 .G75 2000
Asset management: a systematic approach to factor investingby Ang, Andrew
HG1615.25 .A64 2014
Corporate financeby Berk, Jonathan B. ; DeMarzo, Peter
HG4026 .B47 2013
Expected returns: an investor's guide to harvesting market rewardsby Ilmanen, Antti
HG4521 .I56 2011
Investmentsby Bodie, Zvi ; Kane, Alex ; Marcus, Alan J.
HG4521 .B63 2014
Pioneering portfolio management: an unconventional approach to institutional investmentby Swensen, David F.
HG4529.5 .S94 2000
Advanced Game Theory/Andrea Canidio
Co-opetitionby Brandenburger, Adam M. ; Nalebuff, Barry J.
HD30.28 .B696 1996
Competitive solutions: the strategist's toolkitby McAfee, R. Preston
HD30.28 .M33 2002
Strategy: an introduction to game theoryby Watson, Joel
HB144 .W387 2013
Thinking strategically: the competitive edge in business, politics, and everyday lifeby Dixit, Avinash K. ; Nalebuff, Barry J.
HD30.28 .D59 1991
Blue Ocean Strategy/ Guoli Chen and Jens Meyer
Blue ocean strategy: how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevantby Kim, W. Chan ; Mauborgne, Renée
HD30.28 .K56 2015
Brand Management/ Amitava Chattopadhyay
Strategic brand management: building, measuring, and managing brand equityby Keller, Kevin Lane
HF5415.3 .K45 2013
The marketing plan handbookby Chernev, Alexander
HF5415.13 .C44 2014
The new emerging market multinationals: four strategies for disrupting markets and building brandsby Chattopadhyay, Amitava ; Batra, Rajeev ; Ozsomer, Aysegul
HF5415.3 .C43 2012
The new strategic brand management: advanced insights and strategic thinkingby Kapferer, Jean-Noël
HF5415.3 .K37 2012
China Strategy/ Guoli Chen
Business leadership in China: how to blend best Western practices with Chinese wisdomby Gallo, Frank T.
HD6951 .G35 2008
China key success factors: past and future rules for succeeding in Chinaby Liu, Warren K.
HC500.42 .C4 L58 2010
China CEO: voices of experienceby Fernandez, Juan Antonio
HF1359.42 .C4 F47 2006
Dragons at your door: how Chinese companies are disrupting the rules of global competitionby Zeng, Ming ; Williamson, Peter J.
HD41.42 .C4 Z46 2007
Getting China and India right: strategies for leveraging the world's fastest-growing economies for global advantageby Gupta, Anil K. ; Wang, Haiyan
HB847 .G87 2009
Operation China: from strategy to executionby Hexter, Jimmy ; Woetzel, Jonathan R.
HC500.42 .C4 H49 2007
Platform strategy: business model in revolution (Chinese version)by Chen, Weiru
HD30.28 .C44 2013
Winning in emerging markets: a road map for strategy and execution by Khanna, Tarun ; Palepu, Krishna G. ; Bullock, Richard J.
HD2755.5 .K43 2010
Where East eats West: the street-smarts guide to business in China by Goodman, Samuel
HC500.42 .C4 G66 2008
The Future of Chinese capitalism: choices and chances by Redding, Gordon S. ; Witt, Michael A.
HB501.42 .C4 R43 2007
Competitive Supply Chains/ Enver Yucesan
Competitive supply chains: a value-based management perspectiveby Yücesan, Enver
HD38.5 .Y83 2016
Clockspeed: winning industry control in the age of temporary advantageby Fine, Charles H.
HD30.28 .F563 1998
Matching supply with demand: an introduction to operations managementby Cachon, Gérard ; Terwiesch, Christian
TS155 .C33 2013
Supply chain management: seven winning tips that every salesperson should knowby Dhaul, Bidur ; Yücesan, Enver
HD38.5 .D43 2011
Corporate Restructuring/ Pierre Hillion
Creating value through corporate restructuring: case studies in bankruptcies, buyouts, and breakups
by Gilson, Stuart C.
On order
Industry & Competitive Analysis/ Luis Almeida Costa
Competitive solutions: the strategist's toolkitby McAfee, R. Preston
HD30.28 .M33 2002
Economics of strategyby Besanko, David ; Dranove, David ; Shanley, Mark ; Schaefer, Scott
HD30.28 .B47 2013
Strategy and the business landscapeby Ghemawat, Pankaj
HD30.28 .G44 2010
Strategic managementby Saloner, Garth ; Shepard, Andrea ; Podolny, Joel
HD30.28 .S356 2009
Negotiations/ Horacio Falcao
Value negotiation: how to finally get the win-win rightby Falcão, Horacio
HD6952 .F35 2010
Private Equity/ Claudia Zeisberger
Mastering private equity: transformation via venture capital, minority investments and buyoutsby Zeisberger, Claudia ; Prahl, Michael ; White, Bowen
HG4751 .Z45 2017
SPSD: Creative Thinking/ Fridolin Beisert
Creative strategies: 10 approaches to solving more than design problemsby Beisert, Fridolin
HD45 .B45 2016