Maywood Middle School Math Common Core 7 (CC7) 2016-17

Mr. Ron Ciraulo 837-6971

Mrs. Lexi Grow 837-6970

Mrs. Holly Miner 837-6942

Mrs. Rebecca Toborg 837-6930

Course Description and Textbook

The Common Core 7curriculum is taught using the Connected Math Program 3 (CMP3). Important mathematical concepts are embedded in engaging problems. Students develop understanding and skills as they explore the problems individually, in a group, and with the class. The in-class development problems and the homework exercises give students practice distributed over time with important concepts, related skills, and algorithms. The course content is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.

Each student will receive a hard-bound copy of the textbook to keep at home. Since each teacher has a set of textbooks in the classroom, students will not need to bring their personal copy of the text back and forth to school. Students are responsible for returning their copy of the text in excellent condition at the end of the year, so be sure to have a safe place to store the book at home. Access to the online version of the textbook is linkedto our CC 7 Team website:

Course Requirements

Students will:

  • Come to class every day prepared to learn with yourMath binder or folder, pencils, erasers, red pen, highlighterand school planner.

For each current unit students should daily bring in their Math binder/folder for the current unit: Investigation packets, vocabulary tool kit, assessments, and notes.

When a unit ends students are encouraged to store previous unit materials in a safe place at home for future reference.

  • At Home:

It is essential that students have access to a protractor, ruler, calculator, and red pen at home as some homework assignments will require these tools. (They are provided in class, so students do not need to bring them back and forth to school.)

Students should have a place/file to store previous unit materials for reference, grade verifications and study guides.

Students also need a computer with internet access in order to complete some of their homework at home. Please notify your teacher if you do not have regular internet access so they can accommodate you.

Course Expectations

Classroom Expectations
  • Be Safe
  • Be Kind
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Your Best

Progressive Discipline Plan

  1. Verbal and or Written Warnings
  2. Conference with Student
  3. Student dismissal to Student Learning Center (SLC)
  4. Issue Demerits
Referral to Administrator
*Note: The progressive discipline plan steps
may be taken out of order depending on the situation and/or severity of the behavior.

Assignments, Assessments, and Grades

Students’ grades for this class will be based on points earned from:

Assessments – 75% of trimester grade

  • Students will take one or two quizzes and a test each unit. (There are eight units in CC 7.)
  • Quiz/Test Retakes are available under the following conditions:

Students must present a signed cover sheet from an adult stating they reviewed the missed concepts from the original assessment.

Retakes will be offered oftenoutside of the school day, mostly during Math Lab on days scheduled by the teacher.

All retakes must be completed within two weeks.

The higher score will be counted.

Assignments – 25% of trimester grade

  • Student participation, teamwork and classwork are the daily expectation.
  • Students will also be assessed on their knowledge of current mathematical concepts covered in class through regular Exit Tickets and Partner Quizzes.
  • Sometimes students may be allowed to use classwork and/or homework as a resource for assessments, so keeping those items organized and up to date is important.
  • Students can expect to have homework assigned every night, including Fridays.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to “get caught up” after an absence. S/he is to check theclass Connect groupor call a classmate for missed assignments and classwork.
  • Homework is expected to be completed and reviewed/corrected online via our CC 7 Team connect group (website) or individual teacher’s connect group. All CC 7 teachers give the same lessons, assignments and homework most days of the school year.
  • A “complete assignment” has four components:
  • All problems attempted
  • All proofs shown
  • All solutions labeled
  • All mistakes corrected and problems reworked with a red pen.
  • Much of homework corrections and pre-teaching will be done with interactive videos posted on EDpuzzle. Students will receive sign in information in class.

Grading Scale

F= 0-59% / Mrs. Grow’s class only:
In conjunction with the ISD Grading Project, students will also receive a “non-academic achievement” rubric grade. This grade will be e-mailed to parent and will assess students in the areas of work-habits, initiative, collaboration and citizenship on a 3, 2, 1 scale. An informational video is posted on Mrs. Grow’s connect group.

Math Common Core 7 Syllabus,Page 1

Progress Reports and Report Cards

  • TheCC7 Teamconnect group (website) is updated daily with the class lesson notes, assigned work including homework, and upcoming importantdates.
  • At mid-trimester grades will be posted on Family Access.
  • School-wide report cards will be posted approximately a week after the end of each trimester.
  • To check grades more frequently, you can check your student’s progress Family Access. Family Access grades are updated (at minimum) every three weeks.


Please check for assigned work on our CC7 Team connect group (website)so that you may regularly discuss your student’s progress in Math with him/her.

Please check forgrade updates on Family Access. (If you’ve forgotten your login or password, please go to the Family Access link from the district or Maywood website and click on the “Forgot login or password?” link and it will be emailed directly to you.)

Please make sure that your e-mail address is accurate on Family Access so that you receive regular updates from the teacher.

Both Connect and Family Access are linked to Maywood’s connect group. Look under Staff Directory for a link to the CC7 Team and individual teacher Connect Groups.

Parent/Guardian and student, please review this material and sign the spaces provided below.

Keep the upper portion for your reference throughout the yearat home in your Math file and
return the lower section to class as it will be counted as an assignment in the gradebook.



*** RETURN THIS LOWER PORTION to your CC 7 Math teacher***


I have read and understand the syllabus.


Student Name - PrintedStudent Signature Date

Please check one of the following:

_____ I have consistent internet access in order to complete daily homework assignments

(phone, tablet or computer at home, etc.).

_____ I do not have consistent internet access in order to complete daily homework assignments.

If you do not have consistent internet, do you have a computer at home? Yes / No


I have read and understand the syllabus. I will contact you with any concerns or questions.


Parent/Guardian Name - PrintedParent/Guardian SignatureDate

Math Common Core 7 Syllabus,Page 1