Minutes of Meeting July 13, 2015

In Attendance:Senior Warden Leslie Urban, Junior Warden Skip Notte, Treasurer John Bolton, Fred Berta, Len Arcuri, Richard Colven

Clergy:Father Greg McIntyre, Deacon Rebecca Yarborough

Guest: Clarence Fox

Absent: Cory Muir, Courtney Fossett, Will Storey, Father David Buck, Juli Von Canon

Gathering and Early Evening Prayer by Father Greg McIntyre at 7:15pm.

Approval of Minutes:Senior Warden Leslie Urban called for approval of the minutes of the June 8, 2015 Vestry Meeting. Richard Colven made the motion; second by Len Arcuri; all voted to approve.

Administrative Items:

New Administrative Assistant:

Father Greg reported that Jan Topp has joined the staff as Administrative Assistant. Jan and her family moved to Charlotte from California for swimming opportunities for their two children. Ten of the forty applicants were interviewed, with the top two candidates also being interviewed by existing staff. Father Greg reports that Jan is great! She tackles whatever falls on her desk cheerfully and efficiently, and then asks for the next task. Jan works 25 hours per week – in the office from 9am to 2pm Monday through Friday.

Conflict of Interest Statement:

Senior Warden Leslie Urban reminded the group of this outstanding task. Father Greg McIntyre is working on this document.

Clergy Updates:

Father Greg McIntyrenoted that hiring the new Administrative Assistant was most of his news, noting that he will be gone for two weeks on vacation, and when he returns in August focus will be on getting campus ministry going for fall semester.

Deacon Rebecca Yarboroughwas thrilled about the recent grand opening for Galilee Ministry, and the attendance of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. There was discussion about this newly elected position for Bishop Curry and delight to have his charismatic voice heard at this level in the Episcopal Church.

Financial Review:

Financials through the end of June had been sent prior to the meeting. Treasurer John Bolton noted some concern that income lags behind budget, that it could be a factor of the time of year; but even with expenses at a positive variance of $18k it appears that we have a small cash flow short fall of $4,658 at this point in the budget year. John noted that there had been some savings on salary expense, and also noted accounts in Restricted Funds where dollars have not been spent.

Mortgage Refinance:

Finance Committee Chairperson Fred Berta reported on recent conversations with four local banks regarding the refinance of the mortgage. He presented a summary document to the group for review and gave brief comments about each meeting. There is a need to refinance the mortgage before the balloon payment due next year, and the goal is to keep the yearly expense of the mortgage at current or less level (currently about $80k yearly expense) as we devise means to pay down the mortgage.

Aquesta Bank appears to have the best deal and expressed desire to lend within the local community. Fred has a follow-up meeting scheduled with them for more specific information.

Committee Reports:

Nursery Retrofit:

Junior Warden Skip Notte reported on excellent work of Jennie Myers scouting out and planning the project for multiuse of the existing nursery scape. Jennie’s work meets the needs of families to have their children close by during the church service, while also utilizing the space as community space for parishioners after church, and also space that can be used as a bridal room before a wedding, and private space for families before a baptism or funeral. There will also be a small space for quiet reflection and prayer.

Skip presented a poster board demonstrating plans, noting that Mina Price has donated a couple of chairs for the space and is excited to participate in the project. The plan allows for quick change conversion from nursery to community space, noting that Jennie worked extensively with the nursery staff to make sure needs were being met. The bathroom in the nursery will be outfitted with a changing table and new cabinets have been specified to allow for quick storage of nursery gear. There was discussion about how to fund the project, with total costs expected to be in the $9,000 range.

Vestry approval is being requested for two special collections this fall to raise funds for the project.

Motion was made by Fred Berta, with second by Richard Colven, to authorize the Stewardship Team to work with the Ministry of Fund to set up two special offerings to be collected during Sunday worship this fall in connection with the new nursery.

There was discussion about the appropriate timing of the special offerings, how much money could be raised, creating excitement for the project, and having Jennie set up in the narthex on these special offering Sundays to answer questions about the project. It was agreed that Junior Warden Skip Notte will be official spokesperson. Deacon Rebecca will continue to regularly scan Habitat in Charlotte for appropriate couch and other furniture to use with the two arm chairs that we have, and Skip presented fabric samples that have been chosen to recover these furniture items.

Following the discussion, the group was excited to approve the motion – all members voted to approve.

Outreach Report:

Deacon Rebecca Yarborough handed out the Outreach Reportbeginning with discussion about the installation of Homeless Jesus Sculptures.

Motion was made by Senior Warden Leslie Urban with second by Junior Warden Skip Notte for the approval of Homeless Jesus Sculpture installation in Downtown Mexico City, pending available funds and final negotiations. All members voted to approve.

Deacon Rebecca noted upcoming allocations that will use designated outreach funds, mentioning La Escuelita and Stop Hunger Now, as well as Gethsemane Back to School Preparedness Day. She also reported about conversations with Safe Alliance regarding domestic violence in North Mecklenburg and collaborative work on an emergency screening process for folks on bitterly cold nights to come into the church overnight for warmth.

St. Alban’s Bylaws:

Treasurer John Bolton passed out copies of the By-Laws noting the proposed addition on page 5 relative to email motions:

“When a special Vestry meeting or phone call is not reasonably feasible, motions may be presented, seconded, discussed, and voted on via e-mail at the discretion of the Wardens in consultation with the Rector.”

In accordance with the requirement of ¾ of Vestry members to approve a motion to change the By-Laws, the motion was tabled for the next meeting. John will email By-Law document to all members for review prior to the next meeting.

Individual Ministries:

Treasurer John Bolton presented a proposed draft providing guidance for individual ministries; a broad brush concept for individual ministries and how they will operate within the St. Albans’s structure. It is noted that individual ministries should be prioritized by local, regional, and global needs – with global needs limited to no more than 5% of total outreach budgeted expenditures.

John will distribute the document to all members to be voted on at the next meeting.

New Business:

Parishioner Expertise: Len Arcuri is working with Father Greg to identify specific expertise of parishioners.

Phone System:Father Greg reported problems with the phone system since moving office furniture with the arrival of new Administrative Assistant. Greg has a meeting scheduled with a tech person to look at existing Toshiba phone system and options available. Noting the limited flexibility of this system that was installed in 2002, it is likely there will be a budget item in 2016 for new phone system.


Senior Warden Leslie Urban called for adjournment. Motion was made by Fred Berta to adjourn with second by Richard Colven; all voted to adjourn

Father Greg led the group in closing prayer at 8:25pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Monday August 10, 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

Gwen Miles

Vestry Clerk