COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. JUNE 26, 2006

The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on June 26, 2006, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.

There were present: County Commissioners John Ellison, Vice-Chair

Mike Nannini

Charlie Myers

Sheri Eklund-Brown

ABSENT Warren Russell

County Manager Robert Stokes

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Sheriff Neil Harris

Under Sheriff Bernie Curtis

Road Supervisor Otis Tipton

Ambulance Dir. William Webb

NDF Tom Turk

NDF Robert Ashworth

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The proceedings were as follows:


Vice-Chairman Ellison called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Commissioner Russell was absent during this meeting.


The Board considered approval of an Emergency Declaration by the Elko County Board of Commissioners regarding wildfire events and the potential of associated costs, resource depletion and physical damage in various locations in Elko County.

Tom Turk, Nevada Division of Forestry, reported that there was structure protection in place on the fire at Elburz. He noted they would get air support later this afternoon. They had ordered a Type II Fire Management Team for that fire. He reported that the Elburz fire was approximately 10,000 acres, rough mapping. Tom Turk noted the Sheriff’s Office was very supportive in contacting the residents in the area. He noted they had livestock issues in that area.

Tom Turk reported that the Suzie Fire was reported this morning at 21,000 acres, rough mapping. He stated another helicopter would come in for that fire and there would be two air tankers coming in from Battle Mountain.

Tom Turk stated the Sneekee Fire in the Red Spring WSA was estimated at 10,000 to 15,000 acres, rough mapping. He reported that they had a heavy air tanker on that fire. Commissioner Nannini inquired about restrictions in the WSA. Tom Turk stated typically they could use the established roads so they would utilize air support and hand lines on that fire. He stated they were coordinating with the BLM on that fire.

Commissioner Ellison inquired how many fires were burning. Tom Turk replied they had nine starts but there were only three active fires presently. Tom Turk reported that the Grey Rock Fire behind the Petan Ranch was approximately 253 acres. He stated they had jumpers and a Type III crew on that fire due to the lack of access into the area.

Tom Turk reported that the three fires at Elburz burned together and were threatening structures which made it the priority fire. He stated that they were currently operating under preparedness Level IV due to shortages of resources. He noted there were large fires across the state which were taxing their resources and affecting the local containment efforts. Tom Turk commented that the weather forecast for the next couple of days called for dry lightning.

Tom Turk stated the Multiple Agency Command (MAC) would be meeting and mapping the fires at 4:00 p.m. He stated these thunder cells would create more problems in containing these fires. He stated the Western Command Center in Reno was cooperating with them. He reported the National Guard’s helicopter would come in this afternoon on the Elburz Fire.

Commissioner Nannini inquired if they would have federal funding if the Interstate was shut down. Tom Turk replied the Governor’s Office had initiated a Declaration and when the County issued a Declaration they would have additional funding available through grants. Tom Turk stated that there was contact with the State offices when the Interstate was closed due to fires. He reported that I-80 was closed due to the fires in two places last night due to the smoke on the deck.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that she and Robert Stokes had been in Carlin during the fire activity earlier yesterday. She had then traveled to the Elburz fire and observed the cooperation and complimented the agencies of NDF, the Sheriff’s Department, the NHP and Bill Webb upon their efforts on the Elburz Fire. Tom Turk stated they had a road closure on the Interstate because the smoke was so low on the deck that visibility was threatened.

Commissioner Myers inquired if the Elburz Fire was in check. Tom Turk stated it was 30% contained. He reported that the Sheriff’s Department had notified the residents of the possibility of evacuation and there was a horse trailer brought to that location for evacuation of animals. Tom Turk stated that there was voluntary evacuation this morning in the River Ranches. He stated Elburz had dozer lines around it. Commissioner Myers inquired about residences in the River Ranch area and received the reply of thirty. He inquired if they needed County aid and Tom Turk stated they had been working with Otis Tipton to improve some of those roads for better access.

Commissioner Myers inquired if structures were in the path of the Suzie Creek Fire. Tom Turk stated it had burned down around the Fire Science Academy and was threatening the structure to the east. He commented that the Carlin Honor Camp was also in the area.

Tom Turk reported they had been coordinating with the power company due to the power corridor in that region. He stated the high transmission lines had been impacted. He reported that there were also gas lines in that region as well. Tom Turk reported the Suzie Creek fire had burned to the Interstate and through the Carlin Canyon. Tom Turk reviewed the various Volunteer Fire Departments that had responded to the Suzie Creek Fire. He commented that there were limited resources due to the numerous fires in the western states.

Sheriff Harris stated they had people at both fires who contacted the residents. He had been in contact with the NHP and Mike Smith, the Elko Chief of Police, who had City personnel respond to County calls as backup. He reported that there was a search for a missing person in the Mary’s River area.

Tom Turk stated they would have two Type II Fire Management Teams coming in for the fires. He hoped to have additional resources very soon.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the Emergency Declaration for Elko County by the Board of County Commissioners regarding the wildfire events and the potential of associated costs, resource depletion and physical damage in various locations in Elko County. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the resources were very limited with the various fires and complimented the agencies involved.

Sheriff Harris had contacted the Assistant Superintendent of Elko County School District and the School District had made arrangements to use the gym as an emergency housing facility if they had to evacuate the Elburz area. He stated school buses were made available also if they did not have transportation. Commissioner Myers commented that the Elko Convention Center was also available.

Commissioner Ellison noted that there was good media coverage on the fires. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commended Lori Gilbert on her reporting.

The motion was passed by unanimous vote.


The Board considered a restriction of open burning and burn barrels due to wildfire danger in Elko County. Heavy fuel loading and future high temperature conditions would contribute to the potential for wildfire activity. The Commission may consider setting a date for restricting the open burning activity in the County.

Tom Turk, NDF, requested this be imposed due to their resource shortage.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the open burn barrel restrictions for thirty days and then have it come back to the Board prior to expiration for a possible extension. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired how this information would be relayed to the public. Commissioner Ellison suggested that it be posted in the Post Office. Kristin McQueary suggested that information be translated into Spanish and disseminated through the Hispanic community as well. Lori Gilbert commented the KTSN program translated Spanish. She reported that previously Helen Hankins of the BLM had brought in an interpreter who recorded radio messages in Spanish and they share those with the various radio stations.

Tom Turk reported that the State Forester, Robert Ashworth, came up last night and brought support personnel. He stated Robert Ashworth had initiated the National Guard helicopter, etc., and publicly thanked Mr. Ashworth for all his support. The Board welcomed Mr. Ashworth to the community.

The motion was passed unanimously.


Commissioner Nannini suggested that they recommend to the Governor to add fire support to the suggestions for the use of the State’s surplus tax monies.

Commissioner Ellison suggested there be a fire agenda item on all future agendas as long as they were in fire season.

Commissioner Myers commended the Sheriff’s Department and the Nevada Division of Forestry for their efforts during the fires. He suggested that the Vice-Chair contact Mike Smith and thank him for their support during the time of this emergency.

Bill Webb, Ambulance Service, commented that Gary was seeking FEMA funding for the people who had been impacted by these fires. The Board members expressed their appreciation for his support. Commissioner Myers commented upon the lack of resources to protect the life and family dwellings.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired about the notification to the ranchers and the permittees. Tom Turk stated they initiated that through the resource managers who contacted the appropriate permittees. Tom Turk stated often the agencies had already been in contact with the livestock operators prior to their initial contact with the NDF. He stated when the various agencies do come in they receive MAC briefings, and can travel to the fires with NDF personnel to act as the local liaison with the permittees. Tom Turk stated when the out-of-town resources come in they also put them in with local personnel to acquaint them with the area. He commented upon the successful cooperation with the Southern California Type II Fire Management Team personnel on previous fires and hoped for the same success on the Suzie Fire. Tom Turk stated a Type II Fire Management Team was coming in on the Elburz Fire from Washington State. He reported that fences were cut to move the cattle out of harm’s way.

Commissioner Ellison requested Robert Stokes to contact the Board when he received any word on the fires.

Commissioner Nannini commended Tom Turk and his agency. He cautioned them not to take any chances. He stated the Commission would help them with any resources that they had available.

Commissioner Ellison commented upon the access into the WSA during fire emergencies. Tom Turk stated their federal partners had a very aggressive approach to fire suppression and reviewed the response on the Wild Cat Fire. He commented upon the numerous people that were enjoying the national forests during the summer months. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted they had closed a forest in Arizona.


MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.


JOHN ELLISON, Vice-Chairman





JUNE 26, 2006