Clinic/Hospital Details
Name of Clinic/HospitalAddress
Phone and Email
Are you a / Referral Hospital District Hospital Health Clinic Other
Director or Administrator of Clinic/Hospital
Director Name and Title
Mobile phone / Cell number
Clinic/Hospital Information
Patient NumbersCatchment Area Population Served?
Average Outpatients per Month?
Number of Hospital Beds?
Average Inpatients per Month?
Indicative Hospital Staffing Numbers
Obstetric Gynaecologists (Ob Gyns)
Other Doctors
Do you have a permanent Biomedical Technician? / Yes / No
Clinic/Hospital Services and Departments
Maternal & ChildDo you have an ante natal service? / Yes / No
Do you have a special care unit for newborns? / Yes / No
Deliveries in last 12 months
Estimated Caesarian Sections in last 12 months
Do you provide any Family Planning services? / Yes / No
How many Operating Theatres do you have? / One More than one
How many working Anaesthetic Machines do you have?
How many working Patient Monitors do you have?
Infectious Diseases
HIV Treatment / Yes / No
Number on ARV treatment?
TB Treatment / Yes / No
Number on treatment?
Do you treat Malaria? / Yes / No
Do you treat STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)? / Yes / No
Do you have in-house pathology? / Yes / No
If yes, please indicate what testing is done on-site?
If no, please indicate quality of the service you currently outsource: / Good service
Reasonable service
Poor service
PowerDo you have reliable mains power? / Yes / No
Do you have a back-up generator? / Yes / No
What percentage of time is there without mains power? / ______%
Do you have any solar power generation? / Yes / No
Do you have any voltage stabilizers (or automatic voltage regulators)? / Yes / No
If no, do you have or use surge protectors for your medical equipment? / Yes / No
What is the voltage? / 110 220
What is the main socket type?
Please indicate by writing a letter from diagram below e.g. A, B, C
What is your primary source of oxygen? / Generation Plant
Bottled Oxygen (Cylinder)
Oxygen Concentrators
Insufficient oxygen for patient treatment? / Often Sometimes Never
Do you have permanent access to clean water? / Yes / No
If no, do you rely on: / Rain tanks Water pump
Equipment StatusType / Current total WORKING units in your facility / How many more units needed / Name of Department in which need is greatest / Can your clinic/hospital make some contribution to the cost?
Oxygen Concentrators
Patient Monitors
Pulse Oximeters
Suction Machines
X-Rays (reference only) / n/a / n/a / n/a
Autoclaves (reference only) / n/a / n/a / n/a
Please note:
* Demand for equipment is much greater than the capacity to supply.
* Please do not over-estimate the units needed.
Is the current maintenance of your equipment adequate? / Yes / No
Do you have staff training programs on the use and maintenance of equipment? / Yes / No
Name of the person who knows most about the state of your equipment and carries out the minor repairs or maintenance:
Source of current equipment
How did your clinic/hospital source your current equipment? / ______% DONATED
Patient ChargesDo you charge patients for basic services? / Yes / No
Is the charge: / Subsidized
Data Collection
Are individual patient records kept? / Yes / No
If yes, are they retained at the clinic / hospital? / Yes / No
How are records kept / Paper Electronic Both
Please add any comments you think are relevant:Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. This survey is for information collection only.
Name and Title:______
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