Baby and ToddlerSwim - Booking Form

Summer Term 2018

I wish for my child to take part in the Summer term swim sessions at

King’s Hawford pool from Friday 20th April – Friday 22ndJune 2018(8 sessions)

No Baby & Toddler swim session Friday 25th May and Friday 1stJune

Name of Parent/Guardian:______

Name of Child:______Age:______


Telephone Number:______


Disclaimer: I agree to the terms and conditions for use of the pool and facilities.

I enclose a cheque/cash made payable to King’s Hawford for the total of £40

Signed: …………………………………………….. Date: ………………………




All parents are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set out below. In the unlikely event of failing to do so, a parent may be requested not to continue attending the sessions at the school. A refund will not be eligible in these circumstances.

General Terms & Conditions

  • Please park in the main car park of the school, adjacent to the top fields.
  • Ratios will be one adult to one child. Adults must accompany the child into the water.
  • Children need at least one hour after feeding before the swim session.
  • Parents are responsible for their children at all times and must inform the teacher prior to the lesson of any concerns they have.
  • Parents are expected to behave in a civilised manner towards the teacher and other parents, and are not expected to use foul language at any time.
  • Parents accept that at times there may be physical contact between the teacher and their child, in a professional, caring manner.
  • Swimmers should not enter the pool until the teacher says it is safe to do so and must tell the teacher if leaving the pool before the end of the session.
  • Parents should inform the teacher of any health issues that may be relevant.
  • We operate a strict"doublenappy" policy for those children not yet fully toilet trained who must all wear a swim nappy and a neoprene over-nappy.
  • Nappies (including disposable swim nappies) must not be left on the pool premises.
  • Please do not run on the pool side, remove loose fitting or sharp jewellery, tie back long hair or wear a swim cap, do not drink alcohol prior to the lesson and do not eat or chew gum during the lesson.
  • Photography (other than by our own photographers) is not permitted at any time.
  • Parents must follow pool procedures as advised to them at the time of confirmation.
  • Parents should aim to arrive no more than 15 minutes before the session and leave no more than 15 minutes after the lesson to help improve changing room comfort.
  • Car seats and push-chairs etc. should not be left in the changing rooms.
  • Food is strictly forbidden in the pool area. Please inform a member of staff if the floor is soiled. Strictly no outdoor footwear or buggies poolside.
  • For health and safety reasons, we have been advised that you should not bring your child into the pool for 2 weeks after suffering from diarrhoea.
  • All plasters and hair clips must be removed before swimming in case they come off in the water and then cause damage to the pool filters.
  • No make-up or body lotions to be used as these significantly deteriorate pool water quality.
  • Lost property found at the pools will be kept for a period of 3 weeks, and if not claimed, may be disposed of.
  • Smoking is strictly forbidden within any pool area or in the school grounds.
  • You must adhere to the instructions given to you regarding car parking, entry and exit route to pools.