Autumn term: first halfYear 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Recall of numbers facts pg 95-97
  • Recognise and use prime numbers square numbers and square roots
  • Add, subtract, multiply and divide integers
  • Review place value ordering and rounding (including decimals)
Ex 1A - 1D /
  • Make approximation and justify estimated answers verbally
  • Explain their process of thinking when explaining a problem solved.
  • Explain their methods of mental arithmetic

Year 8 Framework Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
3 / CAME Task 19
Shape & Space
Handling data /


  • Review reading writing positive integer powers of 10, multiply and divide by decimals 0.1, 0.01, 0.01
  • Use square cube and their roots, use index notation.
  • Number operations and the relationships, understand and use the inverse operations including the use of brackets (*as a start for brackets in algebra)
  • Simplify linear expression by collecting like terms
  • Review constructing an equation previously expressed in words
  • Solve simple linear equations
  • Multiply out brackets in algebra (follow on from introduction in number section)
  • Know and use inverse operations to help solve problems, know and use facts that algebraic operations follow the same laws and order as arithmetic operations (*linked with number operations in pervious topic on Number)
  • Identify alternate and corresponding angles
  • Know and use angles of a triangle add up to 180o and a quadrilateral adds up to 360o
  • Solve problems using side and angle properties of equilateral, isosceles and right angled triangles and special quadrilaterals, explaining reasoning
  • Understand if 2D shapes are congruent then their corresponding sides and angles are equal.
  • Know and use geometric properties of cuboids and shapes made from cuboids, begin to use plans and elevations.
  • Decide on a problems that can be addressed by statistical methods and identify related questions to explore,
  • Decide which data to collect and how to collect the data including the sample size
  • Design and use a tally chart to collect information
  • Construct frequency tables with given class intervals for sets of continuous data
  • Construct on paper and using ICT Bar charts and frequency diagrams for discrete and continuous data.
/ 39-41
249-255 / Ex 8HEx 1H ( not 0.1 etc)
Ex 3G
Ex 5B –5C,*
Ex 13D*
Ex 4B –4F
Ex 4A, Ex 13A,
Ex 13G – 13I,
Ex 13D*worksheet for algebra Ex 5D –5E review 5B-C*
Pg 39-40, Ex2C-2J
Ex 9B
Ex 9E –9G
Ex 12A especially Q4 & Q6
Ex 12B – 12D / Ex 8F,
Ex 8H, Ex 8G
Ex 1D-1F, Ex 8C Ex 3H,
Ex 3M material from 2G Ex13D*
Ex 4B-4C
Ex 4A
Ex 4D- 4E
Ex 2H-2I, 2K
Ex 9B,
Ex 9E-9H
Ex 12C Ex 12G / Worksheet
Pg5 Ex 1C,
Pg 13 Ex 1G,
materal from 2G Ex 13D*
Ex 10A,
Ex14C – 14D
Ex10D –10F
Starter 10.2, 14.1
Ex 2J
Ex 2D-2G ,
Starter 2.8
Starter 13.1A
Ex 13A – 13E
1hr / Review
CAME Task 13 / Test of mental arithmetic skills and facts taught this term

Pupils complete check sheet for this half term

  • best introduced from the board
NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme Citizenship skills

Autumn term: second half Year 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Recognise prime odd even and square numbers
  • Practice mental addition and subtract
  • Use approximation to check answers
  • Practice multiplication tables
  • Order numbers including decimals
  • Discuss and share methods of x & ÷ mental calculations Ex5F

Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
4 /


Shape & Space
Handling Data
CAME Task 21
Algebra /
  • Add and subtract, multiply and divide integers
  • Recognise and use factors, multiples, common factors and primes
  • Be able to find the HCF, LCM and prime factors
  • Use square numbers and square roots, cubes and cube roots and index notation for small positive integer powers
  • Review equivalent fractions, improper fraction, and mixed numbers
  • Multiply and divide fractions
  • Transform 2D shapes by rotations, reflection and translation on paper and using ICT
  • Identify all the symmetries of 2D shapes
  • Understand and use language and notation associated with enlargement.
  • Enlarge 2D shape, given a centre of enlargement and a positive whole number scale factor
  • Use ICT to explore enlargement
  • Review co-ordinates and be able to find mid point of line AB given the co-ordinates of A and B

Construct and use pie charts to display and analyses information (1f)

  • Know and use the language of probability and appreciate that the random process is unpredictable
  • Design and use two -way tables for discrete data.
  • Know that if the probability of an event is 1 then the probability of it not occurring Is 1 - p.
  • Find and record all possible exclusive outcomes for single events and two successive events in a systematic way using diagram and tables
  • Construct and solve linear equations expressed with unknown on either or both side with or without brackets

Substitute integers into simple formulae, including solving the equation

  • Use positive integers into expressions involving small power
  • Derive simple formulae
/ 51-55
141-145 / Ex 1F-1G, 1I –1O
Ex 3E – 3F
“ “ “ “ “
Ex 6B – 6C, Ex 6E
Cabri ICT Cross Curriculum Task
Use of literacy strategy
Worksheet SMP
Ex 11A-11B
Worksheet Understanding pie charts
Ex7A – 7C
Ex 7E– 7F
Ex 13C, 13E, review13G-13I
Ex13 F, / Ex 1H-1I, Ex 3A-3B
Ex 3G 3J-3L
Ex 6B-6D
Starter 2.1, 9.5 9.6 Pg 20-22 Ex2A
Cabri ICT Cross Curriculum Task
Review SMP worksheets
Worksheet SMP
Ex 11A
Ex 12D-1E
Starter 7.1 Pg 100-101Ex 7A
Ex 12A
Ex 7A-7B, 7E
Ex 13A,
Ex13D(verbally could be used as starter) 13E-13H
Ex 13B-13C / Ex 5A-5E
Starter 1.2
Starter 1.3
Starter 3.1B
Cabri ICT Cross Curriculum Task
Logo Pg 311 Ex18L-18O
Ex 11A- 11C
Ex 11D - 11F
Ex 12A-12B
Ex 13F
Ex 4A-4B (See Pg 307-309 GCSE foundation text)
Ex 4C –4D
Ex 4E
Starter 14.2, 14.5, 14.8
Ex 10H
Ex 14F-14G
Ex 14A &14B
1 / Assess
CAME Task 16 / End of half term oral Test


Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target / NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme
WORK REPEATED  Citizenship skills

Spring term: first half Year 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Read and write whole numbers in figures and words
  • Add several small numbers and find their mean
  • Add / subtract pairs of numbers: such as 7.6 ± 3.8, 760 ± 380
  • Recognise multiples and use tests of divisibility
  • Count on / back in steps of 0.41, 0.752…
  • Order decimals in different contexts
  • Find doubles and halves of decimals
  • Interpret graphs, pie charts and bar charts and discuss hich are most useful for specific types of problems

Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
3 / Shape & Space
Handling Data
Came task 29
Handling Data
CAME Task 29
Review of ½ years work /
  • Be able to construct the mid point and perpendicular bisector of a line segment
  • Be able to bisect and angle
  • Construct the perpendicular from a point to a line and on a line
  • Construct a triangle given three sides also use ICT to explore these constructions
  • Know that a recurring decimal can be expressed as a fraction, i.e. 1/3 is 0.333333
  • Add and subtract fractions.
  • Understand and use the rules of negative numbers


  • Understand and be able to draw the graph of an simple linear equation
  • Use linear equations to solve simple problems involving direct proportion(1i)
  • Estimate probabilities from experimental data
  • Understand that if an experiment is repeated there may be different outcomes
  • Understand the number of times an experiment is repeated generally leads to better estimates of probability


Revision / 221-225
277-285 / Worksheet
Worksheet/or from board
Ex 6C – 6F
Ex 10A – 10 J (be selective)
Review Ex 11C
Ex 11D – 11E
Pg 214 Ex 13J
Conduct a probability experiment
SEE CAME TASK) / Worksheet
Ex 8K Q2 only
Ex 6E
Ex 10 A – 10 D
Ex 11B-11D
(Omit Conversion graphs Ex 11F-11G to be done in Summer 2nd half)
Ex 7F
Conduct a probability experiment
Activity Sheet 2 & 3Ex 7C- 7D
Ex 5I - Ex 5J
Ex 3F
Ex 8A – 8E
Ex 12C – 12F
Ex 12I- 12J(omit Q5.)
Practical Task
i.e. Rolling Drawing Pins
See SMP B2 pg 95
2 / Assess and review / Feb end of ½ year Test
Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target / NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme

Spring term: second half Year 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Add / subtract pairs of numbers: such as 7.6 ± 3.8, 760 ± 380
  • Order, add and subtract positive and negative numbers
  • Multiply and divide a two-digit number by a one-digit number
  • Find two decimals with a sum of 1 or 0.1
  • Recognise factors, multiples, square numbers and primes
  • Find halves of decimals and fractions
  • Convert between fractions, decimals, percentages
  • Find equivalent fractions
  • Practice angle facts

Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
6 /
Shape & Space
CAME Task 18
Handling Data
CAME Task 28 /
  • Review changing fractions to decimals
  • Calculate fractions of quantities/Multiply or divide a fraction by an integer
  • Change fraction and decimals to percentages
  • Express one number as a percentage of another(1f)
  • Use equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages to compare proportions
  • Generate and describe integer sequences
  • Generate term of a linear sequence using term to term, or term to position, definitions of the sequence on paper and using ICT Spreadsheet or graphical calculator.
  • Begin to find the nth term
  • Use units of measure to estimate calculations and solve problems in every day contexts
  • Know and use measurement for length.
  • Review perimeter of square, rectangle and triangle and area of a square or rectangle

Deduce and use formula for the area of a triangle and, parallelogram

  • Construct scatter graphs and discuss the appropriate use of scatter graphs
  • Review other forms of representing data e.g. bar charts, pie charts etc
  • Identify which of the methods of representing data is most useful in the context of a problem(1f).
  • Collect data of suitable topic and produce a report using ICT support.
267-271 / Board work or worksheet
Ex 6C-6D
Ex 8I
Ex 8J
Ex 8K
Ex 5A
Ex 5F
Worksheet see Ch 17
Starters 9.7,9.10
Ex 9H-9I
Ex 14B-14D
Ex 14E
Worksheet/ or from board /or discuss verbally
Review Ex 12A
Ex 12B-12D
Write questionnaire on ‘Healthy Living’ / Review Ex 8K Q2.
Ex 6A
Ex8J - Ex 8K (except Q2)
Ex 8N
Starters 6..2, 6.3, 8.10(plus work above)
Ex 5A-58
Ex 5C
See Ch 17
Pg 151
Review Pg 152 Ex 9I
Ex 14A-14C
Ex 14D-14F
Ex 2F-12G
Review Ex 12B
Write questionnaire on ’ Healthy Living’ / Ex 3E
Ex 3G-3H
Ex 6A
Ex 6D – 6E
Starters 3.2, 3.5, Ex 3B-3D
Ex 9A-9D
Excel Ch 18
Ex 9E-9F
Starters 15.1A, 15.1B Pg 251
Ex 15A-15B
Ex 13H
Review Ex 13A –13E
Write questionnaire on ’ Healthy Living’
1 / Assess and review
Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target / WORK REPEATED 
NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme
Citizenship skills

Summer term: first half Year 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Understand and use standard methods of multiplication
  • Understand and use standard methods of division
  • Recall facts of decimal, fraction and percentage conversion.
  • Discuss the implication of multiplying integers and decimals such as 6 x 8 and its relevance to 0.6 x 0.8 etc
  • Discuss the implication of dividing integers and decimals such as 6 x 8 and its relevance to 0.6 x 0.8 etc
  • Methods of checking results considering whether it is in the right order of magnitude
  • Discuss methods of checking results by considering working the problem backwards

Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
3 / Algebra
Shape & Space
Handling data
Came Task 30
Review /
  • Review finding and describing a sequence
  • Express simple function in symbols, represent mapping expressed algebraically
  • Generate points in all four quadrants and plot graphs functions,
  • Recognise that equations of the form y = mx + c correspond to straight line graphs

Review and use formula for the area of a triangle, parallelogram and extend to a trapezium

  • Calculate area of compound shapes made from rectangles and triangles.
  • Know and use measurement for capacity and mass
  • Deduce how to find the volume of a cube and cuboids.
  • Calculate percentages and find the outcome of a given percentage increase or decrease i.e VAT and Income tax(1c)
  • Use of calculator using function keys effectively sand efficiently for sign change, powers, roots and fractions
  • Revision of all topics and facts taught this year in preparation or the and of year test next half term
/ 144-157
68-76 / Review Ex5C- 5D
Review Ex 11D-11E
Review Ex 11C
Ex 14F
Ex 9J
Ex 14H
Worksheet or work from the board on Sale Price and Savings / Review Pg 83Ex 5D –5E
Starters 11.1,11.5
Review Ex 11A-11C
Starters 14.1, 14.3, 14.6, 14.9
Review Ex14A-14D Ex14E, 14F
Ex 9I - 9J
Ex 14K-14L
Ex 131-32 Ex 8M / Starters 12.6B 12.1,12.3, 12.7
Review Ex 12C-G
Review Ex 15C
Ex 15E
(omit Q2, Q5)
Ex 6C,
Review Ex 6E Ex 6F
Ex 18A -18B, Ex 18D
Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target / NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme
WORK REPEATED  Citizenship skills

Summer term: second half Year 8 Scheme of Work

Oral and mental starter: mental strategies, rapid recall, estimating, visual imagery, problem solving, explaining methods …
  • Consolidate and extend mental methods of calculation, working with integers, decimals, fractions and percentages, square and square roots.
  • Recall of angle facts for angles in a straight line round a point, in a triangle and in a quadrilateral
  • Recall known fact including fraction decimals and percentage conversions

Ask pupils to copy the Aims for this term into their exercise book

Hours / Topic / Objectives: pupils will be taught to / NNS / 2G FOUNDATION / 2B INTERMEDIATE / 2R HIGHER
6 /
Handling Data
CAME Task 23
Shape & Space / End of Year Test
  • Use bearing to specify direction and location
  • Review formula for finding a volume of a cuboids
  • Calculate volumes and surface areas of cuboids and shapes made from cuboids
  • Know rough imperials and metric conversion in daily use
  • Use of calculator using function keys effectively sand efficiently for brackets, percentages and memory functions
  • Consolidate understand of the relationship between ratio and proportion
  • Reduce a ratio to it simplest form, including ratio expressed in different units

Divide a quantity into two or more parts in a given ratio

  • Use unitary method to solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion.
  • Create a household budget using previously collected data (HCC Yr 8)
  • Construct linear functions arising from real life problems. Plot their corresponding graphs. Discuss and interpret real life graphs(1c)
  • Calculate using a calculator the range, mode, median and mean
  • Recognise when it is appropriate to use the range, mode, median and the mean
  • Find the modal class for grouped data
  • Calculate a mean given the mean of a smaller group of numbers
  • Construct on paper and using ICT simple line graphs for time series.
  • Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams for both discrete and continuous data and draw inferences that relate tot the problem being discussed(1f)
  • Compare two distributions using the range and one or more of mode median and mean.
  • Discuss Maths in the Media (Citizenship skills 1h)
  • Complete a survey using ICT as appropriate, justify the choice of what is presented orally and on paper, summarising the results of a statistical enquiry.
/ 232-233
268-273 / Logo
Review Ex 14H- Ex14I
Ex 9K
Work could be based on
SMP Booklet Ratio 1 and
Mode Ex 15A-15B
Median Ex 15C
Mean Ex15D
Range Ex 15E
Ex 12F
Ex 15F –15G
Statistical Investigation / Logo
Ex 12G-12H
Work could be based on
SMP Booklet Ratio 1 and 2
Ex 11F-11G
Starters 15.1, 15.4, 15.6
Mode Ex 15A-15B
Median Ex 15C
Mean Ex15D
Range Ex 15E
Ex 12C
Ex 15F
Ex 15G
Statistical Investigation / Logo
Ex 15E
(finding surface area only, using this exercise)
Starter 3.12
Ex3I – 3K
Starters 16.3, 16.5
Ex 16A-16D
Starter 13.5
Review any of Ch 13
Statistical Investigation
Get pupils to review work for this ½ term and set themselves a target / NNS page numbers refer to the National Numeracy Scheme
WORK REPEATED  Citizenship skills