Preschool News

Week of May 6, 2013 through May 10, 2013

Monthly Theme: Growing and Changing

Important Information

·  If you would like to order flowers for the PTA Mother’s Day Flower Sale the money is due by Monday, May 6th!

·  Field Day T-Shirts are on sale too! The deadline for ordering is Thursday, May 9th!

·  The caterpillars have arrived in our classroom! We are watching them grow and change every day. Make sure to ask your child about them.

Books for the Week

·  Monday-Muncha Muncha Muncha by Candace Fleming

·  Tuesday-Over in the Meadow (Big Book)

·  Wednesday-Pete the Cat-I Love My White Shoes

·  Thursday-Mama Love You by Scholastic

·  Friday-

o  AM Class-Social Skills Lesson-Llama Llama Time to Share!

o  PM Class-Show and Tell for the letter “Y”

AM Class

The morning class will be learning about plants growing and changing. We are learning about the parts of a plant such as roots, stem, petals, and seeds. We are also learning that living things need the following to survive: sunlight, air, and water. The students are doing a great job learning these concepts! On Wednesday Mrs. Shakin will be in to help us use our words and then we will be going to an assembly to watch the Spring Concert music program.

PM Class

We are getting close to finishing up our Handwriting Without Tears letter unit and this week we will be working on the letter “Y” (big line, little line). We are also learning about plants growing and changing. We are learning about the parts of a plant such as roots, stem, petals, and seeds. We are also learning that living things need the following to survive: sunlight, air, and water. Mrs. Wall will be in on Monday afternoon to encourage us to use our words when talking with our friends and answering questions asked by the teachers.

Songs we are singing:

·  May Song

·  Spring Song

·  Number Song

·  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Look Who’s Here