Pinchbeck Faculty Handbook
Table of Contents
- What are Henrico County Public Schools?
- What is Pinchbeck Elementary?
- Administrative Team Assignments
- Assemblies, Awards/Recognition and Special Events
- Attendance – Teachers
- Attendance – Students
- Bookkeeping Responsibilities
- Breakfast
- Building Care
- Bulletin Board Displays/Classroom Decorations
- Children at the Work Site
- Clinic Services
- Communications
- Copyright Law
- Dress Code
- Duty Assignments
- Emergency Procedures
- Faculty/Other Meetings
- Field Trips
- Grades, Progress Reports, Report Cards
- Homework
- Instructional Planning and Materials
- Intervention/Enrichment
- Lost and Found
- Lunch
- Mailboxes/Emails
- Morning Meetings
- Parties and Gifts
- Physical Fitness/Recess
- Principal’s Leadership Team
- Professional Growth and Evaluation Plan
- Professional Reminders
- Promotion/Retention
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
- School-wide Discipline Plan
- Snack Breaks and Classroom Treats
- Student Records
- Transportation
- Tutoring (Teachers)
- Use of Technology
1. What are Henrico County Public Schools?
Henrico County Public Schools will be the PREMIER school division in the United States.
Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens.
- We believe in accountability.
- We believe in a school community grounded in respect and integrity.
- We believe in continuous improvement to meet and exceed the challenges of a changing environment.
- We believe that our students can and will learn.
- We believe that success requires shared responsibility among all staff, parents, students, and community as stakeholders.
- We believe that excellence is attainable by all.
- We believe that understanding and respecting diversity enriches the individual and community.
- We believe that there is value in learning from each other.
- We believe that individuals are most successful in safe, caring, and well-maintained environments.
- We believe that providing Henrico County students a quality education is the best investment for the future.
- We believe in cultivating positive relationships.
- We believe in the equity of opportunities for personal growth.
- We believe that public education is essential to the survival of a democratic society.
- We will always base our decisions and actions on the best interests of students.
- We will always conduct ourselves with honesty, respect and integrity.
- We will value the input of others.
- We will never give up on any student.
- We will never tolerate discrimination.
- We will never compromise excellence.
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2. What is Pinchbeck Elementary?
Pinchbeck Elementary School
1275 Gaskins Road
Henrico, VA 23238
(804) 750-2670
School Mascot: Rays School Colors: Blue and Yellow
The Pinchbeck Motto:
(recited daily on announcements)
At Pinchbeck, I do my best everyday,
I listen and I follow directions.
I work hard and I am honest.
I respect myself, others, and the environment.
What I do today does make a difference.
As a Pinchbeck Ray,
I do my best everyday!
Pinchbeck RAYS
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3. Administrative Team Assignments
Listed below are areas of primary responsibility for the Pinchbeck Administrative Team. These lists are not job descriptions for these positions and they do not include all of the responsibilities or duties of the positions. The list is intended to help you know who to go to when you need information or assistance.
Principal(Sarah Modrak)
Instructional Leadership and Supervision
School Improvement
Staff Development
Building and Grounds
Safety and Security
All School Finances
Public Reations
Business Partnerships
Child Study
Special Education
Legal Matters
Master Schedule
RAD (Reading Administrative Designee)
Assemblies / Associate Principal
(Will Brizendine)
Instructional Leadership and Supervision
Safety Administrator
Textbook Coordinator
Testing Coordinator
Contests and Special Programs (Spelling Bee, etc.)
Summer School Coordinator
AM Announcements
Homework Helpers/Reading Buddy Volunteers
Business Partnerships
Special Events Coordinator
Acting Principal in principal’s absence / School Counselor
(Jentae Scott-Mayo)
Guidance Lessons (classroom, small group, and individual)
Character Education
Bullying Prevention
Mentor and Volunteer Coordinator
Gifted Identification Coordinator
Child Study Team Member
504 Case Manager
Middle School Transition including IB
Equitable and Inclusive Schools Representative
Cumulative Files
New Student Trainings
Homebound Coordinator
(Denise Bickett)
Principal’s Secretary
EERC Coordinator
Back-up Registrar
Award Ribbons / Secretary
(Gail Moore)
Community Service Log Contact
Field Trips
Disbursement of Fliers
School Calendar
Online Forms Contact / Clinic Attendant
(Mary Jane Cagle)
All student health needs
Student Health Plans
Attendance Calls
Coordinate Vision/Hearing Screenings
Assist Secretaries with Office Coverage
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4. Assemblies, Awards, Recognition and Special Events
Assemblies and other educational activities/events are important elements of the instructional program to expand the learning experiences of the classroom.However, per new county guidelines, students should be given an opt-out form for any assembly/activity. Whole school programs opt-out forms will be made by the office. Grade levels are responsible for making forms for grade level activities/assemblies.
Activities that are appropriate to share with other classes should be proposed to, approved by, and scheduled with the principal. They should include the entire grade level. Guest speaker/special activity form must be filled out prior to scheduling. Any guest speaker must have a volunteer form filled out or be on the approved vendor list. A contract should be made by participating parties regardless of cost. Please see Denise or Sarah for assistance.
Scheduled assembly programs will be announced and should be placed on your planning calendars. Each teacher should discuss appropriate behavior with students prior to each assembly program.
Each teacher is expected to bring her/his class to the announced location at the proper time or should be ready when called.
Each teacher is responsible for seating each student as directed.
Each teacher is to sit with her/his class and to supervise her/his class throughout the entire program unless other arrangements have been made. Doing paperwork during an assembly is unacceptable.
At the conclusion of the program, each class will be dismissed individually or as a grade level.
Until dismissal, students are expected to remain seated and at the indicated time are to exit quietly through the entrance doors to the cafeteria or gym.
Academic recognition will be made after each marking period. School-wide awards assemblies will be held after the 2nd and 4th marking periods. School-wide pep assemblies will be held after the 1st and 3rd nine weeks. These will be less formal, fun assemblies to motivate and inspire students with guest speakers or athletic teams. Superlatives will be given at this time. These include: Future Author Award, Reader Leader, Super Scientist, Social Studies Whiz, Most Improved, and Principal’s Award. Students may be picked based on interests or aptitude in a particular area and are designed to help some of the students who may not get academic awards earn recognition and motivate them to succeed.
The following awards will be given:
Honor Roll Recognition: Academic Honor Roll recognition will be given beginning with the first nine-week report period in grades 3-5. Students who receive an “A” and/or “B” in all subjects will receive an honor roll ribbon in their report card envelopes. Students receiving an “A” in all subjects will receive a certificate as well.
Bringing Up grades (BUG Award): Students who improve grades from one quarter to the next without dropping any grades will receive a BUG ribbon.
Citizenship Award: Students who earn all S’s (K-2) or E’s or S’s (3-5) in Work Habits and Conduct with no X’s in Conduct will earn a ribbon.
RAYS Leader Award: Leadership awards for 2 students who go above and beyond in the classroom demonstrating the RAYS characteristics.
Outstanding Attendance Awards have replaced “perfect attendance” in all Henrico County schools. These awards are to be presented at the end of the year to students who have no more than four excused absences and no more than four excused tardies for the entire school year. According to Henrico County policy, excused absences include the following: illness of pupil, serious illness in the family which reasonably necessitates absences, death in the family, or special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by followers of a particular faith. It is felt that this new policy will not penalize a student who makes every effort to regularly attend school.
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5. Attendance – Teachers
In order to ensure effective and quality instruction, it is necessary that each staff member is consistently available to provide quality service to his/her students. Contract hours are 7:20 AM – 2:50 PM. Half days are 7:20 – 11:05 or 11:05 – 2:50.
Each teacher should arrive and remain present in the classroom or at assigned duty by 7:20 A.M.
Teachers may leave at any time after contract time is over (2:50), unless after school meetings are planned. Exceptions to this can be granted only by the principal. If an exception is made, please make sure the office has your cell phone number in case of an emergency involving a student.
For administrative/safety concerns, teachers are not allowed to work in their classrooms on weekends.
Each teacher is responsible for his/her own key. If a key is lost, the office should be notified immediately. Keys should be placed in each person’s mailbox at the end of the day. The school does not have extra keys, so classroom keys must be in boxes to ensure keys for a substitute in case of unexpected or planned absences. Slide keys may be kept at all times.
In the event that you know you will not be at school on a certain day due to doctor appt, family appt., personal day, etc., you will need to fill out the appropriate form available from the workroom.
In the event that you must be absent from school, you are required to contact SubFinder, no later than 6:00 a.m. Email or call/text Ms. Modrak at 929-4722 with a brief explanation. Please cc Denise Bicket and a teammate to ensure duties/lessons are covered.
On any day a teacher is absent due to illness, the school secretary should be called or emailed prior to 2:00 P.M. to indicate whether or not he/she plans to return the following day. This practice will enable us to secure the same substitute before the close of the school day if necessary.
In the event of an absence, it is the responsibility of each teacher to leave thorough and complete lesson plans for a substitute. These should be left on your desk or sent and received on the morning of your absence no later than 7:20 A.M.
An emergency substitute folder will be developed by each teacher and maintained in the office. This should include the following: a) class roll; b) student health concerns; c) daily/weekly schedule; d) student transportation (updated quarterly); e) generic and easily understandable plans that can be used at any point in the year. The office staff will make updates to roles/transportation throughout the year as needed. The folder is to be turned into the office by the second week of school.
In the event extended leave is used for medical purposes you must fill out the FMLA paperwork. This paperwork can be obtained in the office. A doctor’s letter of release is required before a teacher may return to work.
Only in emergencies or unusual/extenuating circumstances will a teacher be granted permission to leave school during the day. Permission only can be granted by the principal or associate principal.
Every effort needs to be made to secure medical and dental appointments after 2:50 P.M. and not on Wednesdays (meeting days).
Henrico County Policy states that personal leave “may be used in full-day or half-day units with the exception of Fridays when full-day use shall be applicable.” Arrangements for use of personal days must be initiated with the principal at least 3 days in advance of the proposed date. Personal days may not be used on the last contractual day that precedes or the first contractual day that follows a vacation or holiday, on the opening or closing day of a school session, in the absence of an approved substitute teacher, or on the first or last contractual work day for teachers.” Requests for use of personal leave should be made in writing on the appropriate form available from the workroom.
It is the responsibility of all personnel to familiarize themselves with all leave/absence policies and guidelines contained in the Chapter 4, Personnel Policies handbook, #4-08-001. Policy manuals are located on the HCPS website, Each teacher/staff member has an individual copy of Chapter 4 and it should be kept in a secure location for future reference.
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6. Attendance – Students
It is expected that each student attend school every day. It is the responsibility of every staff member to emphasize and encourage good attendance.
7:20 a.m.First bell (Students may enter their classroom)
7:40 a.m.Tardy bell (Any child entering a classroom after 7:45 a.m.
is considered tardy)*
Do not start attendance until ANNOUNCEMENTS have started. Any child who arrives in your classroom without a tardy pass after announcements start should be sent to the office to get a tardy pass.
Each classroom teacher is expected to take attendance at the beginning of each day and accurately document each child’s absence using MacSchool. MacSchool should be taken each day by 8:15 a.m. ACCURACY AND CONSISTENCY ARE CRITICAL JOB RESPONSIBILITES and should not require reminders. Reminders may include a letter of reprimand. If you make a mistake in attendance, do not send the change over email. Please call the office to alert them.
Each teacher is responsible for collecting notes from parents when a student returns to school after being absent. These notes should be sent to the office/clinic by 8:15 a.m. E-mails from parents regarding attendance, early dismissals, or transportation changes will not be accepted. Notes should include the following: teacher’s name, student and parent full names. Do NOT hold onto these notes.
All written requests for transportation changes should be sent to the office by 8:15 a.m. These notes should be signed by the respective teacher and sent to the office in the Transportation envelope. Notes should include the following: teacher’s name, student and parent full names. They will be approved by someone in the office and placed in your mailbox for you to collect at lunchtime. A child who has an early dismissal is to remain in the classroom until the parent/guardian arrives at school. At that time, the parent will be required to sign the child out in the office, and the child will be called for by intercom. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION EMAILS TO GAIL/DENISE. Please ensure that all notes are sent in the corresponding folder. Do NOT send loose papers, as these often get lost on the way to the office.
The clinician/secretary responsible for attendance procedures will contact the parent/guardian of a child who is not in school. In the event a parent has made contact with the classroom teacher before an expected or planned absence, this information or the parent’s note should be forwarded to the office/clinic.
Clinic Attendant contacts parent/guardian on each absence.
School personnel (teachers, counselor, principal) should follow and document Henrico attendance plan regarding tardies and absences
If a teacher feels there is a pattern or that absences/tardies are a concern, then he/she needs to contact the Principal.
When a student has five unexcused absences, the social worker is contacted.
Social Worker notifies Principal of students whose attendance problems continue.
On-going follow up is conducted by Social Worker and staff of students whose attendance puts them at risk. Refer as needed to Guidance Counselor. The next step will be as follows:
A.Attendance meeting may be scheduled by Social Worker. A written plan of action will be developed, communicated with student, parent, and staff. or
B.Conference with appropriate personnel and parents to share concerns, seek support, and attempt to resolve the attendance problem.
3 unexcused – Teacher calls
5 unexcused – School Counselor calls
10 unexcused – Principal calls & sends letter
15 unexcused – Social worker calls & sends letter
20 unexcused – Tardy plan is completed
25 unexcused – Attendance Plan meeting is held for habitual attendance problems
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7. Bookkeeping Responsibilities
All money collected from students by teachers or other staff members must be accounted for accurately and expended for reasons specifically related to collection usage.
- The collection of any money for any reason must receive prior approval from the principal.
- Each teacher is responsible for carefully counting money collected each day, totaling daily receipts and ensuring that the amount collected is the same amount as receipted. Deposit slips should be completed, and money is to be turned in to the office daily. ALL MONEY IS TO BE TURNED INTO THE OFFICE BY TEACHERS BY 9:30 A.M. EACH SCHOOL DAY & NEVER KEPT IN THE CLASSROOM. All money is to be properly safeguarded at all times. Students should not be in charge of delivering receipt books to the office. Only Henrico County employees may turn in receipt books. If you are unable to deliver your receipt book in a timely manner, please make arrangements with another teacher or with administration to pick up the book.
- Each teacher is responsible for writing individual receipts to each student from whom money is collected. The original (white copy) is given to the student and the copy is maintained in the receipt book for school records. Instructions on how to complete your receipts will also be with your receipt book.
- If an error is made in writing a receipt, BOTH copies are to be maintained and VOID is to be written across the face of both.
- All checks should be carefully screened and only checks written to PINCHBECK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL are to be accepted and receipted. Checks should not be post dated.
- The secretary will review and enter all deposits and receipts into the internal auditing system.
- All monies expended must receive prior approval from the principal.
- All fundraisers must receive prior approval and proper paperwork must be filled out prior to the start of the fundraiser.
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