Your Opinion Counts!
Not at all / 2
Just a little / 3
It was OK / 4


Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

10.4.3F. Recognize positive and negative interactions of small group activities.

§  roles (e.g., leader, follower)

§  cooperation/sharing

§  on task participation

10.4.3C. Recognize conflict situations and identify strategies to avoid or resolve.

§  walk away

§  I-statements

§  refusal skills

§  adult intervention

Affective Assessment: Believe that social interaction and personal responsibility are behaviors that can be learned and assessed. Can be taught the same way as physical skills by specifying objectives and designing class activities that promote development. It includes: Interests, appreciation, attitudes, values, enjoyment, sportsmanship, fair play, sharing, cooperating, teamwork, respectful, honest, caring, respect for differences, being a team player, compassion, positive interactions (not just effort and participation)

Assessment of Affective Skills

§  Worksheet questions for 4th – 5th grade

o  Your team is down by 15 points, and the players are starting to aruge. One of your players is not passing the ball, and the other players are getting annoyed because of this. As team leader, ou decide to call a timeout. List three things you could do to try and make your team work better.

o  During this unit on basetball, we have been talking about dooperation. Can you give three examples of when and where you might use these skills outside of physical education class.

o  Can you list three tings that mde your group work beter and/or thre tings that made it work worse?

o  Take the following words and turn them into a sentence relating to sports:

§  Integrity, persistence, strive, honesty, goals, determination, challenge, sacrifice

Teaching personal responsibility scale (Hellison) (standard 5 & 6)

§  Level One: Irresponsible-Blames others-Name calling-Disruptive-Negative-Makes excuses-Does not play by the rules -Aggressive behavior-Does not listen or participate

§  Level Two: Self Control-Does not call names-Controls temper-Does not disrupt class-Listens, but does not actively -participate-Really does not put forth any effort-Cruising in neutral, but not bothering anybody

§  Level Three: Involvement -Listens and follows direction-Shows at least minimal respect-Stays on task only when teacher is watching-Willing to try and are involved in activities-Participates with reservation

§  Level Four: Self-Responsibility-Shows respect-Makes good choices-Honest and fair-Admits mistakes and apologizes-Works on activities independent of teachers -Works with other to settle argument quickly

§  Level Five: Caring-Exhibits all of level four-Works with everyone in the class willing-Compliments and encourages others-Takes care of equipment-Asks and provides assistance to teacher and other student-Concerned with the progress of others

Teacher Checklist
Student Name / Treats Others with Respect / Treats Teacher with Respect / Listens When Others Speak / Displays Positive Body Language
√ = appropriate behavior
Hellison’s Model Checklist
Student Name / Irresponsible / Self-control / Involvement / Self-responsibility / Caring
√ = appropriate behavior
Self Assessment of Personal Responsibility
Name______Date ______
Circle the description of your behavior today
Name Calling / Removed from activity for name calling / Called names more than one time / Called names only one time / Never called names
Participation / Quit participating / Participated only when told / Participated most of the time / Participated entire class
Following rules / Never followed rules / Followed rules at least one time / Followed rules more than one time / Followed rules all the time