Under Section 55 of the Training and Tertiary Education Act 2003, I / we apply to vary approved Training Contract/s by changing the ABN and ownership details of an STA approved Business.
This form is only to be used when the ABN of an approved Australian Apprenticeships Employer / Business changes due to the changed nature of ownership – to advise all other changes to Employer information use the Application to Change Employer Details form F8.
This Application is to vary approved Training Contract/s due to: (new owner to describe circumstances)
(Examples include, but are not limited to - The business has been sold and the new owner agrees to continue the Training Contracts previously approved for the business; The business partnership has dissolved and one or more of the partners agree to continue the Training Contracts previously approved for the partnership; The owners of the business change its legal structure, eg from incorporated association to a company)
(All fields below must be completed by the new business owner- attach details if insufficient space available)
N.B.There is no probation period for a transferred Australian Apprentice.
PREVIOUS Business Owner
Employer Number Australian Business Number (ABN)
Legal Name
Trading Name
Email Address
New TYIMS ID New Employer Number /
NEW Business Owner
Details below match the ATO Australian Business Register
I/we have copies of the Training Contract/s and Training Plan/s for all employees named below from the previous Business Owner / AAC / RTO (must be ticked to proceed – copies not held will require new Training Contract/s or Training Plan/s to be executed).
Date of effect for transfer of business ownership took / /
Legal Name
Australian Business Number (ABN)
Trading Name
Postal Address for Business
Contact person for Australian Apprentice/s Phone
Email Fax
Name of Qualified Supervisor/s* (for Trade Apprentice/s only)
(*TaTE requires Supervisor’s qualification if this changes from previous owner’s registration – New owner please attach if relevant)
List of current Australian Apprentice Training Contracts being transferred to the new Business Owner:
AA No. / SURNAME / GIVEN NAMES / WORKPLACE ADDRESS(if different to street address above)
Please attach additional list of Australian Apprentices if insufficient space available above.
Training Contract Declaration For The New Business Owner / Employer
I/we declare that to the best of our knowledge the details entered on this Application F13 are true and correct. We understand that the giving of false or misleading information is a serious offence. I/we understand that the information provided:
•is collected for the purposes of registration, preparing statistics, reporting, programme administration, monitoring and evaluation, calculating incentives and allowances paid to employers and apprentices/trainees and preventing dual payments;
•may be disclosed to and used for these purposes by the Australian Government, including the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) and Centrelink, State/Territory government departments and agencies, employers, our Australian Apprenticeships Centre, Registered Training Organisation, non-government education authorities and the contractors or agents of any of these organisations, departments and agencies;
•may also be exchanged between DIISRTE and Centrelink (for Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY administration) to provide confirmation that the apprentice/trainee who signed this declaration (on the original Training Contract) is an Australian Apprentice; and
•may otherwise be disclosed without consent where authorised or required by law.
We understand that the Apprenticeship/Traineeship Contract is legally binding in accordance with the Training Contract Obligations set out below and the legislation of the State or Territory in which this Training Contract is to be registered.
We understand that the Training Contract is legally binding; that the Training Contract can only be terminated within the period of the probation and/or, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant State/Territory legislation, and that the probation periods are determined by the State/Territory Training Authority or relevant industrial award/agreement for this qualification and vocation.
Obligations For The New Business Owner / Employer
I/we agree that:
a)TheTraining Contract commenced from the date stated in question 3 (on the original Training Contract/s), provided that it has been registered or approved under the provisions of the relevant State/Territory legislation.
b)TheTraining Contract can only be changed by our agreement and according to State/Territory legislation and the State/Territory Training Authority must be informed of the proposed change/s. In some States/Territories approval for the change/s must be sought.
c)The apprentice/trainee can see, and correct, any information about himself/herself in (the original) Training Contract or held by the employer in relation to (the original)Training Contract.
d)We will try to resolve any dispute we have with the Australian Apprentice/s named, and if we cannot, we will contact our State/Territory Training Authority to request assistance or to access the appropriate dispute resolution processes.
e)TheTraining Contract can be audited by the relevant State/Territory Training Authority or Australian Government Department.
f)TheTraining Contract is successfully completed when there is agreement from the employer, apprentice/trainee and Registered Training Organisation, and/or an acknowledgement by the State/ Territory Training Authority, that the apprentice/trainee has attained all the required competencies.
g) The Training Contract expires if it reaches the term of the contract referred to in question 4 (on original Training Contract) without the apprentice/trainee having attained all the required competencies or a request for an extension of the contract having been endorsed by a State / Territory Training Authority.
h) This Training Contract may be terminated in accordance with the relevant State/ Territory legislation.
The new Business Owner agrees to:
a)Employ and train the apprentice/trainee as agreed in our Training Plan (already approved by the STA) and ensure the apprentice/trainee understands the choices that he/she has regarding the training.
b)Provide the appropriate facilities and experienced people to facilitate the training and supervise the apprentice/trainee while at work.
c)Make sure the apprentice/trainee receives on-the-job training and assessment in accordance with our Training Plan.
d)Provide work that is relevant and appropriate to the vocation and also to the achievement of the qualification referred to in (the original) Training Contract.
e)Release the apprentice/trainee from work and pay the appropriate wages to attend any training and assessment specified in our Training Plan.
f)Meet all legal requirements regarding the apprentice/trainee, including occupational health and safety requirements and payment of wages and conditions under the relevant employment arrangements.
g)Repay any payment I receive that I am not entitled to.
h)work with our RTO and the apprentice/trainee to make sure we follow our Training Plan, keep training records up-to-date, and monitor and support the apprentice/trainee's progress; and
i)Let the relevant State/Territory Training Authority and the registered training organisation (RTO) know within five working days (or when the local State/Territory legislation requires, if this is different) if our Training Contract has become jeopardised.
I acknowledge that it is an offence to use information in the Training Contract to discriminate against any person, including the apprentice/trainee.
I/we, the (new Business Owner) employer, have read and understood the Training Contract Declaration and Obligations outlined above.
SIGNATURES (All Signatures Required)
New Business Owner Authorised Representative______
Signature Date
Print Name______/ Australian Apprenticeships Centre Representative
Signature Date
Print Name______
Email: Fax: (02) 6205 8448Post to
Training and Tertiary EducationTraining and Tertiary Education
ACT Education and Training DirectorateACT Education and Training Directorate
GPO Box 158
Phone: (02) 6205 8555CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601
TaTE Office Use Only
Approving Officer______Signed______Date______
Entered on AVMS Letters to parties
Actioning Officer ______Signed______Date_______
Application Change ABN & Ownership Details Approved Business EmployerPage 1 of 2