Of Optometrist Practitioner Contactor Database Working Group
Held on Thursday 29 January at MacKenzie Building, Dundee
In attendance: Linda Bunney, Andrew Barrett, Marion Brooksbank, Joan Forrest , Cath Stevenson, Alexandra De Franco, David Greig, Jane Haskett, Louise Hockaday, Lavinia Langran, Kate McGloan, Mary MacRae, Anne Murray, Linda Neave, , Catherine Richardson, Senga Robertson, David Sloan, Ann Shaw, Margaret Thomson, Evelyn Hadden
Apologies: Denise Hastie, Lynne Morrison, Alison McNeillage, Dr Sudhir Patel, Fiona Shepherd, James MacKerrow.
Action1. / Welcome and Introductions
Linda welcomed everyone to the Meeting and introductions were made.
2. / Apologies
Apologies were received as noted above. Cath informed the Group that Kathleen Bremner retires at the end of March.
3. / Minutes of Meeting of 19 November
The Minutes were accepted with an alteration that Item 3 should read that ISD will gather the data, not PSD.
4. / Matters Arising
It was clarified that there would need to be a Board exercise to populate the Excel spreadsheet previously issued. This is a significant piece of work and Boards should be aware of their own resource implications
5/6/7 / User Acceptance Testing – Feedback/ Demonstration/Questions
These agenda items were taken together.
Andrew Barrett apologised as there would be no demo due to a technical hitch. Options for regional and local UAT sessions were offered. It was suggested that the Group run through the End User Guide to highlight any issues as Some Boards had not had the chance to look at the system all the way through due to various workload reasons. Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Highlands and Fife had submitted feedback. DG wanted to pick out the common feedback problems and discuss how to resolve these adding that what may be a problem for one isn’t necessarily a problem for another due to some regions being larger. CS added that the End User Guide was not meant to be a training manual – a more robust manual would be developed to accompany formal training. The following items were identified:
- Blank screen on entering OPCD will be rectified with front end menu.
- Each function will be made more obvious with cancel buttons and options to close down screens.
- Address Picker – This replicated the payment system from OPTIX. It was agreed to abandon this in favour of free text entry.
- Authorisation – This is where the Optom has been authorised by a main Board for Parts 1 and wishes to work in other Boards for Part 2. Agreed that associated Boards would write to applicant seeking confirmation of their intention to work in additional Board and if no response received within 21 days, application would be rejected by associated Board. Procedures Guidelines also need to reflect this.
- Suspensions should be able to be entered by any Board.
- Need to review reference history.
- Referees need to have home address.
- Disclosure is most recent date and number.
- OBC Directors with enhanced CRB. SR advised that a new Membership Vetting & Barring Scheme was being introduced in 2010 for new contractors. This would have an impact on OPCD but may not be possible in the current phase.
- No need for View/Maintain button.
- Add Cancel Search function/button
- Add exit/save function
- Add birth surname both in GOS6 Procedures Manual and OPCD.
- Strengthen validation on timescales (Page 10)
- Add OBC telephone number (Page 14)
- OBC Directors need to be listed with d.o.b., CRB Certificate number and date
- Date fields – remove calendars
- Disciplinary/sanctions discussed. It was previously agreed that the database should just have a flag to show that a sanction existed and that Boards should check with Julie Kidd, ISD. This would need to be populated by ISD and CS and JF agreed to take this back to discuss the mechanism. At the last Group meeting, it was also recommended that checking with ISD should be done routinely and that this action should be added to the Procedures Group task list.
- Disabled access – regional interpretations discussed but agreed to leave as is. / JF/CS
8. / Moving Forward – Tasks and Timescales
DG plans to continue with UAT into February, with all changes implemented by end of February to mid March.. DG to make list of all changes to be made and to be sent out by Alexandra to all Working Group. Further UAT sessions at either Gyle or in local areas were offered Email to be sent out to Special Interest Group to see which dates/times suit each Board and arrange for visits.
DG thanked everyone for their support and requested that the Group let him have any further thoughts to speed up the process. A rollout plan is to be formed as it was agreed that launch of OPCD would have to be done at the same time for each Board. Formal training should be carried out as near as possible to go-live date which needs to be both realistic and agreed. It was suggested that this could be combined with training on the use of the Procedures Pack. / DG/ADF
9. / Any Other Business
David Sloan advised the Group that a PSD Meeting is be held on Wednesday. He also requested to inform him or David Bailey of any problems. Or issues before the GPCD Users’ Group on 25 February 2009. Cath is to check the attendance list as this might be a good opportunity to demo system as the same users are likely to attend. / CS
10. / Date of next Meeting
After the next stage of UAT, agreed changes will be made and taken back to the IT Group. The Group will have to meet thereafter to sign off OPCD prior to roll out. This may well be in April but will be confirmed.