Draft notes from the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Meeting
Date: Aug 8, 2017 Next meeting: Aug 22, 2017
1. Attendance - verify
MembersRex Brooks
Gary Ham
Elysa Jones
Al Kenyon
Scott Robertson
A quorum was in attendance
2. Meeting notes. The notes from July 25 were reviewed and after minor corrections, Rex made and Scott seconded a motion to approve. All agreed, no one abstained.
3. Notes from the Chair.
- Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC). Many thanks to Rex for providing the presentation on the EDXL Framework/Toolkit at the EIC presentation July 26. We had a small number of participants but not as many as we would have liked. There were a few members from the response community as well as someone from APCO/NENA along with those that regularly attend. This was a good opportunity for Rex to go through the presentation though as it will be given again August 22 in an open OASIS meeting and at the EDXL Workshop in September.
- EDXL Framework/Toolkit. The next presentation will be held August 22 in lieu of our normally scheduled EMTC call. However it will be at 10EDT to enable those from Europe that may wish to join. Dee Schur has set up the call on the OASIS GoToMeeting and will send invites to our EMTC, EMATC and a long list of other emails she has collected over the years of our work. Please forward the invite to anyone that may be interested. Eliot Christian has been invited and plans to attend and has offered to review the content. He is particularly interested as this is preparation for the EDXL workshop which follows the CAP workshop in Rome. He wants to be sure the wrapping and routing of CAP is properly portrayed. Some countries, particularly New Zealand has not been doing this properly. Jeff back from vacation but has a cold. Rex hopes to get his help with the DE wrapped CAP when he is available. There are two slides each on the topic, one with DE 1.0 and one with DE 2.0. We want to be sure people validate the CAP message before adding the DE.
- CAP/EDXL Workshop in Rome will be held Sept 19 (CAP training) 20-21 (CAP Workshop) and 22 (1/2 day EDXL Workshop). Details can be found at http://preparecenter.org/resources/cap-workshop-2017-flyer. Please pass it along to anyone that may be interested. We will again have our EMTC meeting during the workshop. That is normal week for our meeting. Details on the day and time will be posted. We intend for the EDXL workshop to have remote participation as some of the speakers will not be able to join in person.
- I have been invited to speak at the Second Multi-stakeholder Forum on the Role of Telecommunication/ICTs for Disaster Management for the Americas Region, Bogotá, Colombia, from 29 to 31 August 2017. The invitation and costs will be assumed by the International Telecom Union (ITU) and the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (MINTIC). I will be speaking at the session described in the agenda: This session will aim to highlight the importance of establishing effective and comprehensive multi-hazard early warning systems and platforms, such as the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), exchange information and promote the replication of best practices in different countries. I am delighted to speak on this topic to include not only CAP but the full EDXL suite of standards for emergency response.
- I reached out to Beth Armstrong, Executive Director of IAEM regarding upcoming conferences for the National Association of State Emergency Medical Officials (NASEMSO). Her organization also manages the NASEMSO conferences in addition to IAEM. She has secured an opportunity for me to speak in May 2018 to this body regarding our TEP and HAVE work.
4. Subcommittee (SC) Reports.
- EDXL- Hospital Availability Exchange (HAVE). Scott provided an update on the HL7 Project Scope Statement (PSS) that he has been socializing with various Working Groups (WG). The Patient Care WG has not yet responded to the request to be a co-sponsor or interested party. The Public Health Emergency Response (PHER) WG and Emergency Care (EC) WG have agreed to be interested parties and PA has agreed to be the primary sponsor. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) will need to sign off on the PSS before it goes to the Steering Division (SD). He has been going through the HAVE 2.0 document to see if there are any issues from the HL7 perspective. PA does have information on bed status. He wonders how it should best be expressed in HL7. There is information expressed in HAVE has a relationship to HL7 but there is no message with this specific data.
Thanks to Rex for going through the JIRA issues and providing direction to Robert on the dispense of most JIRA items. Robert is working on document but it is not ready yet to be brought to the TC. Members are encouraged to stay in touch with the Working Draft as it is being finalized to minimize the amount of time for review once the SC votes it out. We need to be prepared for an EMTC vote to advance the HAVE 2.0 document to a Committee Specification Draft and a Public Review Draft in time for the Sept 11 meeting of the HL7 event. I will be in touch with Chet of TC Admin to be sure we have our procedures in order to conduct the necessary votes.
We briefly discussed whether we should provide it to the PA WG before it is voted to a Public Review Draft (PRD). Rex and Scott did not think it would be a good idea. We agreed that delivery to them at the HL7 meeting in San Diego would be best along with a brief and concise delivery. Scott will see about getting us on the agenda for that meeting.
I provided an update on the HL7-OASIS Statement of Understanding (SOU). The HAVE SC has reviewed my markups to our prior agreement. We have discussed the changes and the draft has been provided to Karen Van Hentenryck for HL7 staff consideration.
- EDXL Reference Information Model (RIM) SC. Rex reports that the RIM met last week and reviewed one main issue. They decided to keep the versioning on the XML schema for the document in lock-step with the working draft and advance them together. This makes clear the connection for versioning. He is still working on the EDXL Framework/Toolkit.
- Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) SC. Rex attended the last meeting, I had to miss. There were not many people there and no major issues were discussed. The event list is on google docs and Rex has put in those provided by Eliot and added a couple of columns.
5. Adoption. There has been little effort here with all focus on the Framework/Toolkit. One JIRA issue has been added on the Cell Broadcast dissemination of CAP alerts. It is recommended a best practices guide be developed.
6. Adjourn. With our business complete, Rex made and Scott seconded a motion to adjourn. All agreed.
Respectfully submitted,
Elysa Jones Chair OASIS EM TC
Emergency Management Technical Committee