LCPCM Spring Conference Friday, April 29, 2011
The Sheraton Columbia Hotel, 10207 Wincopin Circle, Columbia, MD 21044
6 CEU’s and Lunch
The Future of MulticulturalCounseling: Clinical Insights for a Diverse Society
Keynote Speakers
Each keynote speech will address the presenter's vision of our emerging multicultural society and how counseling and psychotherapy must be adapted to meet the needs of diverse clients. The three keynote speakers are distinguished experts in the field of multicultural counseling.
Keynote Speakers:
Clemmont Vontress, Ph.D. - Recently named a Fellow of the American Counseling Association, Dr. Vontress was one of the early pioneers of multicultural counseling. The University of Toronto Press last month released an intellectual biography of his work, Counseling Across and Beyond Cultures: Exploring the Work of Clemmont Vontress inClinical Practice. He is Professor Emeritus of Counseling at the George Washington University.
Roy Moodley, Ph.D. - a former South African Anti-Apartheid Activist, Dr. Moodley wrote the groundbreaking work, Carl Rogers Counsels A Black Client. He is an Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Toronto.
Courtland Lee, Ph.D. - a past president of the American Counseling Association, Dr. Lee is one of the foremost experts on interventions with African American males. He is a Professor of Counseling at the University of Maryland.
Workshop Leaders:
Oscar Morgan, Thomas E. Arthur, and Iris Reeves are state leaders in the dissemination of multicultural competencies. They each have held high level administrative positions in the state of Maryland. They have joined forces to lay out a vision for our mental health system entitled, The Journey Toward a Culturally CompetentBehavioral Health Care System: Breaking Down the Barriers to Care.
Workshop Description:
The presenters will highlight how individuals from underserved ethnic and cultural populations can sometimes be misdiagnosed due to cultural and/or linguistic biases or ignorance. During this interactive session, participants will learn about the derivation of such biases and how they have influenced the beliefs and practices among practitioners. Through didactic lecture and interactive discussions, participants will gain knowledge and skills to assist them in developing effective strategies for moving cultural competence forward within their respective organizations. Participants will feel empowered to influence others to take the cultural competence journey.
This presentation will receive support from individuals representing specific ethnic and cultural groups.
Conference Agenda at a Glance:
8:00 - 9:00 AM - Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30 AM - LCPCM Updates & Conference Introduction
9:30 - 10:30 AM - The Future of Multicultural Counseling - Morning Keynotes
Courtland Lee/Roy Moodley
10:30 - 12:30 PM - The Journey Toward A Culturally Competent Behavioral
Health Care System: Breaking Down the Barriers - Workshop
Oscar Morgan/Thomas Arthur/Iris Reeves
12:30 - 1:30 PM - Lunch & Keynote by Clemmont Vontress -
Counseling Across and Beyond Cultures
1:30 - 2:30 PM - Continuation of Morning Workshop
2:30 - 4:00 PM - Panel with All Presenters - Interactive Discussion of
Clinical Issues with Audience (Please be prepared to bring a question related to multicultural counseling)
2011 LCPCM Spring Conference Registration/Membership Form
If you register for the conference and want to renew/join at the same time, that’s a $10 discount
Conference Fee Only
Non-Members…………………… $150
(Students must be enrolled at least half time and present proof of student status)
Membership Fee Only
Student …………………………..$25
Conference Fee plus Discount Membership Fee
Membership plus conference……………best deal!… $198
Retired/LGPC Membership plus conference…………$133
Student Membership plus conference………..…….…..$90
On-site registration will be limited with an additional charge of $15. Please register by April 25, 2011
Home Address:______
Work Address:______
Credential: LCPC____ LGPC____ Other ____
If you would like your specialty areas listed, please list 3 practice specialties for the Find-A-Therapist referral list on the LCPCM web site if you are a member. The site displays your name, work city, telephone number, and specialty. If not, leave blank.
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Garret Park, MD 20896