Sharing 30 Years of Dog Training Experience

Professional Dog TrainingApplication Form

Completing this application does not obligate you to pay tuition.

Any information you submit will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.



Residence Address (your textbooks will be shipped to this street address)

City State Zip Code

Best contact phone number: Best Time and phone number to call you:

E-mail Are you 21 years of age or older? ______


Thank you for inquiring about how you and I can work together to achieve your goal of becoming a professional dog trainer. I am excited about the prospect of working with you and truly appreciate your interest.

To ensure the best results for my students, I’m very selective about whom I choose to work with. Therefore, please complete the following application thoroughly and with complete honesty.

Have you ever worked in any business that deals with dog training or care?( )Yes( )No

If yes, list in what capacity______

Have you ever worked hands-on with dogs? ( )Yes( )No

If yes, list in what capacity ______

Do you currently own a dog(s)? ( )Yes( )No

Have you ever worked with a professional dog trainer? ( ) Yes ( ) No

What would you like to accomplish as a result of you and I working together?

If you work full time, how will you manage the time required on your studies, i.e. time in the evening for our one to one video classes and studying your material?

How will you manage the 2 weeks off to work for the hands-on portion of the program after your 4 week studies?

Your investment for this program, tuition, lunches etc. can vary between approximately $6350 (if you do not need to travel here or stay in a hotel) to maybe asmuch as $8000 including hotel, food (not including air fare- if you choose to fly). Does this fit in your budget?

Parts of your studies involve the honor system. Your tests each week will be delivered via email. Do you believe that you will not short change yourself and will follow the instruction of Alltestsand weekly hangouts being Closed Book and why do you think this is important?

By typing or signing my name and submitting this form I certify that the information I have provided on the Professional Dog Training Application Form is complete and accurate. I understand that providing this information does not obligate me to pay any tuition at the time of application.

Signature Date

5126 Hummingbird St., Houston, TX 77035
