Religious Education Calendar 2017-2018Questions? Please contact:

Lucy Soltau, director


Sunday Class Schedule:

Grade PreK to Grade 49:30am-10:00am (followed by Liturgy of the Eucharist)

First Communion events – required (unless noted otherwise)

Grade 5-610:30am to 11:30am

Grade 7-8 (Confirmation)5:30-8:00pm (includes Mass, dinner, class)


Sat.199:00am-4:00pmDeanery 11 Catechist Formation Day, St. Denis


3Labor Day weekend

1010:30amCatechist Gathering

105:30-8:00pmConfirmation Parent/Teen meeting (with Mass, dinner)

179:30amCatechetical Sunday: Outdoor Mass &Pancake Breakfast


9:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8)session 1


19:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

10:30amFirst Communion Parent meeting/ Reconciliation workshop

89:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8)session 2

159:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Mon. 163:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

Sat.219:00am -9:00pmYouth Rally – St. Bede, Hayward (grade 8-12)

229:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Mon. 233:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

299:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6


Fri – Sat3-4Faith Formation Conference, Santa Clara

59:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8) session 3

12NO CLASSES – Veterans Day

Mon. 133:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

199:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8) session 4

26NO CLASSES – Thanksgiving weekend

Mon. 273:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)


310:30amFamily Gathering: Advent & Christmas – NO CLASSES

Sat910:00amReconciliation Service

109:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Mon. 113:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

Sat.1610:00am-5:30pm7th grade Retreat Day, Our Lady of the Wayside

179:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

24NO CLASSES – Christmas week

4:00pmChristmas Eve Family Mass

31NO CLASSES – New Year week


7NO CLASSES – Winter break


Sat.2010:00am-5:30pm8th grade Retreat Day, Our Lady of the Wayside

219:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Mon. 223:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

289:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6


49:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8) session 5

Mon. 53:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

1110:30am Mardi Gras Pancake breakfast & Lent workshop – NO CLASSES

Wed. 14Ash Wednesday

18NO CLASSES – Mid Winter break

259:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8) session 6

Mon. 263:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)


49:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

1:00pmSacrament Workshop

119:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8)session 7

Mon. 123:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

March (con)

Wed – Sun15-18LA Religious Education Congress

189:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

25Palm Sunday

9:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

5:30pmConfirmation (grade 7-8)session 8/Final Things!

Mon. 263:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

Thu297:00pmHoly Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Fri30noon – 3:00pmGood Friday service

Sat.317:30pmEaster Vigil & Sacraments of Initiation


1Easter Sunday – NO CLASSES

9:30amFamily Mass and Easter Egg Hunt

8Spring Break – NO CLASSES

159:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Mon. 163:30pmFirst Communion class with Fr. Paul (optional)

229:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

Sat.2810:30amFirst Communion Rehearsal – ALL GROUPS

5:30pmFirst Communion (group A)

299:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

9:30amFirst Communion (group B)at Our Lady of the Wayside


Sat510:30amFirst Communion (group C)

69:30amPreK to Grade 4

10:30amGrade 5-6

9:30amFirst Communion (group D)

13Ascension/ Mother’s Day

20Pentecost / Outdoor Mass & Pancake Breakfast

27Memorial Day weekend