Spanish I
Señora Whitney Windsor
E-mail address:
Course description/objectives:
This course is the first part of the beginning (novice) level of language study. The development of language skills will begin using the aural-oral method of instruction. Topics will be based on daily living, needs, desires, and likes. Emphasis is placed on listening and speaking, simple reading and writing, and cultural studies of Spanish-speaking people.This course meets daily for one semester and is worth one Carnegie unit.Students will learn, practice and apply the vocabulary and structures needed to communicate on introductory topics in Spanish.
The following skills will be used:
1)Writing skills will be enhanced through much practice. Students will begin the year with sentences and will progress to small compositions.
2)Since speaking is of primary importance, students will practice throughout the year, both formally and informally. A lot of the class will be taught in Spanish. Students are expected to speak Spanish (both to the teacher and to other students) while in class.
3)Listening skills will be enhanced through audiotapes of native speakers, videos in Spanish, and listening to Spanish in the classroom.
4)Reading skills will be advanced through various reading selections in our text.
5)Culture - The students will learn geography, history, and customs related to food, clothing, family life, etiquette, work, and leisure activities of different Spanish countries.
Opportunities for help and support:
Tutoring is offered Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:45PM to 4:30PM. Please feel free to stop in and see me for extra help—even if for just a few minutes. This is also an ideal time to complete make-up work. Please note that if you are making up an exam, it may take longer than 45 minutes to ensure you have ample time to complete the test. I am also available at other times by appointment.
Materials required for the course:
Text:¡Exprésate! Level 1text andone¡Exprésate!workbook (provided by the department). Although the textbook and workbook will serve as the primary resources for the class, teacher supplements and authentic documents in the target language will also be used to complement the text.
Required Supplies:
- Three-ring binder (at least 1 inch and not spiral or brad) with plenty of loose leaf paper and three dividers
- Two pens
- Two dry- erase marker(any brand or color)
- A Spanish-English dictionary may be helpful to have at home, but is not required.
Course Policies:
- Major Tests and Projects: 45% (includes oral and written)
- Quizzes: 35% (includes oral and written)
- Homework:10%
- Classwork: 10%
Classroom Responsibilities:
1. Be on time. Be in the classroom when the bell rings with the proper materials and ready to begin the daily bell work assignment. (WHS tardy policy to be followed.)
2. Be prepared. Come to class prepared to work with all required supplies & ID.
3.Be attentive. Come to class with a positive attitude, pay attention, take notes and ask questions when necessary.
4. Be respectful. Respect the teacher and the other students.
5. Follow all classroom procedures as given and follow all CCSD & WHS policies.
Classroom procedures:
You are expected to be in your seats ready to work when the bell rings. A bell-work assignment will be up on the board as you enter. Make sure pencils are sharpened, IDs are on, homework is complete and out ready to be checked. Cell phones off please!
Consequences for not following classroom rules:
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Parent Phone Call
3rd Offense: 45-minute detention after schooland parent phone call
4th Offense: Administrative Referral
A severe offense will automatically result in an Administrative Referral.
Rewards for appropriate behavior include:
- Treats
- Positive comments/cards/phone calls to parents
- Good grades! Good habits! Good Spanish students!
Homework policy: If a homework assignment is given, it must be returned at the assigned time, and in complete form, or the student will not be given credit for it. If a student has an outside problem or serious conflict, he/she may come in and talk to me about making different arrangements for that task. If a student has been absent, the policy set up in the handbook will be used. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with what the homework is for the day, week, and month!!
Homework/Classwork Grading Procedures:I will give homework to review specific topics covered in class. Students are expected to complete all assignments BEFORE they enter the classroom to receive credit. When the students enter the classroom, if they are completely finished with 100% of the answers at least attempted, to the best of their abilities, I give them full credit. If they come in and aren’t finished they may receive partial credit. If a student has been absent, the policy in the student handbook will be used.
Classwork grades include short in-class assignments, listening activities, group skits, etc. Both homework and classwork are graded on a 10-point scale with 10 equal to 100%. This work will count combined for 20% (10% for each) of the quarter grade. It does not take long for a student’s grade to drop in this area. Please work daily to maintain a solid foundation for overall achievement.
Notebook Procedures:Your notebook should have 3 sections and be organized chronologically. The syllabus is to remain at the front of the notebook during the entire semester.
Section 1: The syllabus and any handouts given on the first day of class belong in this section. Some handouts will include Basic things to know in Spanish. A list of at least 3 classmates and their contact information is also recommended in this section.
Section 2: Campanazo/Bellwork: Students will be given a short, daily Bellwork assignment as soon as they enter the classroom. The purpose is to maximize use of classroom time, get students on-task, and review topics from the previous day. Notes may be used to complete this assignment unless otherwise stated.
Section 3: Apuntes/ Notes: This will include class notes and class assignments (combined under one section). Notes are kept together so that they are easy to access while completing assignments.
Quiz Grading Procedures:Frequent quizzes will be given. The quizzes assess the students’ listening comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. Teacher-made quizzes will also be used to target specific grammar topics. Quizzes will count 35% of the quarter grade.
Test/Project Grading Procedures: We shall also have a major assessment at the end of each thematic unit. Tests will include listening, reading, speaking, culture and writing.The format of the assessment exercises is always covered in class sopaying attention does pay off. Major projects fall into this category and may include topics, research methods and presentation in Spanish. These major grades will count 45% of the quarter grade.
Make-Up Work: Wando High School’s makeup policy applies in Spanish class. In order to receive full credit for a missed assignment, the absence must be excused.
Spanish Club: Students are highly encouraged to join the Spanish Club! The club is a wonderful way for students to interact with their fellow Spanish-speaking peers. Cultural activities and service projects are a highlight of the Spanish club and a favorite among Wando students.
A student will lose full credit (receive a zero) on a quiz, test, or homework assignment for:Cheating of any kind
- Use of notes, books, answer sheets
- Giving or receiving answers to/from another person
- Any artificial means used to try to pass or complete a given task
- In order to learn the target language, you must use it. Try it out at home on your family or in the community to help someone out.
- When you are studying at home, say things out loud. This really helps with pronunciation and memorization.
- Don’t try to study an entire lesson at once. Break it up into smaller units by taking time to study for a short time each day. You will remember more information and will retain that information longer if you study for 10-15 minute intervals.
- Make flash cards for new vocabulary and verb conjugations.
- Answer each question asked in class mentally. You can learn from the answers.
- Don’t Fall Behind!!!!!Foreign language is a building block process. What you have learned in pastlessons does not go away. Ask questions in class, come in for help, take the time tomake corrections on your work, and study from your mistakes.
- When you are reading, don’t look up every word. Make some intelligent guesses. Look for cognates.
- Make a list of difficult words(index cards come in handy) and restudy or test yourself on these items.
- Get at least 3 names and numbers from people inclass and call them for help occasionally.
- Use the internet site at
My username is: ______My password is: ______
Please write down three phone numbers or email addresses of classmates, in case you need to get make-up work or homework that is missed.
I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Señora Windsor’sclass and will do my best to be successful and follow them.
Student name: ______
Student signature: ______
Date: ______
I have read the policies and procedures for Señora Windsor’s class andwill do my best to ensure my child follows them.
Parent/Guardian name: ______
Parent/Guardian signature:______
Parent email/phone contact: ______
Please detach this page and bring back signed. This document willbeplaced in student’s file in classroom. Student must keep syllabus in notebook at all times during semester.