Very Odd Jobs

26 x half hours

Season 1 and 2

Season 1

Episode #1 -Water Works

With over 70% of the world covered in oceans, lakes and rivers, it’s natural that some of the most unique and potentially dangerous jobs out there are found near water.

River Raft Guide

He’s not your ordinary tour guide. A self –titled “adventure entrepreneur”, he gives white water rafting tours down the KickingHorseRiver.

Glass Bottom Boat

An underwater tour guide in an odd shaped submarine. His days are filled with fish and corals just off the Island of Martinique.

Shark Tours

He spends his days hanging out with the sharks. A job where loving danger is essential, and patience is definitely a virtue.

Maid of the Mist

He’s a captain who is required to get his passengers soaked. The ship he commandeers is the Maid of the Mist, one of Niagara Falls’ longest running tourist industries.

Jet Boat Driver

He gives locals and tourists hair rising rides thorough the New Zealand countryside on one of the fastest boats around. It’s not hard to understand how someone could lose their cool, or their lunch.

Episode #2 - Careers in Motion

It’s no surprise that some of the most fascinating jobs involve vehicles. These people are constantly moving in their careers, literally!

NASA Crawler

The crawler transporter is NASA’s answer to your average tow truck. Without this vehicle the space shuttle would have no way of getting to the launch pad.

Wood Glider

His company has been around for nearly 70 years filling toy store shelves with balsam wood airplanes. He runs the whole show and still holds on to a childlike sense of humor.

Olympia Driver

He makes ice smooth as silk. By driving an Olympia for a living he is always part of the action on Canada’s largest stage.


He drives a crane that’s twelve million pounds and stands two hundred feet high. He truly “digs” his job, because this machine is putty in his hands.

Blimp Pilot

Foregoing his need for speed, this man joined an even more exclusive club – those who fly Blimps.

Episode #3 - People in Science

Mankind is constantly working towards understanding Mother Nature. Thanks to those who choose careers in science, we continuously gain new insight about the planet’s past, it’s present, and how to ensure its future.


He lives in Hawaii and studies volcanoes for a living. As fascinating as this can be, however, danger is never more than a few steps away.


Working at the La Brea Tar Pits is a Paleontologist’s dream. He digs up the history of our planet for a living and never knows what he’s going to uncover.

Sperm Bank

Science helps this man create life. He pairs donor sperm with mothers-to-be.

RCMP Forensics

She is on the leading edge of forensic technology. Her days are spent following the trails left by countless criminals and her tool is the science of DNA analysis.


In the field of earthquake seismology, he is in the thick of the action. He’s located in southern California, a hotbed of seismic activity.

Episode #4 - Animal Kingdom

Working with animals is never an easy task. For those who choose to take the challenge, however, the rewards are often huge and always fun.

Zoo Keeper

Her best friends are hippos, giraffes, wart hogs and pandas. She is the large mammal keeper at the Calgary Zoo, the second largest zoo in Canada.

Studio Animals

She works in HollywoodCalifornia, the home of the stars. The stars she trains, however, have four paws and a tail!

Aquatic Friends

These guys don’t have to take holidays to go to the beach. One studies penguins and one gets to swim with the dolphins.

Whale Crier

In South Africa, the town of Hermanus is known for its abundant whale population, and for the man who watches them. Thanks to him, tourists have an inside advantage to the art of whale spotting.

Safari Guide

South Africa is inhabited by a rich diversity of wildlife. If you’re looking for a face-to-face encounter with the animals, this man can navigate you through the bush.

Episode #5 - Performers

Those who perform for a living often finds their trades in unusual locations. From dining halls and buses, to the historical streets of Great Britain, all the worlds a stage!

Medieval Banquet

They seat one hundred thousand people a year at their restaurant. It’s a medieval banquet and everyone’s invited.

Snowbird Pilot

They are the most prestigious aerobatic demonstration team in Canada. With their tactical tricks and highflying acrobatics, they’re recognized as one of the most spectacular air shows in the world.

Town Crier

He’s more than a big voice and a bell. His trade dates back to the year 1066, which makes him a piece of living history.

Bull Fighter

Everyday on the job he looks danger in the face. Working with bulls for a living, he’s bound to get a “buck” or two more then he bargained for.

Nash Trash Tours

They’re the beauties behind Nashville’s only musical comedy tour. Take a ride with the Jugg sisters and you’re guaranteed a ride like no other.


He used to be a combat soldier in the Royal Marines. Now he’s a professional gun handler who has earned the respect of movie makers and directors across the country.

Episode #6 Extreme Jobs

There will always be those in this world who like things just a little bit different. Enter the world of thrill seekers and dare devils who take their jobs to the extreme!

Bungee Jumping

These guys would love to throw you off a bridge. They own The Bungee Zone, a thrilling getaway for those who need a little out of the ordinary entertainment.

Tank Rentals

This isn’t your ordinary vehicle rental establishment. He’s the Tank Guy and the vehicles he rents out can carry up to five tones.

Blind Waiter

His job doesn’t seem that unique at first, but take a second look and you won’t believe your eyes! He waits on tables with the greatest of ease, but has yet to see a customer.

Chuck wagon Drivers

Part John Wayne, part daredevil, this father and son team compete with a passion that runs deep in their blood. Their wagon takes them around the “Half Mile of Hell” hoping to out race disaster for a $50,000 jackpot.


He gets a kick out of throwing people down a hill. He’ll take you on one of the wildest rides of your life, inside an inflatable plastic ball.

Episode #7 - Artists Touch

Art has long been held as the signature of civilization. From Picasso to Andy Warhol, artists have always had some of the most fascinating and unique jobs around.


He’s been called the Master of Clay photography. But he’s just one part of a creative team that makes clay come alive right before your eyes!

Dino’s for Sale

This artist’s Jurassic imagination breathes life into pre-historic creatures. Piece by piece, her job is to make exact replicas of dinosaur bones.

Murano Glass

He’s been creating glass sculptures since he was eleven. Operating from a tiny shop in the heart of Venice, Italy, he has become a master craftsman in his field.

Neon Artist

He’s a bright new artist working in a medium still relatively young. A fascination with neon lights has drawn this man to a career that is truly psychedelic.

Tiki Sculptor

Whether it’s rock or wood, this man has the magic touch. He’s a sculptor in Tiki carvings and he’s known for his creations all over Hawaii.

Episode #8 - All About Sports

In the fast paced world of sports there are many who work hard to enable others to play. Whether it’s working behind the scenes, or taking part on the playing field, this world offers many jobs that seem very out of the ordinary.

Monster Trucks

This monster athlete has a never ending appetite for destruction. Where he works the rules of driving are thrown out the window and the biggest rush is the crush.

Bull Rider

He’s a modern day gladiator who always takes life by the horns. He rides for the rush but ultimately strives for 8 seconds of glory.

Louisville Slugger

This all star team produces 200,000 to 300,000 bats each year. The greatest baseball players in the world use their products and it’s a constant job to make sure they get the best.

Toronto Blue Jays Mascots

It takes a certain kind of person to fill a mascot’s shoes. These two have traded in their business suits for something a bit less conventional.

Saddledome Lady

Her place of work is an oversized saddle. She runs the show at the Calgary Saddledome, home of the NHL Calgary Flames.

Episode #9 - Europe’s Jobs

Europe with it’s history, beauty, and various cultures is a wonderful and fascinating place. From London to Venice, each job has ties to its own little piece of history.

London Cabbies

London is one of the busiest tourist destinations in the world. He is one of the most of the most skilled drivers in the world and its his job to make sure people get where they want to go.

ButlerTraining School

He works deep in the heart of London, England right next to BuckinghamPalace. He has built his empire by helping people help others.

Gondola Maker

VeniceItaly is world renowned for the beauty of its architecture and it’s famous streets of water. He works on these streets running a mode of transportation that has changed very little since it was first created.

Whitechapel Bell Foundry

He works at one of the most famous bell making companies in the world. This family business is known for casting such famous bells as those in Big Ben and Westminster Abbey and also produced the well known cracked Liberty Bell.

Shakespeare And Company

These bookstore employees know that their workplace is anything but ordinary. This popular Paris destination is the temporary home of a multitude of creative people from around the globe.

Episode #10 - Jobs from A to Z

The world is a big place full of many different people who have very unique jobs. There are those who work at sea, those who work in the skies, and those who work in their minds, capturing our imagination with their creativity.

Window Washer

It’s their job to keep the skyscrapers shining. They’ve been washing windows for 20 years and always work hard, regardless of the weather.

Helicopter Stunt Pilots

These guys work from offices in the sky. From fighting fires to working in the movies, both make a living doing exactly what they love.

The Bubble Man

This man entertains kids and adults alike. He’s called the Bubble Man and he spends his days in a magical world full of soapy laughter.

Robot Man

This man lives out his childhood dream by making his one of a kind robots. He makes his living filling orders for accountants, doctors, lawyers and famous celebrities.

Ferry Boat Captain

In many places around the world, Ferry travel is a way of life. To this man, it’s more than a way of life, it’s a living, and he’s the captain of The Spirit of British Columbia.

Episode #11 - Big Projects

The world is a large and magnificent place and it’s filled with many human made wonders. For that reason, it shouldn’t be a surprise that there are quite a few jobs that are on the larger side of life.

Lion’s GateBridge

Built in 1938, this fifteen hundred foot long suspension bridge towers as high as five hundred feet and suspends the bridge’s deck two hundred feet above the water. He is the director for the “Lion’s Gate Project”, an extensive rehabilitation plan intended to bring the bridge up to code, in a unique way.

Stone Carvers

This team of mountain carvers is trying to finish a project that was started in 1939! They’re blasting out a monument for the Sioux Indian leaders, honoring their fallen hero Chief Crazy Horse.

EiffelTower Painter

The EiffelTower in Paris is visited by thousands of excited tourists every year. To keep it looking shiny and new, it takes the combined efforts of several talented craftsmen.

New York Artisans

Attracting tourists and instilling pride in its citizens are the rolls of the awe inspiring structures that loom over New York City. From the Statue of Liberty to the Statue of Justice, these monuments owe some of their glory to this company.

Cemetery Curator

WashingtonD.C. is home to the policy makers and the political elite of the United States of America. It is also home to the Congressional Cemetery and this man, who takes care of its famous and important inhabitants.

Episode #12 - Saving the Species

North America is home to many different people with many different interests. It’s no wonder that from these interests come a collection of jobs that are as remarkable and exciting as the people who work them.


He makes his living breeding and preserving the world’s deadliest snakes. His co-worker’s job description includes leading a thirteen-foot, seven hundred pound salt-water crocodile named “Bottomless” in aerobics.

Amazon Curator

Taking care of snakes and bugs all day isn’t an easy task. He brings the Amazon to Canada and is responsible for making sure its assortment of creatures live a long, healthy and happy life.

Urban Search and Rescue

He is a military engineer, providing maintenance, welfare and support for the troops over seas. His team’s most important task is accomplished during emergency situations when they risk great danger to perform search and rescue operations.

Marine Mammal Trainer

To some, hers sounds like the coolest job around. She agrees, but while training Dolphins is fun, it also takes a lot of hard work to get them to point where they can perform in front of a live audience.

Clearance Diver

He’s been diving since he was 12 years old. Now he dives with a team who face danger on a daily basis.

Episode #13 - Local Customs

Our world is filled with a diversity of interests. Ordinary jobs turn into those that are extraordinary when looked at through a different pair of eyes.

Ice Hotel

Through out the world, there are many exotic hotels to visit, but how many of these hotels last for only five months out of the year? The staff of this hotel is definitely the “coolest” staff on the planet.

Tall Ships

They work on the world’s oldest commissioned naval ship. Enjoyable as their work is, it’s a far cry from a typical Navy assignment.

Ukulele Maker

He has a Masters and a PHD in Oceanography but spends his days making the musical instruments that Hawaii is famous for. His ukuleles have been sold to far off places all over the world, but many of them find their way home for some tender loving care.

Musical Ride

They are one of the most recognized symbols in the world today. When this Canadian Mountie goes to work every day, he’s not just horsing around.

Clock Tower

BernSwitzerland is home to the world’s oldest clock. It’s this mans job to make sure things are always running on time.

Season 2

Episode #14 – “It’s In The Hole”

When you think of “holes” many things probably come to mind - black holes, a hole in one. But have you ever thought about the people who spend their days working in holes?

Jobs Profiled: Meteor Crater Tour Guide, Crop Circle Investigator, LakeDeepener, Chimney Sweep, UndergroundCave Tour Guide.

Episode #15 – “Viva Las Vegas”

Once known mostly for its casinos, Las Vegas is now one of the most exciting and rapidly growing cities in the world. The jobs found in Las Vegas are not only unique; they’re a lot of fun!

Jobs Profiled: Wine Angel, Shark Reef Curator, Indoor Skydiving Instructor, Freemont Lights Display Maintenance, Artificial Snow Maker, Sword Swallower.

Episode #16 – “On With The Show”

In today’s fast-paced world, everyone loves a chance to sit back, relax and enjoy a good show. No matter where you go, quality entertainment is never hard to find, thanks to the many men and women whose life’s work is to entertain others.

Jobs Profiled: Balloon Man, Circus Performer, Jack The Ripper Tour Guide, Paris Busker, Puppet Maker, High Diver.

Episode #17 – “Not As They Seem”

In the world of Very Odd Jobs, things aren’t always as they seem. There are many men and women who make a living doing things that seem ordinary at first glance, but are very unique when you take a closer look.

Jobs Profiled: Professional Bag Lady, Artificial Eye Maker, Wax Museum Artist, Carnivorous Plant Breeder, Graffiti Maintenance, Zippo Lighter Car Driver.

Episode #18 – “Creative Minds”

Whether it’s a work of art or a popular invention, creativity is often the foundation of any success. Many talented and imaginative people have built their careers by using their creative minds.