October 2012
“He must become greater; I must become less.” – John 3:30
The BCH Employee Satisfaction Survey has been completed for 2012 with a total of 185 participants. This survey included issues such as employee benefits and professional development, our agency’s quality of care, workplace environment, and employee engagement in our various positions within BCH. A summary of results is available to all employees at T:\Employee Satisfaction Survey\2012 Survey Summary PDF.pdf. We received a great deal of feedback, including positive comments and constructive criticism. Some examples of comments from the survey are highlighted below, and be assured that all survey results are being discussed and analyzed by BCH leadership, our PQI and Risk Management Council, and PQI teams across the state. Thank you to all who participated and for your constructive and honest feedback!
· I know that God has called me to the ministry of BCH and I feel like I am making a difference in the lives of children and families across North Carolina and beyond. This is an adventure with God and I feel like he directs us every day.
· My motivation comes from enjoying my work and the people I work with. I strongly support the BCH mission of sharing hope and changing lives. I feel that I have a part in this mission every day.
· For myself it is a refreshing change to work where my supervisor listens to my ideas. Sometimes a yes, no or maybe, at least I know where I stand when offering input.
· I hope this organization can continue to offer the programs and services that so many families need. In doing so our employees will enjoy job security and the families we serve will benefit from the hope we can offer them.
· My boss always lets me know how much she appreciates my hard work and the strides seen in the residents. Also she feels very confident if she not here with the decisions made.
· Not exactly a suggestion, but more like a praise. Recently, my supervisor had a closed door meeting with me and one of the topics was importance of balance between personal and professional. In addition, Dr. Blackwell has posted in My Thoughts about balance. In both the conversation and the article, suggestions were made about how to regain and keep balance. It means a lot when an employee knows management is watching out for the whole well-being of the person. There's a feeling of win-win, respect and appreciation making everyone more willing to go the extra mile a little longer.
· I have thoroughly enjoyed Frank and Mary and the concept that CARE offers; this year CARE has empowered me to help others.
· Keep me informed of updates and new information needed to do the very best at my job that I can and continue to share hope and change lives!
· I feel that God has called me to this ministry and I love the fact that I can make a difference in someone’s life . The great team and support that we have here makes me feel needed and loved and supported. What a great mission feel this is. I am very thankful at the age of 68 that God can still use me. Thanks.
· Make a concerted effort across the state to make sure all employees feel valued and appreciated by supervisors and BCH leaders.
· I appreciate having a job that challenges me and gives me the opportunity to use the skills I possess. It provides me with interaction with a wide variety of professional and volunteer people, and my supervisors recognize my contributions to the message and mission of BCH. I am thankful for my work.
· I like the flexible work schedule offered during the summer, but would like to see it offered throughout the year.
· Don't stop caring not only for those we take in, but those who work for BCH. It is a calling, act of love and must of all a piece of each employee that is given to those we serve. Remember employees not just for years of service, retirement, or the routine "thank you for all you do, we love you, keep up the good work" as a group sure this is great, also for individuals in an open forum and privately. We all need encouragement, the unexpected extra (pat on the back, per say) Galatians 6:9 and 10, "And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. 10, So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."
· God came into my life as a teenager and changed my heart. He has placed me here in this job at this time with the capabilities to reach others for Him and a passion to see it done. He always brings my focus back when I stray and become overwhelmed that this is "HIS" fight not mine I am just the hands and arms and feet He chooses to use. I love what we stand for and what we accomplish every day and night here at BCH!! God Bless BCH!!
· Taken from the song No Resistance by Josh Garrels: Hold fast my people and sing through peace & through suffering; All for the joy that it brings to be free; It's gonna cost us everything to follow one Lord & King true love endures everything to be free Hold fast, like an anchor in the storm. Hold fast BCH, just as HE anchors us, we anchor others in the storm! It's an honor to serve with the best!
“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”
--Henry Ford
· It is a way to improve performance.
· It is a way for staff members in every area to express their opinions on more efficient methods of providing service.
· The Council on Accreditation requires BCH to have an effective performance and quality improvement program accessible to all staff.
· It allows community partners, children, families, and contract agencies to be involved in the improvement process with BCH.
· It is a proven method for improving practice, performance and employee participation in setting goals for the agency.
· It helps to create a culture of learning and professional development for employees who participate in the process.
· It fosters critical thinking and innovative ideas for solutions to complex problems on both service and administrative levels.
· Weekday Education has maximized the revenue producing square footage for the program and enrollment for the new school year looks excellent. Weekday employees are making great strides towards their PQI goal of slot utilization.
· In early September, Family Care was filled to capacity across the state with 103 clients. This ministry is also excited to report that two of the mothers at Oak Ranch participated in a horse show on Saturday, September 29.
· The population in our Western Area is consistently above the projected goal. The area’s unplanned discharges have dropped and POS goals are being followed. Revenue has increased based on more DSS placements.
· Mills Home hosted the BCH Annual Olympics on May 19th which is always a wonderful event for all those who attend. Special thanks are extended to the Olympic Committee.
· Mills Home celebrated two high school graduations in June with the annual baccalaureate service and luncheon to follow. Graduates were honored by Mills Home Alumni in attendance.
· Mills Home held the spring Friends of Children Day during this quarter. The campus was blessed with over 350 folks on campus for the day!
· Care House population grew by one on July 12 when an expectant resident gave birth to a healthy baby boy! What an awesome blessing for staff, residents and the ministry of BCH to welcome a new born baby!
· Camp Duncan was excited to hold its first Founder's Day with approximately 185 people attending. Friends of Children Day was extremely busy with a foot bridge being built on a trail to the campsite, 30 logs put on the trail system to prevent erosion, firewood cut and chopped for the campsite, and pine straw raked. Participants mowed and bush hogged the dam at the lake, and did a thorough cleaning of the Office and Dining Building. Camp Duncan had 167 supporters for this event.
· Camp Duncan’s Pioneers group completed their first bus trip studying US history through Virginia and Washington DC.
· NCBAM reported total volunteer hours for October 2011 through August 2012 at 10,024! The volunteer time includes volunteer training & informational session hours, volunteer in-office service hours, and Care Team/Volunteer service hours (outside NCBAM office). The state of NC assigns a value of $15.00 per hour for volunteer services which means the value of those volunteer hours equals $150,360!
· DDM has added a position for a Director who will provide oversight for operation of the homes, compliance with agency policy and state regulations, and clinical support and supervision to Qualified Professionals to enhance the quality of services to our residents. The position has been filled by Peggy Pennington, a former Administrator/QP and Compliance Coordinator for BCH.
Peggy Pennington,
Director, Developmental Disabilities Ministry
· DDM has continued the internal audit process begun in 2011 and has seen improved scores in 2012.
· DDM has updated and expanded all training provided to staff both upon hire and annually to better equip staff to utilize best practices in providing services.
· DDM has received excellent scores on all licensing surveys and health and safety inspections throughout the year.
· Slot utilization for DDM homes is currently at 92.59% program wide with only four vacancies; two of which will shortly be filled by individuals who have been approved for admission, putting utilization at 96.29%. Three out of six sites are at 100% slot utilization.
· DDM residents are improving their overall health with diet and exercise. New menus have been provided by the Nutrition and Dietetics Department at Appalachian State University which focus on lowering fat, sugar, and salt intake and utilizing healthy food choices and cooking methods. Three out of six DDM sites grow their own vegetables in the summer, and all sites have memberships to local exercise facilities which they utilize several times weekly.
· DDM has improved community connections and awareness as well as meaningful activities for residents through various means such as employment, with sixteen out of fifty residents currently employed by community businesses with the remainder participating in day activities suited to their individual needs; participation in the Appalachian and the Community Together (ACT) program which connects university volunteers with the DDM program; community service projects completed by residents such as volunteering at the Christian Outreach Center, participation in Relay For Life, volunteering at retirement facilities, volunteering with the Rotary Aktion Club, and individual community service projects. Many of the residents are athletes who participate in Special Olympics, and have represented their counties at the state level and consistently win gold and silver medals in their competitions. Two residents have completed courses at the community college independently, one a computer course, and one an Auto Body course.
· DDM has been blessed by community churches and businesses with many donations such as gift cards to Stegall Home to supplement their food and supplies budgets; a new washer and dryer for Three Forks Home to replace their broken ones; tickets to ballgames and other entertainment, maintenance services such as power washing for Davis House, a donation of twelve new mattresses for Davis and Hinkle homes, and Panera Bread makes a weekly donation of bread to Davis and Hinkle homes. Family members have blessed Lanier and Mercer Homes by providing fresh garden vegetables to the homes throughout the summer; monthly gift cards to Lindsay Home to supplement their food budget; and a monthly donation to Alverta Bolick Home to supplement their activity budget.
Once again, thank you to all BCH staff for your hard work, dedication to the PQI process, and willingness to cultivate courses of action that support best practice standards in our ministry.
“Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.”
1 Chronicles 29:13
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”
--William A. Foster