Name ______
Chapter 22 Nuclear Chemistry
History – not in textbook from the nuclear engineering dept. at NCSU
1895x-rays discovered By Roentgen *1898 Curies*
1913Bohr model of atom *Quantum* perfect calculations for H atom
19191st nuclear Reaction
1932Neutron discovered by Chadwick
1934artificial radioactivity
1939Fission discovered by Lise Meitner (story in textbook)
19421st controlled chain Reaction
Enrico Fermi University of Chicago
Atomic pile; composed of Uranium & graphite
Manhattan Project atom bomb
Oak Ridge, UC Berkeley with Dr. Oppenheimer
* U & Th then Po, Ra discovered
Note: Germans needed dry ice to do research on nuclear fusion (They said no to Nazis)
Chapter 22 Nucleus & Radioactivity p.701
Nuclear Chemistry
Mass AProtons + Neutrons 14
Atomic # Z Protons 6
Chemistry is determined by valence e- with a positive nucleus that keeps e- bound in atoms & compounds
Nucleus: very small, very dense
Nuclear Radius 10-13 cm vs. of atomic radius 10-8 cm
Size: can be related as…
Difference in distance between - Ping Pong Ball as the nucleus
and the furthest electron from the nucleus at 0.5km or 0.3mi which is about the length of a football field
Density- Nucleus is Very Dense
If 1.6 *1014 g/cm3were the density of a ping pong ball, it would weigh 2.5 billion tons
Nuclear Reaction yields 106 times more energy than any chemical Reaction
Originally Greek atom thought atoms to be indivisible, now know, e-, p and n and more recent subatomic particles include quarks (not studied here)
Nucleon(a particle in the nucleus can be either a n or p)
Nuclides are isotopes e.g.C-12C-13C-14
Nuclear Particles p. 706
p.713 protection and exposure
Alpha particle,
Beta particle, an electron,
Beta-plus particle, a positron (not studied here)
Types of ParticlesSymbolNecessary Protection
alpha (helium nuclei) 42He air, paper
beta (electrons) 0-1e plastic, foil
gamma-radiation lead, concrete
p. 3
p.701 and 705 Radioactive Decay:
Smaller (more stable) atoms have P:N ratio of 1:1 more stable
Larger atoms (can be more unstable) have P:N ratio of 1:1.5, these are unstable and start to fall apart i.e. are radioactive.
Transmutation: identity changes because nucleus changes (i.e. the # Protons)
Nuclear Reactions nucleus changes
Nuclear equations must be balanced.
To balance nuclear equations, follow these rules:
- Mass number is conserved in a nuclear change.
- Electric charge is conserved in a nuclear change.
p. 705 Radioactive Decay (sometimes change mass # of an element but the total mass before and after the decay would be the same) do the sample problems on p. 704
1)Alpha Decay 42He – (α,nota)
Example:23892 U 42He + 23490Th
23090Th 42He + 22688Ra
2)Beta decay occurs when a neutron splits into a proton and an electron that leaves the nucleus (emitting an electron i.e. beta particle)
23490Th 23491Pa + 0-1e
13153I 13154Xe + 0-1e
3)Spontaneous Fission: split into 2 lighter nuclides
Some elements do not change mass, but do change atomic #
Neutron bombards the nuclide
U235929236Kr + 14156Ba + 3 neutrons
p. 710 Radioactive Decay Series of radium 226
and the Fermi lab (1st controlled nuclear reaction -1942 enabled the making of the atom bomb) on p. 711
Fusion v.s. Fission p. 717
Deuterium 21H
+ 42He + neutron + ENERGY!!!!!!!
Tritium 31H
Fusion occurs naturally on the sun
Fusion can only occur in plasma.
Plasma: low density superheated gas
Example: Hydrogen Bombs
Fusion – occurs in sun and stars
4 11H 24He + 2 +10eenergy
When the 4 pieces fuse, energy is released.
Fission: split into more stable nuclei of intermediate mass occurs spontaneously or by neutron bombardment
U 235 + slow 01n becomes unstable & splits
U235929236Kr + 14156Ba + 3 neutrons + **Energy Released**
Example: Atomic Bomb
Nuclear Reactors have controlled fission chain Reactions to get Energy or Radioactive nuclides - Nuclear Power: stopped by cadmiumrods which absorbs neutrons
p. 718 Nuclear Power Plants Reaction heat hot H2O electricity in turbines
U-235 used often
Shielding: absorb radiation especially with Cd rods which absorb neutrons or Lead shields stop radiation (does not pass through the lead shield)
Fuel: U-235
Control Rods- neutron absorbing
Moderator: slows fast neutron to be slow
Coolant: H2O i.e. Cooling Towers like Shearon Harris plant in Apex
Nuclear Chemistry Uses p.715
- Power
- Medicine
a)PET scan
e)Radiation Therapy
- Forensics: Hair, nails, As, gamma spectrometer at NCSU
- Toxic Metal Waste: Hg, Se
- Space: Nuclear Batteries
p. 714 Radiation Detection:
a)Film Badges
b)Geiger Counters
c)Scintillation Counters
Nuclear Waste :
- 103 Nuclear Reactors (power)
- Refuel every 12-24 months
- Some plants ship spent fuel
- By 2010, government said “replace power plant”
- **Yucca mntn*
Chernobyl: nuclear disaster in the Ukraine- released 7000 kg of radioactive decay. Damage was detected as far as Washington, DC.
Geiger Counter: an instrument used to measure the level of radiation.
Dosimeter: personal radiation device
Scientists make radioactive isotopes: can be used for….
a) Medicine
b)Radiation therapy for cancer uses
c)X-rays and Gamma Rays
(From Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137) & Research P32 and S35
Tracers: radioactive isotopes, natural and manufactured. Chemical tracers follow certain metabolic processes in the body.
Irradiation: radioisotopes used to treat food so that it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time.
p. 9
Half Life p. 708 do problems on p. 709
Each radioactive element breaks down at a specific rate.
The time required for one half of a sample to decay is known as the half-life of that substance.
The half-life is constant regardless of what you do to that element.
Some elements decay to a stable nucleus in less than 1 second. Others may require millions of years.
Carbon-14 (isotope of carbon with neutrons)
It is found in all living things. It is absorbed in CO2. The half-life is 5730 years. By measuring the percentage of C-14 in a fossil or skeleton, scientists can determine the age of the material.
This is called radioactive dating.
p. 10
Half-life p. 708
Half-life: time required to decay ½
Example: ½ atoms to transform into something else
20g 10g 5g2.5g
½ No
¼ No
1/8 No
0t ½ 2t ½ 3t ½ 4t ½
No =original amount of substance
p. 11