PLC’s 2012 -2013

Minutes from each PLC Meeting


*Discussed plan for the year

*Discussed having meeting (separate) for each grade level.

*Discussed meeting with 6th grade (Elliott), 7th grade (Jacque Munoz), 8th grade (Barger) Come up with game plan for the year.


*Go over what PLC’s mean for all teachers.

*Go over how PLC’S will be handled

1. Professional development

2. Lesson Plans Collaboration

3. Learning goals and scales


*Dr. Boyd went over how to put Learning Goals using Benchmarks to create objectives. Then take the objectives and place them on the Goal scales.

*Break in to groups to create lesson plans


*Discuss the importance of learning goals, objectives, and learning scales

*Discuss when Reading LBA’s need to be completed to create Reading baseline


*Our main goal is every day each grade level is to teach the same objectives

* went into our grade level and discussed how lesson plans must have the same learning goals and objectives

*7th grade seems able to collaborate to accomplish the grade level objectives

*We discussed using Edusoft for 8th grade assessments


*Discussed how everyone needs to have the same learning goals and objectives and learning scales written on the board

*Discussed LBA baseline Reading, when it is to be completed

*Discussed how difficult it is to work from the same lesson plan

*Mrs. Obando stated that we may teach our own style, but must work on the same objective


*Discussed Writes Score to help increase our writing abilities

1. 8th grade will have two assessments, (first expository in Oct., and persuasive in Dec.) and FCAT Writes Feb., 26th.

2. 6th -7th will send in expository writing in Oct. They will be given a persuasive writing in Dec. that will be graded by grade level teachers.

3. When 8th grade takes FCAT Writes in Feb. 6th and 7th will take persuasive Writes Score

We broke up into Grade Level Lesson Plans


*Discussed how Writes Score would be given

*Discussed how we would put together Writing to be sent to Writes Score


*Discussed looking at writing assessments from the Holistic Grading scale

*Grade Level Lesson Plans


*Discussed how to look at assessments that comes back from Writes Score

*8th grade made a writing game plan towards Writes Score assessment that will occur on Dec. 11th.

*Work on grade level lesson Plans


*Discussed Grade Level Lesson Plans

*Everyone MUST be on the same objective and lesson plan be part of each classroom

* Teachers are discouraged are beginning to argue about what is expected, the cookie cutter lessons are affecting the way we teach

* 8th grade is establishing a way to work together per Dr. Boyd


*Work on grade level lesson plans


*Discussed Mid-term LBA’s Reading

* Discuss 6th and 7th gradte writing prompt – teachers voted to grade their own papers.

*8th grade will take persuasive Writes Score assessment on Dec. 11th

*LBA’s Reading will be taken on week Dec. 15th

*Work on grade level lesson plans


*6th and 7th grade computer LBA’s were discussed

*Discussed problem with computer testing

*Went over 8th grade Writes Score, Support is still a weak area

*FCAT Writes is on Feb. 26 – 27

*Next meeting will discuss looking at LBA’s Reading and creating Benchmark plans

*Worked on grade level lesson plans