IJAET Manuscript Editing Notes
1. A WORD version of any manuscript is required in IJAET Style.
2. All mathematical equations are required to edit in Mathtype, for example, , , , etc. Note all scalar variables should be in italic; but vectors and matrices should be in bold not italic. Check the consistency of each of all variables in the whole paper.
3. The requirements of figures
1) Coordinate Graph
2) Flow Diagram
Flow diagrams are suggested to draw by WORD drawing tools and note that
a) All texts, symbols, and numbers should be in 8pt Times New Roman, and only the first letter of a phrase is in capital.
b) The arrows are required to drawn in smallest size, e.g.
For example:
4. References: All references should be edited in the styles given in IJAET template.
1) Journal style:
Authors, “Paper title,” full Journal name not in abbreviation, vol. ??, no.??, pp. ???-???, month, year.
2) Published Conference Proceedings style:
Authors, “Paper title,” in Proc. of full Conference name not in abbreviation, Place, Date, pp. ???-???.
2) Referring IJAET Template for other styles. Authors are encouraged to refer formal academic journals and conference papers, other references such as Patent, Standards, and Handbook should be in IJAET Template styles.
5. All authors’ biographies with formal photos should be included at the end of regular papers. The simplest example is as follows:
Author name was born in Place, Country, in Year. He received the Bachelor in ???? degree from the University of ????, city, in Year and the Master in ?????? degree from the University of ???? , city, in Year, both in ????? engineering. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Department of ????? Engineering, City. His research interests include spectral estimation, array signal processing, and information theory.