Accrediting Council for
IndependentColleges and Schools
All applications, forms, and exhibits must be prepared using a typewriter or computer, tabbed to divide the sections, and bound in a notebook or other binder.
- Part II narrative.
- The current Institutional Effectiveness Plan. If this document exceeds 20 pages in length, please provide an executive summary in lieu of the complete Plan.
- Academic Credit Analysis form for all courses offered by the institution.
- Inventory of Equipment form (page 18).
- Faculty and Administrative Summary forms (pages 19-20).
- An organizational chart with names, titles, and reporting relationships.
- A copy of the most recently completed ACICS Annual Institutional Report.
- A copy of the certificate of attendance at an ACICS Accreditation Workshop for the chief on-site administrator of the branch campus.
- Current institutional catalog including supplements.
- Complete Ownership/Control Disclosure form (pages 23-30).
The institution shall provide a suitable workspace for the evaluation team. The institution should note the number of members on the team to ensure there is adequate space for everyone on the team in the workspace. This room must be private, with sufficient table space to allow team members to comfortably review all materials, interview administrative and faculty personnel and write the report. A telephone, computer (with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Works), a printer, and basic office supplies (stapler, paper clips, pens, legal pads, etc.) should also be made available in the workspace.
The team will have lunch privately in the workroom. Please have lunch menus available (sandwich and salad menus are preferred). The lunch period is used to assess the progress of the visit. The institution is expected to provide and pay for lunch for the team. Coffee, cold drinks, water, and breakfast snacks (bagels, muffins, donuts) would also be appreciated by the team.
Institutions are requested to place the following materials in the room provided to the evaluation team while at the institution.
1.Current Information
a. / Class schedule including course names, numbers, titles, room numbers, class times, names of instructors, and student enrollment by class period;b. / Student enrollment on day(s) of visit by program and by day and evening divisions;
c. / Floor plan of facility;
d. / Staff roster and organization chart;
e. / Course syllabi for all courses;
f. / All admissions tests with answer key and test cut-off scores for each program;
g. / If ability-to-benefit students are admitted, complete documentation evidencing the relationship between admissions test cut-off scores and successful academic or employment outcomes, as well as the contract for the independent test administrator;
h. / A copy of the most recently completed Annual Institutional Report and the prior year’s ACICS Annual Institutional Report along with the complete back-up documentation. This must include information to support enrollment, graduate, and withdrawal numbers and placement information such as student name, program of study, graduation date, job title, employer name, and employer telephone number;
i. / Institutional Effectiveness Plan;
j. / Board of directors and administrative staff meeting minutes;
k. / Faculty meeting minutes;
m. / Documentation of in-service training sessions held and the schedule for upcoming sessions; and
A copy of the Certificate of Attendance at an ACICS Accreditation Workshop for the chief on-site administrator or self-study coordinator.
2.Official Documents
a. / Corporate Charterb. / Articles of Incorporation, and Certificate of Incorporation or other appropriate documentation of legal structure and ownership of the institution and a chart outlining the ownership structure
c. / Certificate of good standing; relative to an institution’s corporate statute and/or legal identity;
d. / State license and authorization to award degrees (if applicable);
e. / Most recent state and VA compliance reports;
f. / Documentation that the facilities are in compliance with local, state, and federal laws governingfire, safety, and sanitation;
g. / Documentation that the institution is in compliance with copyright laws for instructional materials utilized;
h. / U.S. Department of Education Program Participation Agreement and Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (if applicable);
i. / Reports from most recent reviews by agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education, Inspector General, and guarantee agency, as well as the institution’s student financial aid compliance audit; and
j. / Third-party contracts with other educational institutions or contracts such as JTPA.
a. / Administrative staff personnel files that include updated ACICS data sheets; andb. / Faculty personnel files that include updated ACICS data sheets, copies of administrative and student evaluations, and faculty development plans with documentation of their implementation.
NOTE:Student files will be selected randomly for review by team members.
a. / Resource and reference materials; andb. / Instructional equipment for all programs.
a. / Most recent ACICS self-study;b. / All current advertising and promotional literature, including scripts and tapes of radio and television ads;
c. / Student, faculty, and staff handbooks (if applicable); and
d. / Current catalog with all addenda.
Send two copies of the application, including exhibits and attachments, to the Council office. One must be hardcopy. The other may be on a diskette or cd-rom. All exhibits should be scanned onto the diskette or cd-rom. The application must be typewritten or prepared on a computer.
A. / INSTITUTIONAL DATA1. / Official Name of Branch Campus
2. / ACICS ID Code
3. / Street Address of Branch Campus (mailing)
4. / City/State/Zip
5. / Telephone Number (include area code)
6. / Fax Number (include area code)
7. / E-Mail Address
8. / Branch Campus Address (physical location)
9. / City/State/Zip
10. / Name and Title of Chief Executive Officer
11. / Name and Title of Chief On-Site Administrator
12. / Highest Credential Awarded
Certificate / Diploma
Occupational Associate’s Degree / Academic Associate’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree
Doctorate Degree / Distance Education (check if offered at the branch)
13. / Name of Main Campus
14. / ID Code of Main Campus
15. / Address of Main Campus
16. / City/State/Zip
17. / Telephone Number (include area code)
18. / Fax Number (include area code)
19. / Name and Title of On-Site Administrator
20. / Corporation type (check one)
Privately Held / Publicly Traded / Non-For-Profit
Limited Partnership with Corporate General Partner / Limited Liability Company
B. / PERSONNEL List each person in only one category.
1. / Number of Administrative Staff / Full-Time / Part-Time
2. / Number of Faculty Members / Full-Time / Part-Time
3. / Of the Faculty Members:
Number that hold a bachelor’s degree / Full-Time / Part-Time
Number that hold a master’s degree / Full-Time / Part-Time
Number that hold a doctorate degree / Full-Time / Part-Time
1. / Describe the admissions requirements for all currently enrolled students.
2. / Present number of regularly enrolled students:
Full-Time / Part-Time
Day / Evening
3. / Number of graduates that have completed organized courses since the institution began enrolling students
Certificate / Diploma
Occupational Associate’s Degree / Academic Associate’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree
Doctorate Degree
4. / Students are currently enrolled as:
Public, tuition-paying students / Yes / No
Private (e.g., contractual training for private corporation) / Yes / No
Government-sponsored (e.g., Job Training Partnership Act) / Yes / No
Describe the source(s) of funding for the private or government-sponsored students:
1. / Unit of credit awarded by the institution (check one)
Clock hour / Quarter Credit* / Semester Credit*
*If quarter or semester credit hour
a. / How many contact hours equal one lecture credit?
b. / How many contact hours equal one laboratory credit?
c. / How many contact hours equal one intern/externship credit?
2. / List all programs of at least 300 clock hours offered by the institution, in order of descending length. Attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary.
Name of Program / Length
of Program / Current Enrollment
in Program / Number of Grads
Months / Clock or credit hours / Day / Evening
3. / List all short-term (less than 300 clock hours) and/or specialized programs/courses offered by the institution. Attach an additional sheet of paper if necessary.
Name of Program / Length
of Program / Current enrollment
in Program / Number of Grads
Months / Clock or credit hours / Day / Evening
1. / When did the institution first become accredited by ACICS?
2. / Is this institution or any of its components accredited by another accrediting agency?
If yes, please explain: / Yes / No
3. / Does this institution currently have pending any accrediting action by another accrediting agency?
If yes, please explain / Yes / No
4. / Is any legal action of any type now pending by or against this institution?
If yes, please explain / Yes / No
Part II Narrative QUESTIONS
Every educational institution should have a mission, which is its specific purpose for existing. The mission of the institution must be stated in the school’s catalog and in other publications readily available to the public. The mission must be completely, clearly, and simply stated in terms readily understandable by a prospective student, parents, the public, and other educational institutions. The mission should be devoted substantially to career-related education and should be reasonable for the program of instruction and facilities of the institution. Each institution should be capable of demonstrating its educational effectiveness through assessment and documentation of student outcomes. This assessment must include evidence that the institution’s annual retention and placement rates are in keeping with its mission. The institution’s mission statement should be consistent with the educational and employment outcomes of its students. In responding to the questions below, please consult Sections 31100 through 31113 of the Accreditation Criteria.
1.1 / How was the mission developed?1.2 / State the institution’s mission and cite where it is found in the catalog.
1.3 / Explain how the faculty, financial resources, physical plant, administration, management, and educational activities contribute to the implementation of the institution’s mission.
1.4 / What are the provisions for ensuring that the mission is subjected periodically to critical review by the administration and faculty to determine if the institution is fulfilling its educational mission and meeting the needs of the community?
1.5 / How was the institutional effectiveness plan developed? Who is responsible for its implementation?
1.6 / What data are utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan? Explain how the data are used to a) measure the knowledge and skills gained by students and b) measure satisfaction of employers and graduates.
1.7 / How does the institution plan to improve its effectiveness?
1.8 / How is the plan evaluated? What is the schedule for evaluation?
1.9 / What are the retention and placement goals for the institution? What factors were taken into consideration when developing these goals?
1.10 / How do these retention and placement rate goals compare to prior rates and to rates at similar institutions?
1.11 / Describe the administration's plans for any changes in the institution’s mission.
1.12 / How do the institution’s programs emphasize both the achievement of vocational objectives and general education?2. ORGANIZATION
Each institution should have an organizational structure designed to promote among all staff a spirit of understanding, cooperation, and responsibility. Performance standards and monitoring controls need to be employed to insure adequate administrative functioning. The annual budget expenditures should be adequate to properly implement the stated educational objectives of the institution. In responding to the questions below, please consult Sections 31200 through 31203 of the Accreditation Criteria.
2.1 / Describe the governance, control, and corporate organization of the institution and cite where it is stated in the catalog.2.2 / How does the administration ensure that faculty and staff clearly understand their duties and responsibilities, the person to whom they report, and the standards by which the success of their work is measured? How is this documented?
2.3 / How does the administration monitor and evaluate activities of faculty and staff?
2.4 / Describe how the administration provides for the professional integrity of the staff and the academic freedom of the faculty. How is the institution’s policy for ensuring academic freedom communicated to faculty?
2.5 / Describe the institution’s grievance policies and procedures for students, employees, and other interested parties. How are students, faculty and administrative staff made aware of these policies?
2.6 / Describe any plans for the improvement of the institution’s organization.
Each institution must coordinate its administrative functions to best serve its educational mission. All staff should be well trained to carry out administrative functions. Detailed record keeping enhances the management of the institution. In responding to the questions below, please consult Sections 31300 through 31303 of the Accreditation Criteria.
3.1 / Who is the institution’s chief executive officer and/or onsite administrator and what are that person’s qualifications for this position?3.2 / How does the administration provide for continuous evaluation of the following functions:
3.2.1 / Programs of study
3.2.2 / Student activity programs
3.2.3 / Guidance services
3.2.4 / Financial aid services
3.2.5 / Instructional procedures
3.2.6 / Instructional resource services
3.3 / What evidence is on file to verify degrees of professional staff whose degrees are listed in the catalog?
3.4 / What records are kept relative to the following areas:
3.4.1 / Financial aid activities
3.4.2 / Admissions
3.4.3 / Curriculum
3.4.4 / Guidance
3.4.5 / Library or instructional resources
3.4.6 / Instructional supplies and equipment
3.4.7 / School plant
3.4.8 / Faculty and staff
3.4.9 / Students (how are the student files organized?) and student activities
3.4.10 / Annual Institutional Reports
3.5 / If applicable, what specific testing records and academic and career advising records are maintained by the institution for students admitted under an abilitytobenefit determination? Provide a copy of the analysis of the institutional study evidencing the relationship between admissions test cut-off scores and successful academic or employment outcomes.
3.6 / What procedures are used to obtain evidence of high school and/or college graduation or equivalency certificates with scores?
3.7 / What grading system does the institution employ to indicate student progress? What is the system of credit used? Is a transcript maintained for each student? How is the grading system explained on the student’s transcript?
3.8 / How are records and reports (e.g., student, staff, financial) housed so that they are safe from theft, fire, or other possible loss? If the institution utilizes computerized record keeping, what are the back-up procedures?
3.9 / How long are student records maintained by the institution?
3.10 / Identify who is responsible for oversight of all academic programs and faculty performance. Describe their qualifications for this position. If their academic and experiential qualifications are not related to the programs of study offered by the institution, explain how they are able to oversee all programs of study.
3.11 / If any faculty members teach a course outside of their academic major or minor, list their names and describe for each, how the administration determined their qualifications to teach their assigned subject(s). How are the qualifications documented?
3.12 / Describe any plans for improvement in the institution’s administration.
An institution’s methods of attracting and retaining students often are subject to scrutiny and are of considerable concern to the public, to other educational institutions, and to the Council. An institution’s recruitment efforts should be devoted to locating and informing students, in a professional and dignified manner, who the institution can best serve. Recruiting practices contribute to an institution’s image. Each institution also should strive to ensure that its financial relations with students reflect the highest ethical standards and are in conformance with all state and federal laws and regulations. Each institution is required to develop a program of student personnel services that is consistent with its stated mission. Such services should support the educational program and reflect the institution's concern for the welfare of the student. In responding to the questions below, please consult Sections 31400 through 31442 of the Accreditation Criteria.
4.1 / What is the institution’s admissions policy? Does the policy differ based on the credential awarded or program of study? Explain how the admissions policy adheres to the institution’s mission.4.2 / If applicable, what is the admissions policy regarding enrollment of ability-to-benefit students?
4.3 / What records are maintained by the institution which reflect the basis for the admission of each student?
4.4 / Describe the institution’s student recruitment program.
4.5 / How are admissions representatives trained, compensated, and monitored?
4.6 / Describe the institution’s policies and procedures regarding incoming transfer of credit. Where are these policies and procedures published?
4.7 / Who administers the standards of satisfactory academic progress for the institution?4.8 / How does the institution determine if a student is making satisfactory progress according to the institution’s policy? Who reviews the student’s records and advises the student? Who monitors probation? How is attendance verified? How is the cumulative GPA and percentage of successful course completion verified?
4.9 / If the institution sponsors institutional scholarship, grant, or loan programs, describe them and provide how they are publicized.4.10 / Provide evidence that the tuition, fees, and other charges for all students who enrolled at the same time are consistent. If they are not consistent, explain.
4.11 / What are the institution’s refund policies and procedures?
4.12 / What are the qualifications of the financial aid officer? In what activities does the financial aid officer participate to keep up to date on changes in financial aid programs?
4.13 / If applicable, describe the system for counseling students regarding their student loan repayment obligations. What is the institution’s cohort default rate for the last three years?
4.14 / If applicable, describe the institution’s cash discount policy and provide evidence that it has been approved by the Council.