Workplace Inspection Checklist - Manufacturing
This list is not fully exhaustive and is to be used for guidance only.
Amend it to suit your workplace by deleting sections that do not apply or adding sections as necessary.
Inspector(s): / Date:Location:
Machinery / Yes / No / Comment
Are all dangerous parts guarded?
Are all guards in good condition and properly secured?
Does the guard adequately prevent access?
Are all guards working properly?
Are guards inspected frequently?
Are stop/start controls clearly identified?
Are stop/start controls in working order?
Can the machine be positively isolated for maintenance work?
Confined Spaces / Yes / No / Comment
Do rules/Safe Systems of Work exist?
Do employees know rules, Safe Systems of Work?
Are rules/Safe Systems of Work being followed?
Storage / Yes / No / Comment
Do stacks restrict access or visibility?
Are stacks correctly bonded to prevent collapse?
Is there a laid down maximum stack height?
Is there a procedure for damaged pallets etc.?
Is racking in good condition?
Are there signs of impact damage e.g. by forklift truck?
Is there evidence of overloading of racking?
Personal Protective Equipment / Yes / No / Comment
Are PPE requirements known by employees?
Are PPE requirements identified by signs/warnings in workplace?
Is PPE used by employees?
Transport / Yes / No / Comment
Are drivers trained and authorised?
Are daily vehicle pre use checks carried out?
Are vehicle faults reported?
Are attachments e.g. reel handling devices checked before use?
Are passengers ever carried?
Do drivers obey rules and signs?
Are correct driving techniques followed?
Workplace / Yes / No / Comment
Is workplace well organised, generally clean and tidy?
Are gangways/stairs kept clear?
Are handrails provided on stairs?
Is edge protection fitted to mezzanine floors?
Are floors and stairways in good repair?
Is there a system for cleaning up spillages?
Is lighting satisfactory?
Is emergency lighting necessary?
If emergency lighting is provided is it tested on a regular basis?
Are raw materials, work in progress, completed work and waste stored correctly and safely?
Fire / Yes / No / Comment
Are all extinguishers in correct place?
Are all extinguisher locations/fire points clearly marked?
Is there a system in place to inspect/check and refill extinguishers?
Are all exits free from obstruction?
Are any fire doors wedged open?
Can the alarm be heard in all parts of the workplace?
Is the alarm tested regularly?
When was the last fire drill?
Is there a policy banning smoking in the workplace?
If there is a smoking ban is there evidence that it is not being followed/obeyed?
Electricity / Yes / No / Comment
Are there sufficient sockets?
Are extension leads/cables banned?
Are electric hand tools low voltage (or battery operated)?
Are Residual Current Device’s in use in `wet’ areas?
Are control panels/master switches clearly marked and unobstructed?
Is any equipment damaged?
Is there a regular inspection procedure?
Are qualified electricians employed or used?
Are there isolating switches for every piece of static/fixed equipment?
Pressure Vessels / Yes / No / Comment
Are Pressure Vessels (PV) identified by serial number?
Is the Safe Working Pressure clearly marked on PVs?
Are pressure release mechanisms fitted?
Have the PVs and pressure release mechanisms been tested?
Is there a record file for each piece of equipment?
Is there a written system?
Are PVs safely positioned?
Are gas cylinders used?
Is there a correctly designed cylinder store?
Are there any procedures for emergencies?
Ladders / Yes / No / Comment
Is there a register of ladders?
Are all ladders numbered or identified?
Is someone responsible for regular inspections?
Are users trained in use of ladders?
Workwear/Clothing / Yes / No / Comment
Is the correct attire available and in use?
Does attire fit wearer?
Do supervisors encourage use?
Do supervisors set good examples?
Are replacements for dirty/damaged workwear readily available?
Cranes, Lifting Equipment & Operations / Yes / No / Comment
Are cranes & lifting gear regularly examined?
Are records kept of examinations?
Are the Safe Working Loads of cranes and gear clearly marked?
Are the driver(s) trained and authorised?
Have all lifting operations been risk assessed?
Flammable & Hazardous Substances / Yes / No / Comment
Are flammable or highly flammable substances used in the workplace?
Are quantities of flammable/highly flammables kept to a minimum?
Are empty containers regularly removed?
Are contaminated wipers kept in closed bins?
Is smoking prohibited?
Is everyone aware of smoking ban?
Are there any naked flames or other combustible sources?
Are hazard warnings displayed?
Is there an emergency system in place?
Are employees aware of system and trained?
Are harmful substances used in the workplace?
Have COSHH assessments been carried out?
Have results of COSHH assessments been given to staff?
Are substances clearly marked?
Is the workplace adequately ventilated?
Is there a system in place for emergencies?
Signs / Yes / No / Comment
Are adequate signs and signals displayed?
Does everyone understand signs and signals?
Are signs and signals obeyed?
When redundant are signs and signals removed?
Workplace Inspection Programme - Guidelines
It is highly desirable that a programme be set up to monitor and inspect the workplace. Such an inspection programme will:
· Enable control measures to be checked
· Enable work practices to be observed
· Permit the monitoring of risk management performance
· Provide a mechanism for identifying hazards
An inspection programme should initially identify the areas to be inspected and the frequency of inspection. Some one should be made responsible for carrying out inspections.
For each area to be inspected, a checklist should be prepared. The checklist should include the most significant hazards and the controls that are expected in the area. It should include not only physical features such as checking that guards are in place and goods are being stored in the correct areas, but should also include checks to see that the correct working practices are being followed.
The attached checklist should be edited to reflect your workplace and the hazards that it might contain.
Inspection Records
When inspections are carried out, a copy of the relevant checklist should be taken with you. Each item should be ticked or crossed as appropriate and comments recorded if needed.
Workplace Inspection Checklist Manufacturing